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List of available medicines in Poland

jpl72948 1 | -  
20 Jan 2015 /  #1
I want to know if the is a list of medicines available in Poland
Looker - | 1129  
20 Jan 2015 /  #2
Yes it is - look here:
20 Jan 2015 /  #3
The list probably contains several thousands (or more) entries. It's like asking for a list of Polish last names. Be more specific )
Caprea - | 1  
10 Nov 2015 /  #4
Merged: List of medicines and legal status

Hi All

Does anyone have a list of medicines

- that are legal to be bought over the counter in Poland
- need a perscription
- are illegal

kpc21 1 | 746  
11 Nov 2015 /  #5
There is a search engine:

When you press "Leki w Polsce", you can find any medicine by its name. Whether it needs a prescription or not, it is stated in the column "Kat. dost." (category of accessibility): OTC ("over the counter", so without a prescription) or Rp ("recepta" - prescription).

The full list is available in this legal act:
Polsyr 6 | 758  
11 Nov 2015 /  #6
full list

wow very useful! Thanks
Jolah - | 1  
24 Sep 2019 /  #7
Ethyline glycol.

Is Miralax, or equivalent, available in Poland?
pawian 221 | 24284  
26 Sep 2019 /  #8
Yes, without prescription:

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / List of available medicines in PolandArchived