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Is it me or do people "seem" to live longer in Poland? Life expectancy among Poles.

spiritus 69 | 643  
26 Jul 2011 /  #1
Recently back from my annual visit to Poland it struck me again how many old people, I mean really old people, seem to be alive and kicking.

Women in their 90's are still tending farms or riding cycles.

Or are they really 60 yr olds who just look old ?

I always thought Polish cuisine wasn't particularly healthy but something seems to be working.
pip 10 | 1658  
26 Jul 2011 /  #2
they look older than they are. Polish people and Europeans in general, don't age as well as North America. North America is fatter but younger looking.
OP spiritus 69 | 643  
26 Jul 2011 /  #3
maybe their fattiness stretches the skin tighter thereby giving the appearance of youth
smurf 38 | 1940  
26 Jul 2011 /  #4
yea they just look old, Polish men die fairly young, many of the father's of my Polish friends have already had heart attacks and they're all only in their 50s.....suppose you can lay the blame on the Polish diet of pork and beer.....Polish women also turn into bigger geebags the older they get.

Nothing as angry as an elderly Polish woman.....maybe they live longer coz they are powered by their anger, I dunno and maybe the men die younger coz their women are always pissed at them.
PennBoy 76 | 2429  
26 Jul 2011 /  #5
North America is fatter but younger looking.

Thankfully I kept my good European genes and didn't become a fat slob while living here. As for aging, don't get me wrong I love Poland's climate cold winters and pretty mild summers but there isn't too much sunlight in Poland. Here sun shines whole year round while in Poland in the winter time hardly ever. Natural vitamin D essential go well being, mood and skin.
peterweg 37 | 2305  
26 Jul 2011 /  #6
I'm shocked how young people die here. Cancer, strokes they are getting it in their early fifties. I know loads of people in their early twenties whose parents have died in Poland. Nobody in the UK like that.

"but there isn't too much sunlight in Poland. "

Not so, Poland's annual hours of sunshine are equivalent to Northern Italy, higher than most of Germany for instance.
PennBoy 76 | 2429  
26 Jul 2011 /  #7
"but there isn't too much sunlight in Poland. " Not so, Poland's annual hours of sunshine are equivalent to Northern Italy, higher than most of Germany for instance.

Depends which part of Poland Warsaw (92 days) is almost equal to the NE U.S with 93 days of sunshine a year. Next is Rzeszow and Wroclaw. Kielce, Szczecin have a third less sunny days than Warsaw.

JonnyM 11 | 2608  
26 Jul 2011 /  #8
Recently back from my annual visit to Poland it struck me again how many old people, I mean really old people, seem to be alive and kicking.

Women in their 90's are still tending farms or riding cycles.

Or are they really 60 yr olds who just look old ?

Polish people do seem older than their western European counterparts due in very large part to an unhealthy diet. Added to that, people of a certain age are more visible - car ownership is lower and large numbers of people live in city centres.
beckski 12 | 1609  
26 Jul 2011 /  #9
My oldest relative is 92 years old. She has lived in Poland her entire life. She's still very active and alert, with a great memory. She is truly our family historian. She can tell you about events that took place over 60 years ago, as though they occurred yesterday :)
26 Jul 2011 /  #10
Life expectancy of EU countries:


Poland ranks 15th out of 27.

sorry, i miscounted. Poland ranks 19th from what I can see.
OP spiritus 69 | 643  
26 Jul 2011 /  #11
Depends which part of Poland Warsaw (92 days) is almost equal to the NE U.S with 93 days of sunshine a year. Next is Rzeszow and Wroclaw. Kielce, Szczecin have a third less sunny days than Warsaw.

Man, there are lies, damn lies and statistics !

Who says Poland only has "mild" summers ?
scottie1113 6 | 896  
27 Jul 2011 /  #12
Not so, Poland's annual hours of sunshine are equivalent to Northern Italy, higher than most of Germany for instance.

Not in Gdansk, I'm afraid. We've had very little sunshine this summer. I hope August will be better.

But back to the OP. This is just my experience after living here for four years, but when my neighbors (yeah, yeah-I'm American so I don't use the extra u) finally started talking to me after two years I was stunned to find out that many of them were younger than me, and I'm 63. They look SO much older, and they all were equally surprised. They thought I was 50. Go figure. Maybe it "seems" was a good question.
legend 3 | 658  
27 Jul 2011 /  #13
Compared to the rest of the world Poland has a pretty high life expectancy.

I heard this generation (in NA and around the world) might be the first where kids live shorter than their parents.
People are eating more unhealthy, less exercise, more video games, etc.

I too am blessed with my European genes and luckily I wont turn out like some of those giants (in the stomach area) here in North America. Its really sad. I hope Europe doesnt turn out like this place.
smurf 38 | 1940  
27 Jul 2011 /  #14
From your personal info

you've got so little to do that you go to someone's personal info before over-reacting to a comment they've made....wow, girl you need to get a hobby or something if you'e got so little to be doing with yourself.

Sorry for having a sense of humour I know that's kinda frowned upon in Warsaw but in the nicer parts of Poland it's still actually ok to have a joke.
27 Jul 2011 /  #15
you go to someone's personal info before over-reacting to a comment they've made

I'm not interested in the information contained in personal info , but if someone writes about Poland such stupidity like you, it shocks me and I wonder where such person comes from . Besides, I have other hobbies which are much more interesting.
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
27 Jul 2011 /  #16
but if someone writes about Poland such stupidity like you, it shocks me and I wonder where such person comes from .

