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Typical for the Poloniandists

21 Sep 2012 /  #91
I entirely see you point. Mine was that certain self-proclaimed Polonia come here and project their own failures onto other people: they completely failed when they came here and had to return to mummy and daddy with their tails between their legs, or they are still living at home with mummy and daddy (and perhaps busha) despite being in their 40s, and so they assume that anybody else who came here from the 'west' fails as they did. The reality, however, is very different.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Sep 2012 /  #92
they completely failed when they came here

It's why they seem to think that we've failed - they couldn't hack it in Poland (no doubt partially because they discovered that their family didn't welcome them with feasts and alcohol before 12pm) and so they're pushing it on to us.

In fact, among the regular posters actually living in Poland, are there any failures here? I'm thinking of people like warszawski, sobieski, pip, etc - all successes.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
21 Sep 2012 /  #93
Mine was that certain self-proclaimed Polonia come here and project their own failures onto other people: they completely failed when they came here and had to return to mummy and daddy with their tails between their legs, or they are still living at home with mummy and daddy (and perhaps busha) despite being in their 40s, and so they assume that anybody else who came here from the 'west' fails as they did.

aaah.........true, I have met at least 2 last year. They do have a problem with adjusting and making it, at least some do. However, there are many Westerners who fall into that category as well. I have met many. The majority leaves and never returns. Poland is taught and if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. I don't know the statistics, but that would be interesting to see. The fact is that there is a whole spectrum of people and I don't have to explain this to you. As for success, I think that it depends on the individual.

Poland is a Wild West for some:D

PS. you have been on this forum for a while , so I am sure you recall many Westerners who have left the country, but used to post here in the past.
21 Sep 2012 /  #94
they couldn't hack it in Poland (no doubt partially because they discovered that their family didn't welcome them with feasts and alcohol before 12pm) and so they're pushing it on to us.

Either that or they are too frightened to even try (and so still live at home with mummy and daddy). Ah well, their loss (and no doubt Poland's gain).

Poland is taught

Definitely not: Poland is learned (very often the hard way).
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
21 Sep 2012 /  #95
Definitely not: Poland is learned (very often the hard way).

I meant : tough- typo
f stop  24 | 2493  
21 Sep 2012 /  #96
Again I'd ask you to produce a single quote in which I condemn all persons that claim Polish heritage but are not living here,

LOL, you still not going to make me re-read your sh!t. I'll just assume that you don't do it.
So when you say Polonia, I'll just substitute some person you just can't stop fighting with.
BBman  - | 343  
21 Sep 2012 /  #97
Thanks for that BBMan, perhaps you can excuse my reply until I get to a computer? My daughters are still awake but why waste their time on racists like you?

You're one of the top racists and liars on PF. How many times have you been banned?

A bit - I had an interesting interaction with one chap who was as racist as it gets. He came to Poland to "escape the blacks", constantly talked about how much money he had and how stupid Poland was for making him get a residence permit, and generally moaned and complained about absolutely everything here. He was, unsurprisingly, a medical student.

Generally speaking, they don't do too well here.

wow, you met 1 am pole who happened to be a moron so now you think all am poles are like him.

Why not? I suppose that after so many years here, they are already running language schools ..... :):):)

A few determined ones open their own schools, but most are not that successful.

Haven't you read the garbage that the Polonia are publishing and saying in North America?

The only polonia publishings i see are mini newspapers that are mostly full of advertisements of polish-canadian busineses in the area and some news articles from poland/world. I look through them occasionally as i'm doing my shopping at the polish deli but as of yet i haven't read anything crazy. I really have no idea what you're talking about.

I stand by what I said - most of what you sent was unwanted junk. The fact that you've got so defensive about it says the same thing - that you were sending your poor stupid cousins whatever cheap garbage you could find there, mainly because they would have no way of finding out. And Polish stores weren't largely empty during the 1980's - Jaruzelski solved that problem. A little heavy handed, perhaps, but the problem was solved.

You need to head over to your local library and read some books. Or maybe ask some middle aged poles in poznan about life in the 80s. Shortages of everything were common place.

I wonder how you would know that this things sent over were garbage? You and your family were in scotland living a life that eastern euros only dreamed of.

Well, can you blame us when you see self proclaimed members of the Polonia posting all manner of hateful racist stuff on this site?

You and harry have been banned numerous times for racism and trolling. You are the real racist on here, you're in denial.

delphiandomine,what is that based on that North American Polonia are nothing but peasant emigrants?

He hates americans and is jealous that the polonia has found more success abroad than he has outside of his native UK. Plain and simple. He has never produced any evidence to suggest that the entire polonia is comprised of a bunch of prostaki. There are prostaki out here, but there are tons of them in Poland as well. Some stayed in PL, others migrated.

