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Why are young Poles turning away from Church and religion?

pawian  219 | 24592  
12 Aug 2019 /  #1
Facts are relentless - more and more young Poles prefer to keep far from religion. Each year it is getting worse. In 1996 18% declared atheism or indifference, in 2018 - 38%.


Before we get down to deeper analysis, a little story about certain mural which certain priest didn`t like, More exactly, the rooster painted by local children as a symbol of the countryside. The priest said the rooster is a symbol of betrayal and falsehood. (biblical story of Peter betraying Jesus).


I imagine the children`s reactions to priest`s critique. They and their parents heard it during Sunday mass service.

That is one of the great ways of sowing the seed of doubt in children`s minds. Later, being young adults, they will be prone to believe that everything what the priest says is a pack of lies and absurdities.

Who wants that?

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Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
12 Aug 2019 /  #2
Religion and church are not required to believe, observe the ten commandments, and be a moral person.
I wouldn't be surprised if some treat going to church and making a donation as some form of credits for the past or future bad behavior. Like that line: he paid his debt to the society, so all is cool.
OP pawian  219 | 24592  
12 Aug 2019 /  #3
Religion and church are not required to believe, observe the ten commandments, and be a moral person.

That`s a good remark, indeed. However, how many of those who leave the Church will remember about the 10 commandments and all the rest?
johnny reb  46 | 7516  
12 Aug 2019 /  #4
Why are young Poles turning away from Church and religion?
It's part of the fulfillment of prophesy of the end times my friend.
This was prophesized to happen over 2000 years ago.
Anyone that goes to church and reads their Bible understands this.
To the unbelievers this will just be silliness to them.
Watch and see as this thread progresses.
Lenka  5 | 3471  
12 Aug 2019 /  #5
will remember about the 10 commandments and all the rest?

I don't think you have to remember the 10 commandments at all, you just have to follow certain, quite universal, moral rules. Not to mention that as soon as you stop with the church thing you can throw the first three out of the window.

To the unbelievers this will just be silliness to them.

Do you pay attention to the shaman' vision or some buddist monk's predictions?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
12 Aug 2019 /  #6
However, how many of those who leave the Church will remember about the 10 commandments and all the rest?

We learn 99% of things elsewhere - by instruction, observation, and experience. I paid 100 bucks for violating the red light right turn enough times to know the cause and effect so I don't do it anymore. No sermons, no nothing, just common sense and the relatively mild pain of parting with the money.

Every time I raised my voice to my wife, I suffered the silent treatment.
And so it goes. No priest involved.

But, even as an atheist, I strongly believe that removing religion from the American schools was a mega blunder of biblical proportions. Humans need core values. God-free schools removed them, offered nothing as a replacement, and we have been paying dearly ever since for this act of stupidity.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
12 Aug 2019 /  #7
Humans need core values.

And humanism has taken over. Not that you would think it..........
Crow  154 | 9207  
12 Aug 2019 /  #8
I know. May I speak and not to be accused to abuse somebody? I mean, many gentle people here.

So, see, young Poles maybe desire Polish national Catholic Church and plus wants Church to show respect to Svetovid. I think these things may be reason.
Lenka  5 | 3471  
12 Aug 2019 /  #9
No Crow. Really, not.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
12 Aug 2019 /  #10
Yes, Crow, I think you are right. A growing number of young Poles ask themselves about Sventovid and nothing is going to change that.
Crow  154 | 9207  
12 Aug 2019 /  #11
Truly, why Polish Catholic Church wouldn`t show respect to Svetovid as doing Orthodox Church in my country? Poles also deserve respect.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
12 Aug 2019 /  #12
I think the Polish Catholic Church really should do it. But the problem is that the Church in Poland doesn't want to accept anyone else as deity except Jesus Christ. They don't want any serious "competition" from Svetovid since they fear the clergy could loose some of their priviliges.

Tell me, how does the Orthodox Church respect Svetovid in your country?
Crow  154 | 9207  
12 Aug 2019 /  #13
Jesus is God of love, solidarity, understanding and compassion. Some people don`t need falsely to interpret Him. Svetovid isn`t competition to Christ. Christ is God and Svetovid is respect of our oldest ancestors. Simple, its something ethnic our. We Christians aren`t Muslims to give up from our ethnicity.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
12 Aug 2019 /  #14
No religion is better than the next if your (editorial) basis is the craziest crap in their books. It's what the followers do with the crazy staff: ignore it or apply it is written.

Like the Muslims who are stuck somewhere in a single-digit century.

The gospel of Rich Mazur.
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
12 Aug 2019 /  #15
There are many factors including decrease of rural and farmer population who are prone to traditional lifestyle and formal religiousness. Western mass "culture" and media.
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
12 Aug 2019 /  #16
The same malaise affecting the entire Continent has come home to roost in Poland!

