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"Tele PRLe" Are they Kidding!

rybnik 18 | 1453
30 Apr 2011 #1
Has anybody seen this show on TVP? I'm sitting here aghast wondering how, so soon after the fall, they can kid and joke about such an oppressive time!...I guess time heals all wounds(and dulls the memory). Thanks for allowing me to vent.
grubas 12 | 1382
30 Apr 2011 #2
What are you talking about?Growing up in PRL I didn't feel that I am being opressed.Actually the current government is way more opressive then PRL was in the 80's.And remember that most of the strikes and protests in PRL had economic and political background.
SeanBM 35 | 5792
30 Apr 2011 #3
I haven't a tele and cant find it on TVN Poland.

Actually the current government is way more oppressive then PRL

Says the guy on social welfare living in north America.
Grubas, of all the asses on here, you make them look good.
OP rybnik 18 | 1453
30 Apr 2011 #4
What are you talking about?Growing up in PRL I didn't feel that I am being opressed

What are YOU talking about!?? I felt opressed and I had dollars!! You must've been on that szambo that was goin around lol
Lenka 5 | 3536
30 Apr 2011 #5
My family also didn't feel opressed.It was hard but not so bad .And you are shocked that ppl joke about PRL?They were joking about it even during PRL times so I don't understand why you started this thread.
OP rybnik 18 | 1453
30 Apr 2011 #6
I guess shocked is too strong a word. You're right. People were joking about it during the time. What I'm trying to express, evidently not well, is that the way the "panel" was reminiscing the long lines,food shortages, gas rations, ration cards, no toilet paper rolling blackouts, etc, it was all done with a fondness I couldn't relate to. As I said in the original post, I just had to vent. I'm over it now. Thanks

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