But actually, what makes them stand out the most is this belief that they are somehow better than ordinary Poles. Look at the posters on this thread - you can see a very nasty superiority complex running through them. BBman is a great example - he thinks that he's better than the rest of them because his Polish family are racist backwater village morons. Yet - in the very same post - he goes on to attack us.

p3undone: Here is evidence of delphi making up stories. I've never once said i was better than anyone else and my family is from wroclaw, not a village. This guy is a joke and a troll, no wonder he has been banned so many times now.

I can assure you that only a very small minority of British people dislike you because you are American; all the rest have a healthy dislike of you for the simple reason that you are you, i.e. a deeply unpleasant racist individual.

I'm not american:)

I was actually invited to come here by the Polish government to train teachers. I understand that when you came here, you came to teach English and I also understand that you were unable to actually do that, but please try not to judge other people by your own failures.

Strike 2, i'm not an english teacher. You're on a roll today.

The racism, the narrow minded thinking and the simple reality that people of means wouldn't have emigrated, especially in the early days of the 2nd Republic.

Their language, too. Are you familiar with the word "Busia" by any chance?

Not sure if you're referring to the polonia that left poland during the 2nd rep. when you're attacking the polonia, but hardly anyone with that distance polish heritage actually openly talks about their polish heritage. Greek and italian canadian/americans ? Yes. Not poles.

And maybe you could fill me in on the word busia because i've lived in canada almost my whole life and the first time i heard of this word was when you started posting it on PF.

Either that or they are too frightened to even try (and so still live at home with mummy and daddy). Ah well, their loss (and no doubt Poland's gain).

Why would some like me want to move to another country when i have it so good here?
legend  3 | 658  
21 Sep 2012 /  #98
Awesome post BBman. Well said.
Wroclaw Boy  
21 Sep 2012 /  #99
It might be a good post if BBman was older than 25, but hes not so it isnt. If he was he wouldn't have written it and i doubt you would have agreed with him.
22 Sep 2012 /  #100
You're one of the top racists and liars on PF.

Really? So you would have no trouble at all in posting a few of the racist statements you claim I have made and a few of the lies you claim I have told, would you? So kindly do so. Or admit that that statement I have quoted is just another of your lies.

And when I say "another of your lies", yes of course I can quote your lies. Here's one:

You and harry have been banned numerous times for racism

I have never once been banned for racism. Your claim is a lie.

I'm not american:)

Where is Canada in your opinion?

Although I do very much appreciate the irony of a person who gives their location as "Canuckistan" calling me a racist. Thank you for that laugh.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
22 Sep 2012 /  #101
Harry,I can understand how someone trying to tell you what's best for Poland when they don't live there or never even been there can be annoying.This is why,though I am American Polonia that I don't do this,but I do want to learn about Poland the land my ancestors came from.I would like to be able to discuss Polish issues.This is why you will not hear me chiming in on these discussions about Polish issues very often,I am not armed with enough knowledge and is why I joined PF.It's not because I feel this need to want to be part of Kryu(I believe this is how it is spelled)I am an American first and foremost and when I hear people downing American Polonia(I'm not saying specifically you) I see this as downing Americans because being American it's hard for me to differentiate the difference.Can you see where I'm coming from?Though y'all may be referring to specific individuals it can give this impression.
22 Sep 2012 /  #102
when I hear people downing American Polonia(I'm not saying specifically you) I see this as downing Americans because being American it's hard for me to differentiate the difference.Can you see where I'm coming from?

Let me put it this way: when you hear non-Americans putting down the KKK, do you see that as those people putting down Americans? Although of course I must point out that only some members of American Polonia are racist morons, while for the KKK that is an entry requirement.
BBman  - | 343  
22 Sep 2012 /  #103
It might be a good post if BBman was older than 25, but hes not so it isnt. If he was he wouldn't have written it and i doubt you would have agreed with him.

Wrong again :)

Where is Canada in your opinion?

You're just being childish now.

This is why,though I am American Polonia that I don't do this,but I do want to learn about Poland the land my ancestors came from.I would like to be able to discuss Polish issues.

Well according to harry and delphi, you (and i) are nothing more than "dumb polaks" (use to search function to see how many times delphi used this racist slur + i believe he was banned for it) for trying to learn about your heritage or maintain ties with your family in poland. Millions of candians/americans like to learn about their ancestry, never thought anyone would consider this to be dumb.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
22 Sep 2012 /  #104
Millions of candians/americans like to learn about their ancestry

The difference between you and the rest of the world is that you take the whole ancestry thing far too serious... ;)
22 Sep 2012 /  #105
Well according to harry and delphi, you (and i) are nothing more than "dumb polaks"

Harry/delpi duo usually go for a more sophisticated, in their opinion, term "Plastic Poles". They are elitists in their own lunchtime after all; that high school diploma of theirs, obliques.
22 Sep 2012 /  #106
No BBMan, 'dumb polaks' are racist liars. You are clearly a racist, as shown by you calling people from the Indian subcontinent "pakis". You are clearly a liar, as shown above. See why you might be called a dumb polak?
Less777  - | 48  
22 Sep 2012 /  #107
Are you people for real? Debating who is qualified to take part in a discussion forum? lol!!!

