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Can you purchase Plus Mobile Polish Prepaid SIM cards online?

StempniakHockej 1 | 1  
29 Jan 2013 /  #1
I have a polish girlfriend who has a GSM international phone that she bought in Poland. She has used Plus before and always used Plus Prepaid SIM cards for service.

As a gift for Valentines Day here in the US, I wanted to give her a SIM card from Plus so that she could call her family and friends back home.

My question is, is there place where I can purchase these online or maybe a place in Poland that would ship one to the US?

If that is not possible, is there any other way for her to call back home without a contract?

MoOli 9 | 479  
29 Jan 2013 /  #2
I wanted to give her a SIM card from Plus so that she could call her family and friends back home.

Buddy ever heard of MAGIC JACK? 20$ a year covers year of landline and cell fone unlimited calls..all one needs is an internet.And have your own number.She can send one there.Again I have polish plus card which can be recharged on the there site.go to PLUS.PL. GOOD LUCK!
OP StempniakHockej 1 | 1  
30 Jan 2013 /  #3
Buddy ever heard of MAGIC JACK? 20$ a year covers year of landline and cell fone unlimited calls..all one needs is an internet.

Yes I have, but she already has a GSM international phone that uses Plus+ mobile prepaid SIM cards in order to get service. This is for her to make calls over cell networks to Poland. She does not have internet where she is staying (she is an Au Pair) and requires the use of a mobile network to call home on her phone.
10 Jul 2015 /  #4
Seems Plus cost a heck of a lot of money just for one call to customer services. Looks like I was billed at nearly 2 zl for a 30 seconds call to Plus's own customer services team during which I was cut off anyway before I even spoke to anybody. (this was to 2601, the other day a similar amount lost to another Plus customer service number.) I am quitting Plus for this reason.
PolishNewbie - | 5  
16 Jul 2015 /  #5
Play has an internet package with 4gb for 19zl. You can then add a monthly plan of unlimited data for 45 zloty.

Then just get some cheap SIP account and get calls over data... Cheap unlimited plan.

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