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I want to find a Polish girl and get married to her. Your advice can change my life.

Jro  2 | 8  
21 Feb 2011 /  #1

Explore and express love. I want to find a polish girl and get married to her.
Currently, I am not in Poland. I work as a Software Analyst.
This is the first time I have posted any problem here, hoping to get some way OR some direction OR some positive advice to achieve this, while I am busy exploring and trying other ways on my own. Two minds are better than one to solve any problem.

Thanks in advance for your positive support and advice.

P.S.: Please accept this as a problem, and please suggest some solution.
convex  20 | 3928  
21 Feb 2011 /  #2
Just Polish? Why not Ukrainian, Belorussian, Moldavian, Russian?
OP Jro  2 | 8  
21 Feb 2011 /  #3
Please accept this as a problem, and please suggest some solution.
Wroclaw Boy  
21 Feb 2011 /  #4
Please accept this as a problem,

Its a world wide problem for men mate.

and please suggest some solution.

Try dating Polish girls if you find one you like and the feeling is reciprocated, boom.
21 Feb 2011 /  #5
I want to find a polish girl and get married to her.

If you provide us details, of this lost girl we may be able to assist in your quest,

Currently, I am not in Poland. I work as a Software Analyst.

Wroclaw and Krakow have many IT companies.

while I am busy exploring and trying other ways on my own. Two minds are better than one to solve any problem.

What other ways are you trying?
rabidbavib  - | 20  
21 Feb 2011 /  #6
exploring and trying other ways on my own

A net is the most effective
OP Jro  2 | 8  
22 Feb 2011 /  #7
Thank you a lot to all those who understood my problem and suggested some solution.

Here is what I have understood as a solution:

I'll find a job in Poland (as suggested by warszawski), and then I'll try Wroclaw Boy's solution. And meanwhile I'll explore more on the internet (as suggested by rabidbavib)

Thanks for the advice.
mario22  - | 4  
26 Feb 2011 /  #8
hello im from palestine study in palestine lookin for apolish girl any help
Dreadnought  1 | 143  
2 Mar 2013 /  #9
Aha...more Passport fishers from outside EU.....their desperation is pathetic.
Maybe  12 | 409  
2 Mar 2013 /  #10
Perhaps it is understandable. i'm sure if i lived in a third world ********, i'd want to get out.

Not that i agree with fishing for passports, but it is understandable.

Figures which are nigh impossible to calculated are the number of people from different countries around the world, who DIE every year trying to get into Europe illegally.
1jola  14 | 1875  
2 Mar 2013 /  #11
.their desperation is pathetic.

More pathetic than replying to a two year old dead thread?
Dreadnought  1 | 143  
2 Mar 2013 /  #12
Do you know, I wonder what I would do?.....I mean if I were one of these third worlders.....on the outside trying to get in to civilisation? I suspect in that situation I would fight tooth and claw, I would kill if necessary to get to live somewhere civilised......I have been where they live and to me it would probably be better to be dead.
APF  4 | 106  
3 Mar 2013 /  #13
Why are you trying to find a girl here in a forum?? Just go out! You are foreigner .. Polish girls will eat from your hands ..

Down here in the Kebab store, the 62 year old owner has a Polish girlfriend .. so you see, it is easier then easy to marry a Polish girl.

One hint: When you date a girl, go for dinner with her and order prawns or strawberrys in chocolate .. those kind of foods look "rich" for those women ..

A other question you should aks yourself .. are you so desperate to marry a Polish girl??
Abraham  - | 8  
3 Mar 2013 /  #14
Jro/I'll find a job in Poland (as suggested by warszawski), and then I'll try Wroclaw Boy's solution.

hey buddy , do you already have a one you want to move to her in poland or you dont have any dreams
or any previous plans so you want to move there for nothing in the hand yet!!!!!
THEN why Polish????

Dreadnought/ their desperation is pathetic.

you know what its not just pathetic ITS Summit Ribaldry and meanness and the humbleness to have a passport by a lady like to make


Maybe/ trying to get into Europe illegally.

