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Is the masculine look on women popular in Poland?

1 Jul 2011 /  #1
I've noticed that some Polish women go for a more masculine look. One example would be Edyta Sliwinska but I've seen quite a few Polish girls mimic her look. Is this a trend?
f stop  24 | 2493  
1 Jul 2011 /  #2
This masculine looking Edyta?
OP Rebirth  
1 Jul 2011 /  #3
Yeah, she has a masculine face.
f stop  24 | 2493  
1 Jul 2011 /  #4
how can other girls mimic a masculine looking face?
George8600  10 | 630  
1 Jul 2011 /  #5
Yeah, she has a masculine face.

Those would be her genes....not necessarily something someone chooses to go for; you're more or less born with them.
f stop  24 | 2493  
1 Jul 2011 /  #6
she is very fit... maybe that's what he means.
OP Rebirth  
1 Jul 2011 /  #7
Those would be her genes....not necessarily something someone chooses to go for; you're more or less born with them.

Well I wasn't sure if there was some make-up trick. I'm not a fruit cup so I wouldn't know.

she is very fit... maybe that's what he means.

No, I was referring to her face. It seems like a typical look for polki.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
1 Jul 2011 /  #8
Edyta Sliwinska maybe macho for a Polish woman.

But, She seems to be about average masculinity for Western European women.

She is like very feminine compared to the average Black woman.

What is the so called Masculine look?
What is the look that is Masculine?

You either are or you aren't.

She didn't seem to wear something masculine.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
1 Jul 2011 /  #9
I've noticed that some Polish women go for a more masculine look.

we've had posts before that mention this. some women have a masculine look, as some men have a feminine look.
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Jul 2011 /  #10
It is very rare to find polish women with beards.
OP Rebirth  
1 Jul 2011 /  #11
we've had posts before that mention this. some women have a masculine look, as some men have a feminine look.

Yes, but it seems more prevalent among Polish women. I've noticed many polki have that typical look that Edyta Sliwinska has.

I'm not trying to insult Polish women either since some men do like masculine looks.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
1 Jul 2011 /  #12
I'm not trying to insult Polish women either

it's difficult to think otherwise. but i have to agree that the percentage is noticeable.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
1 Jul 2011 /  #13
One example would be Edyta Sliwinska but I've seen quite a few Polish girls mimic her look.

Nothing masculine looking about that girl...Its more the angle of the camera Id say - look at these photos of her

but i have to agree that the percentage is noticeable.

I really cant agree - I know you live in Poland but having visited 3 times, I didnt see the women as being masculine looking, rather the oposite...

  • 600fulledytasliwin.jpg
OP Rebirth  
1 Jul 2011 /  #14
Its more the angle of the camera Id say

You gave a worse camera angle with that photo. The girl on the right is not her unless that's an immense photoshop job.

She is definitely masculine looking and there are many Polish women with this look.



Even with heavy make-up, the masculinity is still noticeable.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
1 Jul 2011 /  #15
but having visited 3 times, I didnt see the women as being masculine looking, rather the oposite...

True Polish girls have soft delicate Slavic features not ruff masculine faces, he just found one example and proclaims it's all of them.
OP Rebirth  
1 Jul 2011 /  #16
not ruff masculine faces, he just found one example and proclaims it's all of them.

Actually, Edyta has a very typical look that many polki have.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
1 Jul 2011 /  #17
Polish women tend to be amongst the most feminine, unlike many Brazilian and Asian women.
OP Rebirth  
1 Jul 2011 /  #18
general Polish women are masculine looking.

Not in general, but it is common...
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
1 Jul 2011 /  #19
Asian men look feminine.

Asian men (Orientals) are not men but little boys, except for Pacific Islander like Samoans, or Tahitians who are big men.