Once a near bastion of strict Catholicism, she too has fallen victim to much of what has all but
decimated religious practice throughout much of the world.

Here in the US, as has traditionally been the case, rural America staunchly stands by the three
"G's" - G-d, Guns, and Guts. Urban America has nearly always been predominantly irreligious,
indeed, hedonistic.

Poland is finding that she too can run from the inevitable, but she can't hide.
12 Aug 2019 /  #17
more and more young Poles prefer to keep far from religion

I think most young Poles would identify as being Catholic, but these days I think that has to do more with tradition and culture than them actually wanting to attend church.

Most young Poles I know in the UK have little to no interest in religion, despite their parents attending church. I know teenage girls who have had to be more or less dragged to their Conformation.

Having said that, I also know parents who never go to church but still make sure make sure their children are baptized, go through First Communion, , Conformation etc. Seems strange to me, but I figure it's to keep older family members happy.

This generation haven't had to suffer hardship as their parents and grandparents had, when people turned more to the church for help and comfort in times of crisis. Todays generation of Poles have fully embraced more liberal values than their parents, and just like their Western counterparts, have in my opinion, become shallow and money orientated.

Obviously this doesn't apply to all young Poles, but certainly there are less Poles attending church overall.

Humans need core values.

They do, but a person can be a good and decent human being without needing to go to church. One doesn't need to be a Christian to be a good person. Equally, some Christians display anything but Christian behaviour.
johnny reb  46 | 7516  
12 Aug 2019 /  #18
Do you pay attention to the shaman' vision or some buddist monk's predictions?

Actually the Holy Bible with Jesus Christ's inspired words to his apostles.
The Bible is the handbook of life as everything you need to know to live a righteous life for your eternal salvation is in it.

The pagans here are not familiar with it I see.

removing religion from the American schools was a mega blunder of biblical proportions.

Rich those are the most intelligent words I have heard spoke in this thread yet.

And humanism has taken over.

Just shows you how powerful Satan is doesn't it.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
12 Aug 2019 /  #19
rural America staunchly stands by the three "G's" - G-d, Guns, and Guts. Urban America has nearly always been predominantly irreligious,
indeed, hedonistic.

Let me guess. Where people are rare, the next guy is my friend who can help me or I can help him. In the cities, the next guy is a criminal or at least a competitor for space everywhere - on the road, on the sidewalks, in the stores, at the parking lots, in hotels, restaurants, or at the DMV office. Hence, I hate him.

JR, thanks for that comment. I am capable of saying something like this once in a while.
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
12 Aug 2019 /  #20
Religion was never "removed", as you put it, from ANY American classroom! First, mandatory school prayer was later made voluntary,
subsequently, replaced (though not gotten rid of) by so-called "Religion class", giving an overview of the Bible in relation to other world
teachings such as The Upanishads, The Qu'ran, The Bhavagita etc., seeing the Western Bible within a broader context.

This is not the same thing at all as saying that religion has been somehow taken out of our education:-)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
12 Aug 2019 /  #21
Wrong. What they kept is not our religion, Christianity, as a moral compass, but teaching ABOUT religions. The difference is the size of the Grand Canyon. You are free to pretend that chasm is just a little groove in the sidewalk.
Miloslaw  21 | 4928  
12 Aug 2019 /  #22
One doesn't need to be a Christian to be a good person. Equally, some Christians display anything but Christian behaviour

I think the above are the wisest words in this thread.
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
12 Aug 2019 /  #23
...as you are (perfectly) free to your own opinions, sir, only not to your own facts!!
If you speak about the right to teach the distinction between "Creationism" vs. "Evolution", any US school is currently free to do so.
You can thank the great Clarence Darrow for that. Sure, he lost the Scopes Trial big time, yet, he brought to all our attention that

it was in the end, America's right to THINK which was on trial, and not merely one American school teacher, John Scopes, brave
enough to challenge bigotry and ignorance:-)

Check out "Inherit The Wind" by Lee & Lawrence. Greatest line in the entire play: "A thought is a greater monument than a cathedral",
spoken by Henry Drummond aka Clarence Darrow himself.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
12 Aug 2019 /  #24
If you speak about the right to teach the distinction between "Creationism" vs. "Evolution",

If you are referring to me, then quote me without ifs and paraphrasing. If I wanted to get into "Creationism" vs. "Evolution", I would have done that.

So, I will repeat my main point:

What they kept is not our religion, Christianity, as a moral compass, but teaching ABOUT religions.

John Scopes, brave enough to challenge bigotry and ignorance:-)

That's a conclusion. I need the specifics to pay attention to those meaningless words.
Miloslaw  21 | 4928  
12 Aug 2019 /  #25
A growing number of young Poles ask themselves about Sventovid and nothing is going to change that

3 this year and 1 last year is a growing number of Poles.
Young Poles regard themselves as Catholics, but most don't attend church and I would say that the majority are agnostic.

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