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6 months with my Polish girlfriend and I still don't understand her..

Sparky359  6 | 46  
7 Jan 2007 /  #1
Well people, I have been with my Polish girlfriend for six months now.

I have been to Poland to spend time with her when she went home after working in the UK, and i even met all her family recently, but I still don't know what she wants ???? I am so confused!!

She is 28, I am 30.................

Are there any Polish guys or other guys out there who understand how Polish women think? Its driving me nuts.
7 Jan 2007 /  #2
Dude,polish girls are mostly stupid,you cannot make em happy.
They want EVERYTHNIG, but they give you nothning ! Marry her and you wil loose your life
dziadek  3 | 64  
7 Jan 2007 /  #3
Those are just stereotypes. Nationality does'nt have any influence on personality.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
7 Jan 2007 /  #4
Nationality does'nt have any influence on personality.

nationality does influence your personality... its inevitable...

... but nationality doesnt make you a stereotype...

Dude,polish girls are mostly stupid,you cannot make em happy.

you speak from experience... did you get burned...?
Eurola  4 | 1898  
7 Jan 2007 /  #5
i even met all her family recently, but I still don't know what she wants ????

Sorry Sparky, but maybe she is just not into you and you're wasting your time...
7 Jan 2007 /  #6
Why that if ...

I have been to Poland to spend time with her when she went home after working in the UK, and i even met all her family recently

this happened??

Is this something that happens when you introduce your Boyf/Girlf to your family after 6months ... then nothing happens in a relationship ... because i dont see the logic in that ... why did Boyf/Girlf in first place introduce family to you seems a little pointless in my view :(
krysia  23 | 3058  
7 Jan 2007 /  #7
sparky, if you guys don't understand each other, you are not on the same level and your relationship might never work out. There might be a communication problem or you and her are just not meant for each other. You don't 'click' together.

In the future, if you go on the way you are now, not understanding each other, you get married, things won't get any better! And a divorce will be the solution, then she will blame you and you her for ruining each other's life!!!

You have to communicate, understand what she wants if you truly love each other. Don't keep a barrier of misunderstandings between you.
And if you still cannot understand what she wants, or don't like it, then find someone else, because life is too short to waste on trying to figure out what she wants if she doesn't tell you.
Sparky  - | 92  
7 Jan 2007 /  #8
First of all I am Sparky
This is some hijacker named Sparky 359
So if you are going to reply to this guy you better not confuse us.

No don't worry about it I will go get a new handle.....
I think I will make it Sparky 358
OP Sparky359  6 | 46  
8 Jan 2007 /  #9
Thanks for the advice everyone especially krysia,

I am coming to that sort of conclusion about the situation, perhaps its just not meant to be!

It just seems weird that when I was in Poland for Xmas and New Year visiting my father, brother, sister etc, that she would invite me on a 12hr journey to stay at her home and meet her parents, siblings and their partners??? Doesn't make sense.

When I first got together with her, she did say she finds it hard to show her feelings, and her best friend always tells me really positive stuff which she told her after my visits?

Need a holiday! :-) :-) :-) So does my head!
13 Jan 2007 /  #10
iam looking for polsih woman
i love em and they hard to get along with them
14 Jan 2007 /  #11
Well people, I have been with my Polish girlfriend for six months now.

6 MOUNTHS ONLY??? :) :) :) :) :) :) :) I am 3 years with polish girl and still i am trying to find her planet:) :) :) :) Dont search to much you will get crazy:)!!!
OP Sparky359  6 | 46  
15 Jan 2007 /  #12
Hi apsou,

"Trying to find her planet" I like that :) :)

At least I know I'm not the only guy trying to understand his Polish girlfriend.

Perhaps I should hang on in there for a bit longer???
15 Jan 2007 /  #13
i have an irish man and im polish so perhaps i can help u?:)
well, our first year was very hard coz he visited me in poland only 2 times and we were on the phone for hours.Im very moody so sometimes i wasnt even talk to him but he did his best and he was ringing me all the time!!!every day.I think nationality is important coz i just couldnt get irish humor and i was confused and angry at him hihi when he said something anapropiete(i dont know how to spel it).And he didnt understand my behave aswell!Now after nearly 2 years together everything is easier coz we just know each other very good.I have to admint that he was vey patient, i was crying v often getting angry and everything:)Now I can just say **** it, like irish do :)

6 mounths is short time u just have to be strong polish girls needs attention of that im sure:)
15 Jan 2007 /  #14
I challenge any man anywhere to tell me how a woman thinks? Doesn't matter where they are from men and women are just different.

Don't stress just ask her what she wants. Quite easy.
Example of possible sentence.

"My Polish princess you are making me feel uneasy and strange in my head, because we aren't communicating, please tell me what your worries are and what you want or need. I love you and just need to figure out how we are doing."

If she doesn't respond, **** knows. Go and get drunk.

In response to Matrix (possibly Manser)
"Dude,polish girls are mostly stupid,you cannot make em happy.
They want EVERYTHNIG, but they give you nothning ! Marry her and you wil loose your life ".

