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What would YOU do to make life in poland better??

22 Jul 2010 /  #31
the way i understood it, he would pay what he currently takes home per month over the next 4 years until he reaches retirement age.
pgtx 29 | 3115  
22 Jul 2010 /  #32
do you think that Duck is gonna take it?

lol... i don't think so :)

How much is he offering anyways

"pobory w wysokości poselskiego uposażenia".

smurf 38 | 1940  
22 Jul 2010 /  #33
foreigners don't have to love PL.. Poles do, however.

now, that's a bit unfair,
I love it and i know other ex-pats that have made a life here and would never dream of moving home

Better roads and public transport are needed and quickly, the Euros aren't far away.
The place could do with a lick of paint, there are far too many building in the country that have turned black from weather damage, if they were painted again or power washed it'd restore some pride especially in the industrial cities like Katowice, Lodz etc. There are many many beautiful building around but they look terrible because of the damage.

I believe that Poland should stay out of the euro zone too as it'll keep things cheaper and encourage exports and investment.

Topless beaches :-)
Banning Radio Maria
Better tv shows, waaaay too much american crap on tv, like CSI, House etc.

However saying all this I think that EU has realised the potential in Poland, a big country with massive amounts of natural resources and a hard-working workforce with a high level of education, i just hope that people continue to vote for the more economically liberal minded parties than the conservative ones. But y'know patience is needed and the politicians/bankers etc should be kept an eye on so that their greed doesn't get in the way of the country's prosperity, like it did in Ireland.
aphrodisiac 11 | 2427  
22 Jul 2010 /  #34
the way i understood it, he would pay what he currently takes home per month over the next 4 years until he reaches retirement age.

that is a good deal i would think.

Better roads and public transport are needed and quickly,


Topless beaches :-)

Poland has them, look closer.

Banning Radio Maria

once the old generation will die down, so will Radio Maryja, at least those older people have something to listen to:)

Better tv shows, waaaay too much american crap on tv, like CSI, House etc.

so true, Polish TV is either political discussion or American shows going back to 1980-90 lol
smurf 38 | 1940  
22 Jul 2010 /  #35
once the old generation will die down, so will Radio Maryja, at least those older people have something to listen to:)

Would be better if they'd just play bingo or go to dances rather than be brainwashed by that gobshite, but yea you're right, they'll die off and then it'll hopefully disappear
nunczka 8 | 458  
22 Jul 2010 /  #36
Deport all of the immigrants..
aphrodisiac 11 | 2427  
22 Jul 2010 /  #37
what immigrants? There is a small fraction living in Poland, it is not Florida you know;)

Improve roads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sobieski 106 | 2111  
22 Jul 2010 /  #38
It could be nice if "The Great Unwashed" would be banned from Warsaw public transport.
Why is it they always have money for cheap alcohol but not for a bar of soap :(
DannyJ - | 129  
22 Jul 2010 /  #39
Deport all of the immigrants..

Deport all the fascists
pgtx 29 | 3115  
22 Jul 2010 /  #40
introduce ice cubes to the Poles!!!!!!
OP zetigrek  
22 Jul 2010 /  #41
Deport all the fascists

where? to uk? oh, its already happened ;P
DannyJ - | 129  
22 Jul 2010 /  #42
er wot part? where?
tygrys 2 | 290  
22 Jul 2010 /  #43
What would u do to make life in poland better??

have ice
Rogalski 5 | 94  
22 Jul 2010 /  #44
Cut down on bureaucracy. At the moment, you can get away with ignoring the more unreasonable rules because administrators seem to ignore them too, but it does little to engender faith in the system :-)
smurf 38 | 1940  
22 Jul 2010 /  #45
It could be nice if "The Great Unwashed" would be banned from Warsaw public transport.
Why is it they always have money for cheap alcohol but not for a bar of soap :(

Yea, I'm with ya there, smelly f*ckers on buses and trams is horrible and it's usually older people, don't they know that they smell?

introduce free soap
OP zetigrek  
22 Jul 2010 /  #46
have ice

put water to a freezer...