Polish women tend to be amongst the most feminine, unlike many Brazilian and Asian women.

well said Seanus, Polish and other Slavic girls, Czech, Russian, Ukrainian are pretty, delicate, feminine girls. Brazilian girl are overrated some (with Portuguese or other European ancestry) are good looking those from the local Amazonian Indians or black are ugly. As for Asian, no boobs, no ass, short, flat monkey looking faces. I'll pass.
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Jul 2011 /  #20
Only germanic women can display the harsh features of the SS.(square jaws,small breasts etc).Slavic women appear soft by nature(actually some told me they try to change the color of their hair in an attempt to appear stronger etc).
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
1 Jul 2011 /  #21
True Polish girls have soft delicate Slavic features not ruff masculine faces, he just found one example and proclaims it's all of them

I still dont think she looks masculine, she is attractive..but has strong features.

Asian men (Orientals) are not men but little boys, except for Pacific Islander like Samoans, or Tahitians who are big men.

Ive seen some attractive looking Korean men...defo not feminine looking..or maybe I like that cute look..

Annie Lennox is beautiful, but a lot of men would find her masculine, personally I find her striking:

  • Annie.jpg
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
1 Jul 2011 /  #22
Only germanic women can display the harsh features

That does appear to be a far more common trait amongst them.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
2 Jul 2011 /  #23
I ntoice Polish women generally look more Feminine than British women but I think English women act more Feminine. Polish women are generally much more logical.

In fact I don't think I have met Women more Logical than Polish women yet.

I notice alot of Polish women are able to think with alot of logical ways with calculation & facts. Where I have not seen a single English woman who was not a prissy airhead.

Well, Maybe a few are Intellectuals but most of them are the more Sob Bleeding heart kind of intellectuals.

Polish women are also generally more tough. Like I notice alot of English women are overly prissy & sensitive.

Polish women are generally soft but have a strength to them,

But, Some English women are also very dominearing. I notice some English women always tell Men what to do. British Isles seem to have a much more Matriarchial society than the rest of Europe.

The English are Germanic and we have big boobs and ample bottoms (pear shape is common in the UK)..so this is wrong:

Don't English women have big boobs because English women are the fattest women in Europe?
OP Rebirth  
14 Jul 2011 /  #24
Edyta proudly displaying her masculine face - a typical look among Polish women.

14 Oct 2011 /  #25
I like Polish culture and I'm looking for a Polish woman. Some are pretty while many do have a masculine look. It's pretty interesting.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
14 Oct 2011 /  #27
how can other girls mimic a masculine looking face?

Grow a mustache.

Annie Lennox is beautiful, but a lot of men would find her masculine, personally I find her striking:

Nice photo; which one is she?

In his book; "Don't Mind if I Do", actor George Hamilton (who I actually met at the Playboy mansion) says this about Edyta when he partnered up with her on "Dancing With the Stars".

"My assigned partner was soon introduced to me. Her name was Edyta Sliwinska and she was so striking that I knew the only way I could upset this woman would be if I got between her and the mirror. For all her ravishing beauty Edyta still inspired confidence. ... She was tall and powerful. From the moment I met her I knew I was in good hands.

"Not to worry little prince" she fired off in an intoxicating Polish accent. While she had this sinuous body of a showgirl she had the rock-solid personality of an iron worker

Hamilton continues (I found this part hilarious)

"I quickly made a two-hour film in my head featuring Edyta driving a team of mules across the Polish countryside, while fighting off invading Mongol warriors. Then - and only then- taking time to self deliver her baby in the field."

Oh, what the heck; here is George and Edyta.......

From Hamilton's book: "Don't Mind if I Do"

"For every complaint I had about my diminished capabilities, Edyta had a ready answer; "Because of my broken ribs, I have a little dip and twirl problem" I malingered.

"I can dip and twirl myself, no one will ever know the difference" she assured me with only the slightest touch of narcissism."

pawian  226 | 27558  
14 Oct 2011 /  #28
I've noticed that some Polish women go for a more masculine look

Yes, I noticed it too. Many women grow little moustaches. Fekiing women`s liberation!
20 Dec 2015 /  #29
Merged: polish girl

I have a long pointy nose, seems to be that only runs in the polish side of my family, and i also have blonde hair, hazel eyes, and lightskin but can tan easily. I have found that the polish nose is distinct
Librarius  - | 90  
20 Dec 2015 /  #30
The masculine look of women in Poland is very much popular. In fact this kind of woman is highly admired and called Herod-Baba.

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