Monia, don't you agree that men seem to die young. the week before and on november 1st we can notice many elderly women, but not so many men.
27 Jul 2011 /  #17
Monia, don't you agree that men seem to die young.

Honestly, no, Poles are in the norm, the trend is the same as everywhere, women live longer than men. But his comment on the situation makes no sense, look what he wrote about older women.

The older generation still holds good, as to compare conditions in which they lived (war, communism).
So do not be surprised, that the Polish men die earlier, than those from Belgium, for example.
Don`t you agree ?
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
27 Jul 2011 /  #18
i agree in part. thinking about it, due to the war and work conditions, one might expect to see more women in their 90's than men.

however, i also know of men who died in their 50's. but maybe they are small in number and only stood out because they were neighbours.

still, one can't argue with facts. there are some old folks out there.
pip 10 | 1658  
27 Jul 2011 /  #19
you can't argue that Poles do look older than their age.
27 Jul 2011 /  #20
I don`t know what country you come from , but I bet there are people who die at the age of 50 in your country too . I don`t also agree that Poles look older than other nationalities . I would rather say that polish old woman look much better, than their peers form other countries . I have these personal observations made from knowing my older family members and their friends . In Poland the problem is with health care system, which is not available enough to make special medical examinations affordable for every one, who needs them . Poor people can`t afford private hospital care and they have to wait for those procedures in NHS , for too long in some cases .
pip 10 | 1658  
27 Jul 2011 /  #21
let me clarify. as I posted earlier, Europeans in general look older than those from North America. Absolutely there are people that die at 50. My dad died at 46- he was a smoker.

I don't think it is a problem with health care. It is a problem with suntanning and smoking and general daily health.
and getting botox just makes you look older.
27 Jul 2011 /  #22
let me clarify. as I posted earlier, Europeans in general look older than those from North America

This is absolute garbage . Have you carried on any survey on that subject , BTW ? I guess not and your statement comes from you, just because you are USA national , don`t you ?
pip 10 | 1658  
27 Jul 2011 /  #23
Actually, I am from Canada. It is a true observation made by me and my husband, who is Polish and his cousin who has also been to Canada.

How would I survey such a thing? Knock on peoples doors and ask them how old they are? I have lived here for nine years- I visit Canada every year and can see the difference. All of our friends are Polish. They look older than I do. We have travelled in the U.S with Polish friends and they said the same thing- people look younger in North America.

I don't care if you agree with me, however it is true. Have you ever been to the U.S. or Canada for longer than a holiday?

Judging by your photo Monia you look older than me-even with the work you have had done, however, I am willing to bet that I am older, no botox on my face and not one wrinkle.
27 Jul 2011 /  #24
They look older than I do.

Oh , you lucky thing ,one hint , maybe you should buy new eyeglasses, LOL .

I don't care if you agree with me,

You bet I don`t care.

Have you ever been to the U.S. or Canada for longer than a holiday?

Yes, I have lived there for some time ( for longer than just holidays ) when I graduated from uniiversity ( my familly lives there ) . People constantly were talking to me ( in Toronto ) that I looked ( at the age of 24 ) like a high school student . They couldn` believe that I have finished university already.

Judging by your photo Monia you look older than me

I love this personal stuff when someone is left with no arguments in hand.

No need to be jealous , really , God made you beautiful the other way and God loves you too , LOL

the work you have had done, however, I am willing to bet that I am older, no botox on my face and not one wrinkle.

Do you really want to start some cometition with me , all right , but first post some pictures here to see your amazing preserved conditions. Is it formalin you use for everyday care ?


Sorry for being so nasty , but this poster ( pip ) is so ridiculous.
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
27 Jul 2011 /  #25
Sorry for being so nasty , but this poster ( pip ) is so ridiculous .

you have both had your say. please leave it at that and let's concentrate on the topic.
smurf 38 | 1940  
27 Jul 2011 /  #26
as to compare conditions in which they lived (war, communism).

.......and that excuses their behaviour for being nasty.....look I don't give a hoot what the situation was when they were young, it's a long time ago, gtf over it and get on with your life and stop being so miserable.

that the Polish men die earlier, than those from Belgium, for example.

yea, it's prob something to do with the diet and living conditions.

Don`t you agree ?

yes, I do, you're arguments are awesome and I'm forever in your debt.

David_18 65 | 966  
27 Jul 2011 /  #27
I always thought Polish cuisine wasn't particularly healthy but something seems to be working.

It is the zurek!

modafinil - | 416  
27 Jul 2011 /  #28
Recently back from my annual visit to Poland it struck me again how many old people, I mean really old people, seem to be alive and kicking.

When I'm out and about between 9-5 on a week day locally, the wrinklies seem to take over the streets.

Across most species, not just human, females live longer. I vaguely recall it was claimed to have something to do with birthing and cell repair.
isthatu2 4 | 2692  
27 Jul 2011 /  #29
let me clarify. as I posted earlier, Europeans in general look older than those from North America.

I notice this a lot with the WW2 veterens I work with, our old boys look like they fought in world war 2,lots of American and Canadian veterens still look barely old enough to have fought in Vietnam......

But,much of this is purely superficial, most of the time these are cosmetic differences,try telling an 85 year old Englishman to use moisturizer and get his eyebrows trimmed and he will presume you are best mates with Dorethy and want him to be your l'il totto..... where as many old American chaps seem to be positivly metro sexual in out look in comparison :)
pip 10 | 1658  
27 Jul 2011 /  #30
I see my post got deleted.

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