Because of racism hh
4 Nov 2013 /  #15
I am a Polish girl actually so I completely understand why you want to find a polish lady too! For those of you who keep asking "why just Polish women" we are extremely hard working, understanding, polite, family oriented as well as tradition oriented, and we also let the man lead the family, we respect our husbands, and we take great pride in disciplining our children. We raise strictly but with love. We also cook very well!!! So here is my advice for you, depending on where you live, find a good Polish restaurant. Polish waitresses are very nice and will warm up to you quickly, we are after all very friendly! If that does not work, I am not sure when it is but I know that there are Polish fests in Milwaukee and somewhere else in WI. WI is very populated with Polish and German ladies. Just remember to be polite and open! Hope that helps!
1 Jul 2014 /  #16
I want marriage with poland girl's i am just 18 years old my cell number +923155459393 i m from Pakistan my email naeemakbar85@Gmail.com
Dont gag me yo  7 | 155  
1 Jul 2014 /  #17
]Girls? dude here is EU one cannot have 4 wives ,legally atleast :D and does this number accept foreign collect calls?incase I find someone who will be interested to get you in the eu?
Rana Mehmood  
3 Jun 2015 /  #18
Hey! anybody can help me i want to marry with Polish girl. I'm currently in Pakistan. please contact with me my email is ranamehmood74@gmail. I'm waiting your response.
Shizuka  10 | 44  
3 Jun 2015 /  #19
I feel so sorry these guys who need to get a wife to just get a visa.I've seen girls from developing countries got married to way too old guys for visa.

I am glad I was born in one of richiest countries in the world.I always thank my parents ...Hope they will find a polish wife..
3 Jun 2015 /  #20
Why would you hope so?we don't want them in Poland!take them to Japan.
Shizuka  10 | 44  
3 Jun 2015 /  #21
Because they say they want Polish ones for some reason.We Japanese already have a lots of those kind of people,having problems...so keep them in Poland lol.
3 Jun 2015 /  #22
You know very well what the reason is.Now i don't mind them at all in other countries but some day i will return to Poland i don't wish to have to deal with them there.Poland already has enough problems even without them.
From Wroclaw  
6 Jan 2016 /  #23
Hi, I am a Polish woman 29, single and attractive. I live in Wroclaw. I speaki English and would love to meet a guy from an English speking country. You can get in touch with me at:

6 Jan 2016 /  #24
Jro : Please accept this as a problem

Such guys should attach their photos here and girls will measure the size and seriousness of their problems .....
befranklin  1 | 41  
7 Jan 2016 /  #25
Hi, I am a Polish woman 29, single and attractive.

You can be sure hes a troll, any guy asking for advice on how to meet a girl on this forum isn't worth your email.Besides that did you notice that the original post is from 2011. There are better ways to meet an English speaking guy from a worthwhile county such as the US, New Zealand or the UK unless you like those guys from the middle east who are poor, dirty and want to make some Polish white girl miserable so they can get a visa.
Honest Pole  
16 Jan 2016 /  #26
Anybody wanting to marry a polish woman or to have children with her should seriously reconsider this because Polish family courts are extremely hostile to foreigners and men(Polish family courts may even be most biased against fathers in the whole of Europe) in general. In case of divorce you're going to get financially raped and as a man you won't have even the slighest chance for custody in Poland.

Polish courts are also known for their ridiculous and unjust rullings too here for example a polish guy is being forced to pay 15x higher child support than his entire income.

16 Jan 2016 /  #27
" forced to pay 15x higher child support than his entire income" Other EU countries could learn from this instead of having to support children through social care, The parents are responsible for the child and the child should come first. maybe if the guy owns property or another asset such as a car he could sell it and pay his dues.
Honest Pole  
16 Jan 2016 /  #28
Yeah sure he should also sell his organs to enrich polish woman.

" forced to pay 15x higher child support than his entire income"

By the way through this post of ''dolnoslask'' you see parasitic attitude of many polish women. They love to land rich yet gullible foreigners in their trap so be warned.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
16 Jan 2016 /  #29
you see parasitic attitude of many polish women.

I'm sorry for you, having a mother like that must have been hard on you.
Honest Pole  
16 Jan 2016 /  #30
Nah my mother is hard working though you and your mother mother seem to experience with this and I know how many polish women operate.

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