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Long-distance attraction. I am attracted to a Polish guy.

OP nymph888 2 | 31  
6 Mar 2010 /  #31
:) yah, i'd find it out when I get to talk with him.. if it doesnt work it, then I'll probably just send the link to this thread to him as a remembrance then I move on :) life's like that, anyway :)

I'll keep you updated guys!
Arien 2 | 710  
6 Mar 2010 /  #32
do polish guys like it when women are direct?

Well, Polish women can be direct sometimes.

skysoulmate 13 | 1250  
6 Mar 2010 /  #33
When I say exception, i refer to skysoulmate's note earlier that there are 2 more races in Asia who do smile more than the rest of the asians mentioned above :)

Actually you confirmed what I said earlier... Did you notice which two Asian nationalities I exempted from my pseudo-scientific findings? ;)

That's really sweet to hear. I feel the same way too, after having traveled to different places in asia, north america and europe for work. The food choices, beliefs, cultural differences fascinate me more and more. Traveling indeed made me appreciate the differences in each individual!

Agree, traveling ROCKS!

Though, when it comes to falling for someone... i'm just back to basics :) I guess I've spent too much time in work that now, i sound so naive in this matter and i had to post it up! :)

Totally understand. By the way to answer another of your questions - how would I feel if I found out someone created an online thread about me? I'd be flattered without a doubt.

Good luck!


thankfully most men take the initiative..

Thankfully some women do too! ;)

Promise to keep us posted..obviously not in any great detail..

Agree! Also, I don't mind great details... LOL

...I was born in the Philippines. And have lived in Singapore and Canada for the past decade now. :) Though people in Singapore do not smile a lot, it's a good place to work especially in IT and banking industries :)

Love the Philippines, beautiful and very friendly people. We usually fly into Manila and use Clark as our alternate.

Singapore, ah, Temasek, the Garden City is my favorite spot in Asia. I visualize it as the best of Asia, Europe and America all put in one spot. We usually stay at the Pan Pacific and I love just hanging out there. Many Europeans live there too. Last time we were there I hung out with a couple of Finnish nurses (or maybe even doctors, I couldn't figure out their titles) who'd been working there for some 3 years and they loved it.
OP nymph888 2 | 31  
6 Mar 2010 /  #34
Actually you confirmed what I said earlier... Did you notice which two Asian nationalities I exempted from my pseudo-scientific findings? ;)

yup i did :) though that's based on your pseudo-scientific findings, i agree to that!

Totally understand. By the way to answer another of your questions - how would I feel if I found out someone created an online thread about me? I'd be flattered without a doubt.

really? even if you are not interested with someone who posted the thread? ;) well, that's good to hear :)

Yup, i love the Philippines too, inspite of everything there is hahahah... i mean, how sad the government has performed :) well, that's another story, and each country has its own yah. But generally, filipinos are known to be friendly folks... many thanks for your compliments :)

As for Singapore, it's indeed a man-made heaven, where convenience and safety are the topmost priority. The place is great, and everything is in place in terms of governance and policies... and well adhered to. True, there are a lot of Europeans here now. And they seem to be enjoying the sun more :)

Though I don't get to spend more time here in Singapore lately, as I am doing a project in Malaysia, so I only get to come back here on weekends, and yes, like airports now are my second home!. When the project is done, then I'll get to hang out in Singapore as often again (for the in-between project break) :)

Hopefully, I'll get to invite him here in Singapore if things turn out well too... ;)
skysoulmate 13 | 1250  
7 Mar 2010 /  #35
Hopefully, I'll get to invite him here in Singapore if things turn out well too... ;)

...or better yet take him to Penang for some snorkling and/or scuba diving? ;)
OP nymph888 2 | 31  
7 Mar 2010 /  #36
oh yah, that's a good idea :) I'm not just sure if he is into that yet. I know he likes skiing tough :)

By the way, I guess he is now back in Poland... I've received a message in skype "Greetings from Poland!". I was still sleeping then :) With the time difference, I hope I'll get to be online when he is :)
skysoulmate 13 | 1250  
7 Mar 2010 /  #37
Copy & paste - Very warm greetings from Malaysia - "Bardzo ciepłe pozdrowienia z Malezji"

(hope I didn't screw up my Polish translation)

Good luck
Matowy - | 293  
7 Mar 2010 /  #38
In my opinion, being direct in this situation would pay off. You're both busy adults with little time to waste on games, and with this physical separation things can deteriorate FAST. Tell him what you feel, ask if he is interested... time is of the essence.
OP nymph888 2 | 31  
19 Apr 2010 /  #39
hey guys,

just a short update to end this thread....

We continued to communicate online to this day... whether something good will come out of it... i don't know yet. All I know is, I like him... even more than he likes me. Though, he does maintained a level of politeness and respectfulness in most of our conversations.

We are yet at the getting-to-know stage. I find him to be a traditional guy. A little bit slow paced. As to how he perceived me to be... this i am not sure. If only there is a book to read all the signs, haa, it would be such a relief...

For now, well, i can wait... for true love, i believe, has it's own time...

thanks everyone for all the replies... i really appreciate those.

Have a fine week ahead!
19 Apr 2010 /  #40
Now, I'm back at work, in Asia. And he will be back in Poland soon.

Ok, this looks like a classic case of (ignore the texts) he doesn't want a relationship with you! Ignoring someone usually does the trick at getting across to someone that you aren't interested.

(Missed call) chances are he had a few beers, felt a bit horny and thought I will ring that bird, when the ale wears off he will probably think... why is that bird's number on my phone? She's a trillion miles away.... oh no for fks sake no more Stella for me!

Sorry but that's more that likely the truth, these people are just skirting round it!

p.s I'll **** you!
southern 73 | 7059  
19 Apr 2010 /  #41
And he will be back in Poland soon.

Guy in eastern Europe is lost case for women of other nationalities.
hola_chika - | 8  
30 Jul 2012 /  #42
Now, I know we could probably be chattin' or keepin' in touch once in a while (maybe 2 weeks from now).

Hi nymph.. aww so glad that ur pinay as well. ur post made me go back to the memory lane when we were still dating with my ex polish bf. I agree, polish guys are really charming. LOL. am glad that ur still keeping the communication. Just go with the flow. enjoy his company and dont think too much. hehehe. good luck xx

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