Why don't you introduce exams?lol
David_18  65 | 966  
22 Sep 2012 /  #108
Harry and Delph being dumb as usual :)
p3undone  7 | 1098  
23 Sep 2012 /  #109
Well if everyone was in the KKK then I would have to say that you were putting down all Americans and then rightfully so How many of the American/Polonia here have made all kind of racist responses to give that kind of impression that American Polonia are racists.Lol you have a point with the KKK response.I'm saying that it's hard for me to differentiate since I'm an American,not that I was right in that thinking.And since you say you are not blanketing all of the American Polonia that is a group,there would be no need for that KKK response unless you're saying this group is as them.I don't think you would be saying that just individuals in the KKK are that way.

Delphiandomine,so can you see where I'm coming from in my replies to you and Harry?
4 eigner  2 | 816  
23 Sep 2012 /  #110
I hope, we all agree that to condemn an entire nation or ethnicity is wrong. It sucks really bad when one hates the Jews just as much as it sucks when one hates the Pol-Ams. It's hard to understand how the same people who show so much understanding for human rights, can hate the Jews or the Pol-Ams at the same time. So if you guys are really as smart as I want to believe you are, at least try to co-exist if nothing else is possible.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
23 Sep 2012 /  #111
4 eigner,I know that those two are really sharp,so it's hard to understand why they let certain Polonia(particularly American) get into their heads.I see enough people openly complain on these threads that although it may not be intended,it seems as if they are lumping everyone together.I know these guys are too intelligent to be doing this purposely,So I would hope that they would qualify their statements more often,delphiandomine,though I know who you perceive as fitting your description,but you do sometimes make blanket statements and though I know your not boxing every one in,I would ask that you refrain even if you have particular Polonia in mind,I figure that sometimes you forget because as I said I know your an Intelligent guy and are not that narrow minded.As I said to Harry I understand that it can be frustrating when people try to tell you that basically their more in touch with Poland than you who lives there are,I don't blame you for being irritated one bit,but we all have the ability to use discretion in what's being said.Don't take this as a slam because I'm telling you how I honestly see it...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Sep 2012 /  #112
i believe he was banned for it

Lying again. You really ought to stop such behaviour.

Millions of candians/americans like to learn about their ancestry, never thought anyone would consider this to be dumb.

It's very dumb when you try and paint yourself as 100% PURE POLISH like a typical Polish-American dumbass without actually realising how difficult it is for anyone in Poland to actually claim this. It's even dumber when you use words that aren't Polish yet you think they are because you're too stupid to open a dictionary.

and though I know your not boxing every one in,I would ask that you refrain even if you have particular Polonia in mind,I figure that sometimes you forget because as I said I know your an Intelligent guy and are not that narrow minded.

The problem is p3 that attacking individual posters isn't allowed, so making blanket statements about the stupidity and racism of Polonia is the only way forward.

(you must admit - anyone using the word "Busia" or similar is worthy of being called dumb)
p3undone  7 | 1098  
23 Sep 2012 /  #113
As for Busia I don't know what it means I have to be honest with you.Blanket statements are not the only way to go."I've noticed that there are some Amer/Pol I'm not saying that all,say this that or the other thing".I know you could do better if you wanted to,because you're basically saying I'd rather insult all Amer/Pol if I can't insult it the few.Really think about what you just said.If you're going to make blanket statements it's not fair to the others man,I know you"re reasonable or I wouldn't waste my time.It's like I said;you don't have to allow those people to get in your head.I bet if you didn't reply to them they wouldn't reply to you.I don't think it is being unreasonable to ask for some discretion.Is this asking the impossible?.I have to admit that for the most part you have always been respectful to me,even before I was a mod.When you talk to people you can take them to task all you want without being insulting and just giving your honest opinion.I do it all the time and get my point across very well,wouldn't you agree?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Sep 2012 /  #114
As for Busia I don't know what it means

It's a word used by particularly dumb Polish-Americans who insist that it's a Polish word for grandmother, despite not one of them managing to prove its existence in any Polish dictionary. The closest we came was discovering the use in Kashubian, which isn't Polish. You'll find lots of examples of PF of the word being used.

When you talk to people you can take them to task all you want without being insulting and just giving your honest opinion.

Worth pointing out though P3 that perhaps I want to be insulting towards them, especially the more racist and vile ones?

