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Turnips on my doorstep in a Polish apartment - is it a custom?

turnip bob
30 Jul 2010 #1
I moved in to a new apartment just over a month ago and someone keeps leaving turnips outside my door when I get home from work. It's not even turnip season, is it?

Is this a weird Polish custom, is someone trying to tell me something, what's it all about?
jablko - | 105
30 Jul 2010 #2
every time you throw that turnip away you get one year of bad luck
Stu 12 | 515
30 Jul 2010 #3
Just take them inside and make a nice turnip soup. Absolutely wonderful ... ;).

Or is it some secret admirer ... :-D?
Olaf 6 | 955
30 Jul 2010 #4
In Poland it can mean similar to as a horses head in Italy.
szarlotka 8 | 2205
30 Jul 2010 #5
Dear Turnip Bob,

Did you by any chance once manage the England football team? If so it's the reporters from The Sun having a laugh.
Seanus 15 | 19669
30 Jul 2010 #6
There are always neeps around, in any country ;)
wildrover 98 | 4436
30 Jul 2010 #7
Some burak is in love with you...
MareGaea 29 | 2751
30 Jul 2010 #8
is someone trying to tell me something

It means you're gonna die a horrible death in about 6 weeks from now.


M-G (always glad to help and cheer ppl up)
wildrover 98 | 4436
30 Jul 2010 #9
Its part of an ancient Polish tradition...When the oldest spinster in the area reaches the age of 70 , and still has not found a husband , the locals seek out a suitable mate for her , and place turnips on his doorstep....

If the turnips are accepted , in other words taken into the house , then some time later the whole community will capture this new mate and drag him off to the wedding ceremony , where he will have to consumate the marriage in front of the wedding party...

i wish you a happy marriage....
Seanus 15 | 19669
30 Jul 2010 #10
Well, there was some Japanese neep that went beyond the doorstep and onto my porch without even knocking. Apparently it's acceptable there for checking meters.
beckski 12 | 1611
30 Jul 2010 #11
Turnips on my doorstep

In the United States we have a saying, when someone's completely busted flat broke, "Can't get blood out of a turnip."
31 Jul 2010 #12
" cant get blood out of a turnip"? i never heard of that one......
wildrover 98 | 4436
31 Jul 2010 #13
Can,t get blood out of a stone is the UK expression..
ShawnH 8 | 1491
31 Jul 2010 #14
We have a saying in Canada.

You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
wildrover 98 | 4436
31 Jul 2010 #15
Its no use looking a gift horse in the mouth ..after the stable door has been bolted...err hang on...?
ShawnH 8 | 1491
31 Jul 2010 #16
The eyes are the filet of the soul.
wildrover 98 | 4436
31 Jul 2010 #17
A journey of a thousand miles begins with...a broken fanbelt..!

Home / Life / Turnips on my doorstep in a Polish apartment - is it a custom?