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Anyone else suffering from mosquito bites in Poland?

Amathyst 19 | 2700  
12 Jun 2010 /  #31
It seems quite a big allergy you developped. Try useing histamine blockers like SveniPolen suggested

Why use chemicals when garlic is the best thing, I can tell you now, I suffered for years with bits, the last time before I started to take the garlic was that bad my ankle swelled up so I couldnt walk..after that I eat garlic before and when I was away and nada! not a thing..they dont come near me! ..Call me stupid, but there may, just may be a reason why the Greeks, Italians and the Spanish have always had loads of onions and garlic in their diet and the French for that matter..
wildrover 98 | 4431  
12 Jun 2010 /  #32
Any spray with jeet in it is effective in keeping them at bay....

Incidentally do you know why women get bitten more than the guys do...? Its because the nice smelling soap and perfumes attract the mozzies for miles.... I am not suggesting you don,t wash , but if you are going to be spending some time in a mozzie area try to avoid strong smelling soaps and perfumes....
pgtx 29 | 3094  
12 Jun 2010 /  #33
why women get bitten more than the guys do...?

sweet blood...

Chicago Pollock 7 | 503  
12 Jun 2010 /  #34

Back on the mozzi topic, we've got problems in the UK with them..again its related to stagnant pools of water..

Mosquitos in the UK??? Me wlfe didn't know what a mosquito was til she came to the states. Mosquitos need 55 degree temps @ night to breed, to cold & damp in the UK, at least I thought.
PlasticPole 7 | 2641  
12 Jun 2010 /  #35
Incidentally do you know why women get bitten more than the guys do...?

Women and kids both. Kids get bitten most of all. It's because their skin isn't as tough.

to cold & damp in the UK, at least I thought.

Maybe in winter, but not in summer. Anyplace that stays warmer than 55 f in summer needs to spray for them.
Sire Brenshar 1 | 61  
12 Jun 2010 /  #36
For the love of God, do NOT use sprays or other chemicals, they are harmful to EVERYTHING, what is a few minutes of discomfort compared to a few years more of life (actually it's not as bad as that).

There is plenty of natural repellents, I use them all the time when I go to Kaszuby for Harcerstwo (the one in Canada, by the way. And Mosquitos there are HELL {I won't even get started on how bad it is})

EDIT: Also is it true that leg hairs are protection against nasty bugs? Seems to work for me, and I'm not even in full manhood yet.
richasis 1 | 409  
12 Jun 2010 /  #37
For the love of God, do NOT use sprays

unless you're spraying from an AK-47
tankacz 3 | 17  
20 Jan 2011 /  #38
Merged thread:
Allergy to mosquito bites...any advice ?

What I have tried so far :

Wrist and ankle repellant bands.
Mosquito repellant sprays and wipes.
Anti allergy tablets and cream.
Putting either scotch tape/nail varnish/tiger balm on bites.
Staying in a dawn and dusk.

I will be moving to Torun in July/Aug and the Mosquitos have given me a hard time in the past.
Is there any thing else I can try to minimize the chances of being bitten or to relieve symptoms once I have been bitten ?

I realize the obvious answer is to live somewhere without mosquitos but I want to move to Poland and hope the little blighters won't make it too impossible for me to stay. What time of the year do they turn up and for how long do they stay ?

Any advice greatly appreciated :-)
20 Jan 2011 /  #39
Marmite sandwiches - though whether that's crueller to the patient than the mosquito I couldn't say :)
tankacz 3 | 17  
20 Jan 2011 /  #40
Lol - Iv'e never heard that one before :-)
Luckily I love Marmite and will happily try it - Thanks.
Wroclaw Boy  
20 Jan 2011 /  #41
Insect repellent needs to contain DEET to be effective on mosquitoes, anything else just forget it.

But dont inhale that shite when spraying yourself, its nasty stuff.
Olaf 6 | 955  
20 Jan 2011 /  #42


Anyone knows where to buy this in Kraków? I don't see it in Bomi & Alma.
20 Jan 2011 /  #43
The best stuff I've tried is unfortunately not sold in Poland (owing to it being technically illegal here) is Jungle Formula. The DEET percentage is higher than what can be bought in Poland.
Wroclaw Boy  
20 Jan 2011 /  #44
The DEET percentage is higher than what can be bought in Poland.

I think it needs to contain 50% DEET for the best effect, you can buy it at Boots in the UK.

agent orange anybody?
20 Jan 2011 /  #45
Anyone knows where to buy this in Kraków? I don't see it in Bomi & Alma.

Kuchnia Swiata will have it, although at a fairly high price.
Olaf 6 | 955  
20 Jan 2011 /  #46
Thanks, Harry!
Lodz_The_Boat 32 | 1522  
20 Jan 2011 /  #47
The question is: Have you noticed these little pests and what is your answer to them ?

Why dont you keep your place cleaner? ... in this way the problem will be less. Use good and effective products to daily clear your home... just an honest suggestion.
convex 20 | 3928  
20 Jan 2011 /  #48
Clean your home of heat and people?
Lodz_The_Boat 32 | 1522  
20 Jan 2011 /  #49
No ... but clean generally, using good antiseptic cleaners daily to the floors and use brush or vacuum to your couch. Brush someones jacket when they come in. Just be careful, and hygiene. This will definitely help.
OP Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
21 Jan 2011 /  #50
Why dont you keep your place cleaner? ... in this way the problem will be less. Use good and effective products to daily clear your home... just an honest suggestion.

Read the first post again, dimwit.

u think the government were going to spray the city because my house might be dirty.
wildrover 98 | 4431  
21 Jan 2011 /  #51
Brush someones jacket when they come in.

What about throwing them in a decontamination chamber...???

I usually burn my guests clothes....
beckski 12 | 1609  
22 Jan 2011 /  #52
mosquito bites in Poland?

Omg, this subject is something I'm very familiar with. Last summer in Lublin, I was nearly bitten to death by all the damn mosquitos. The bites were some of the worst ones, I've ever experienced in entire my life. You could easily play connect the dots, with all the lovely bite marks I had on my body; especially on my legs :(

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