Yea, I'm with ya there, smelly f*ckers on buses and trams is horrible and it's usually older people, don't they know that they smell?

i see u really hate elders ;D

introduce free soap

maybe free water? they really save water, you know in Poland we PAY FOR WATER. ;)
jarnowa 4 | 499  
23 Jul 2010 /  #47
Stop immigration to Poland from outside Europe. This will prevent Poland transforming to a multicultural sh#thole like in Western Europe.
jablko - | 104  
23 Jul 2010 /  #48
Ey I wouldnt mind a bit more immigrants in Poland. Would add a bit flavor.
And what are those icecubes I read about, where can you buy them
NorthMancPolak 4 | 642  
23 Jul 2010 /  #49
Why is it they always have money for cheap alcohol but not for a bar of soap :(

If you're drunk, you won't realise that you need a bath ;)

you know in Poland we PAY FOR WATER. ;)

Doesn't everyone these days?

Stop immigration to Poland from outside Europe. This will prevent Poland transforming to a multicultural sh#thole like in Western Europe.

Poland will still become more multicultural if Belgians move there!
23 Jul 2010 /  #50
Fix the freakin' sidewalks. And light them.
OP zetigrek  
23 Jul 2010 /  #51
Doesn't everyone these days?

Not in Ireland. They have free water (and 2 tabs to make usage of water most difficult as it can be to not waste it to much ;D )
plk123 8 | 4129  
23 Jul 2010 /  #52
i had pizza in Chicago and i had pizza in Italy... Italy wins, even though In Chicago isn't too shabby... :)

me too and i wasn't impressed with italian's.. you do know that pizza is from Chicago and not Rome, right?

Poland has them, look closer.

yeah, small boobies. lol

Why is it they always have money for cheap alcohol but not for a bar of soap :(

try to get sloshed on soap sometime.. good luck. :D
23 Jul 2010 /  #53
#1 change from 20 hour to 24 hour clock
#2 legalize dogs as house pets
#3 allow daily newspapers
#4 allow electric lighting in parliament
#5 for god's sake : legalize finally those staplers!!!
jablko - | 104  
23 Jul 2010 /  #54
#1 change from 20 hour to 24 hour clock

I dont get it
23 Jul 2010 /  #55
it's because u r polish.
heywood100 5 | 5  
23 Jul 2010 /  #56
No Chicago pizza is way to stodgy / thick.

Bologna or Sicily for Pizza

Chicago for Cheesecake - now your talking..........
smurf 38 | 1940  
23 Jul 2010 /  #57
maybe free water? they really save water, you know in Poland we PAY FOR WATER. ;)

I know, I couldn't believe it when we got a bill for water, I mean how can they legalise putting a cost on something that falls from the sky, weird, then again it I'm from a place where it can rain for up to 255 days in the year so it's only right that it should be free

i see u really hate elders ;D

err....*awkward silence*...emm no, only ones that demand respect instead of earning it, oh and the ultra-religious one :-)
Seanus 15 | 19668  
23 Jul 2010 /  #58
More staff in key areas. Hospital workers run around like headless chickens, especially those that work in the registration area. This is unacceptable and is just about cost cutting. Oh, and a little more flexibility. It's WAY too procedural. I'm aware of the need for procedures, of course, but am also aware of reality.
OP zetigrek  
23 Jul 2010 /  #59
I know, I couldn't believe it when we got a bill for water, I mean how can they legalise putting a cost on something that falls from the sky, weird, then again it I'm from a place where it can rain for up to 255 days in the year so it's only right that it should be free

you pay not for water to be accurate but for the "transport" of water and for the cost of cleaning dirty water (ścieki) and also for warming up water.

More staff in key areas. Hospital workers run around like headless chickens, especially those that work in the registration area. This is unacceptable and is just about cost cutting. Oh, and a little more flexibility. It's WAY too procedural. I'm aware of the need for procedures, of course, but am also aware of reality.

Oh, so u were in hospital recently... sorry to hear that, I hope u r ok now :)
23 Jul 2010 /  #60
#1 change from 20 hour to 24 hour clock
#2 legalize dogs as house pets
#3 allow daily newspapers
#4 allow electric lighting in parliament
and #5 for god's sake : legalize finally those staplers!!!

Ban all unfunny foreign stand-up comedian wannabe!

*Bzi: always fond of lists*

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / What would YOU do to make life in poland better??Archived