Matrix you are ageneralizing KUNT Shut your mouth, grow up and come back when you have something sensible or constructive to say. Paul if you are matrix, you need to sort your **** out.

I'm tired of people and their bloody generalizations based on their petty ******* existences.

Faces it we are all ants, we are all gonna die, life is pain. And when you are dead thats it all over. So mean time whilst you are still breathing and capable, go and do something with your miserable little lifes because when you are busy you are not bored. Otherwise get yourself a decent heroin addiction, at least you will not give a ****.

Ranj  21 | 947  
15 Jan 2007 /  #15
Don't stress just ask her what she wants. Quite easy.

Most realistic response so far!
krysia  23 | 3058  
15 Jan 2007 /  #16
I challenge any man anywhere to tell me how a woman thinks?

works both ways!
15 Jan 2007 /  #17
"My Polish princess you are making me feel uneasy and strange in my head, because we aren't communicating, please tell me what your worries are and what you want or need. I love you and just need to figure out how we are doing."

I think thats perfect!!!
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
15 Jan 2007 /  #18
I challenge any man anywhere to tell me how a woman thinks? Doesn't matter where they are from men and women are just different.

A man with half an oz of brains....praise be the lord that someone actually realises that women are the same...Giles...thanks for speaking reality!
Frank  23 | 1183  
15 Jan 2007 /  #19
that women are the same.

You mean the world over A...?

PS That bottom pinching joint you wanted is New Contis in Manchester.....I think you'll have to take that diamonte thong to the dry cleaners now....lol...:)
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
15 Jan 2007 /  #20
frank it was a joke! since most guys in here seem to have a downer on english women I thought Id have a laugh! but on reflection and having read a lot of posts on here that are very demening to english women I dont really feel I want visit the board any more, to be honest I'm stick and tired of it all....
Frank  23 | 1183  
15 Jan 2007 /  #21
A....no...no please don't do that......there have been a lot of crappy topics/comments yes.......we just need a bit more moderation, plus we shouldn't all respond and or feed the trolls...I know its hard, but we need to control ourselves too...partly our fault for getting over wrought /caught up in challenging rubbish posts........how about it?

PS I'll show you my thong if you show me yours..........

PPSS I am joking too...:(
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
15 Jan 2007 /  #22
Actually its not just English also the way Polish women and in general women around the world are slagged of.....Its quite pathetic the way we are catorgorised and look upon or down upon.....I came here looking to learn something and on a positive note there are some lovely inteligent people but on the flip side......:(
Frank  23 | 1183  
15 Jan 2007 /  #23
but on the flip side

Theres always a flip side A...we can never get away from it...soz........

Education and society setting example can only go so far, but primitive derogatory comments/attitudes are barely concealed in some people lives/societies...we just have to keep banging away.....
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
15 Jan 2007 /  #24
But its alway the same old when it comes down to English women and as an English woman who doesnt sleep about looks after her self and can hold an inteligent conversation...Im finding it hard to cope with the insults....my shoulders are only so broad!
OP Sparky359  6 | 46  
16 Jan 2007 /  #25
Hi people,

Yeah, at the moment I could quite easily give up on her, but there is something about her that makes me hold out longer, don't know what? Love? and I am sure the same can be said for her in a way, although she once told me she finds it hard to show her feelings?

Nationality, well I thought that having a Polish background would help me (father, brother, sister etc) well, I suppose it has in a way. Trying to learn the language at the moment, and have approached a lawyer in Warsaw to apply to get confirmation of citizenship to get a passport etc.

To me six months seems like a long time, and the relationship should be well established by now and blooming, perhaps I am mistaken?

I have booked a flight to Warsaw on Thursday, but she says she might be busy that weekend, so good job it was only a low cost airline.

Does anybody think that family has an influence on how Polish women act? perhaps they think about what their parents and older generations will think about what they do?

Krysia, could you translate what Giles wrote please;

"My Polish princess you are making me feel uneasy and strange in my head, because we aren't communicating, please tell me what your worries are and what you want or need. I love you and just need to figure out how we are doing."

Do think it's worth chucking that her way, don't want to do anything to make her back off, but on the other hand I need to know,

Thanks everyone.
16 Jan 2007 /  #26
woul u like to translate it to polish?
OP Sparky359  6 | 46  
16 Jan 2007 /  #27
Yeah, if anyone could translate it, that would be great, thanks
16 Jan 2007 /  #28
i can translate it:)

"Moja polska królewno,sprawiasz ze czuję sie niespokojny, i zmieszany gdyż nie porozumiewamy sie.Proszę powiedz mi czym sie martwisz, czego poczebujesz lub czego oczekujesz.Kocham cie i musze wiedzieć o co chodzi w naszym związku, i do czego on zmierza"

is pretty much the same with little changes but meaning is the same.
good luck!!!!
OP Sparky359  6 | 46  
16 Jan 2007 /  #29
thanks incognito
16 Jan 2007 /  #30
you welcome:)

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