I see no reason to be civilised and nice towards people who post thinly-veiled racist statements, such as the chap above who revels in the use of "paki" and other such phrases. Actually - I quite liked the use of "dumb Polack" towards them - the more they got offended by racism, the funnier it got!
p3undone  7 | 1098  
23 Sep 2012 /  #115
Delph,I know that you want to,to them,I'm just saying that I know you don't have to,it's all in your power.What if they were to ignore you,could you ignore them?Because I hate to see you guys end up getting suspended over what really amounts to foolishness when you really think about it.I have to admit that you and Harry and the other party have done a pretty decent job of staying out of each others hair so far for the most part.
boletus  30 | 1356  
23 Sep 2012 /  #116
It's a word used by particularly dumb Polish-Americans who insist that it's a Polish word for grandmother, despite not one of them managing to prove its existence in any Polish dictionary. The closest we came was discovering the use in Kashubian, which isn't Polish.You'll find lots of examples of PF of the word being used.

No son, you are deliberately lying once again. You are conveniently omitting a whole bunch of regions in Poland proper, which use the cursed B-word in a hypocoristic form. You are conveniently ignoring a hard research work of several people that have proven you wrong and who have discovered that the B-word still exists in various dialectal/hypocoristic forms in Poland proper. No amount of shouting and demagogic arm twisting will change that facts.

p3undone, please see this thread, but concentrate only on the straight facts, provided by the links in the specific messages of cyga, boletus and Porzeczka. Those are the links to scientific works, dialectal dictionaries and online sources:

+ cyga message #246: First mentions the usage of B-word in Stare and Nowe Kramsko, Lubus Land

+ boletus messages 224, 235, 255: Show links to various papers and online dictionaries which refer to that cursed B-word as appearing in various forms in

- Kociewie region: eastern part of Tuchola Forest
- Lubus Land: villages Nowe Kramsko, Stare Kramsko, Wielkie Podmokla and Małe Podmokla.
- Krajna region, between rivers Noteć, Brda, Gwda
- Regions of Wieluń Masurian dialect: left bank of Noteć (Wieleń and Krzyż), right bank of Warta (Wronki)

+ Porzeczka message #278: shows links to various papers and dialectal dictionaries, where the B-word is used in hypocoristic form in various regions

- Kociewie, Tuchola, Krajna, Chelmno, north Wilekopolska.
- Krajna, Tuchola Forest
- Borderlands of Silesia, Greater Poland, Little Poland and old Kalisz voivodship
- Wieleń, Lubus Land

I must say delphiandomine that - because of all the excesses of you two bubbas have demonstrated in this thread - you have lost all the credibility you once have had in my eyes. I used to considered you quite useful in combating excesses on the ultra right on the PF spectrum. But I do not think so any more. For once, your crusade against "busia" is fecking childish and frankly boring. As the Poles say on both sides of the Atlantic: "czepiasz się jak pijany płotu" (you stick to "busia" like a drunk to a fence), or better yet - "przyczepiłeś się jak rzep do psiego ogona" (you are like a burr attached to a dog's tail) to a totally innocent dialectal form.

you must admit - anyone using the word "Busia" or similar is worthy of being called dumb

Frankly, what do you think about anyone coming with the logic like that? How they should be called? Foolish? Silly?

I am not going to touch for a moment your multiple violations of the Forum guidelines in this thread. I might do so though if I you are going to continue your nasty way here in this thread. I'll just stick to your basic flaws of character for a moment. So lying is first. Twisting the facts to fit your own agenda is another. When FlaglessPole gave the example of his father as a "celebrated Polonian", you backpedaled and graciously renamed him as real Pole, rather than Polonian. Heck, I remember you graciously giving me the same honour as well in some other thread. But no, thank you so much, I do not fecking care for your labels. And I do not care for your foolish generalizations based on "busia" or whatever. If you want to call me moronic, unpatriotic, racist, antisemitic, narrow minded, a mongrel ( Harry's quote moved to trash as #3307: "unknown blend European blood of just Ukrainian") peasant, basement dweller - so be it. It just shows how nasty, racist, hateful, illogical and mentally disturbed demagogue you are.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
23 Sep 2012 /  #117
boletus,Thank you for the link and pointing out the generalizations.Well done.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
23 Sep 2012 /  #118
British Polonians vs Canadian Polonians 0:2 ;)
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
23 Sep 2012 /  #119
I have a feelining the two "goals" on the scoreboard will be conveniently ignored in future posts. Never refuted, but conveniently ignored.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
23 Sep 2012 /  #120
British Polonians vs Canadian Polonians 0:2 ;)

I'm not sure if it's really smart of you guys to keep splitting Polonia in two or more different camps while you're battling all Polonia opposition on PF because I don't think that you're being kept out of their criticism being Can-Poles but if that makes you feel better, I guess it's the way to go then, right? ;-)

Then again, it's not my battle so have fun and continue doing whatever pleases you.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / Typical for the PoloniandistsArchived