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Why are Polish people so obsessed with race?

NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
11 Jan 2017 /  #61
We aren't!!! We are Caucasian White in race and culture and we want to REMAIN just that. You like Egyptians then go Fking Egypt!!! You like black people and their culture then go fking Africa or whatever. You want Shariah Law then go fking Syria or Saudi Arabia. It's just THIS simple!!!
Wulkan  - | 3136  
11 Jan 2017 /  #62
I was bullied in school

Was other ethnicities bullied too or only Polish?

and the Irish kids called me "Dego", "Wop", "Grease Ball", and "Goombah".

What do those insults mean?
14 Jan 2017 /  #63
Meowmeow : Nowadays when you are against mass immigration from outside Europe, you are called racist. But from what happened in France,UK ( lot of terror attack, shariah law is the rule in some districst), it is just plain common sense to be against mass immigration. Have you not read the news about recent terror attack in germany Christmas market? Have you not read the book of Thilo Sarazin a german against mass immigration ?

I think polish people would not care about races if non white were not causing SO MUCH problems !
in USA black people make a very high percentage of inmates even though they are not the majority.
It is the same problems in France, UK and even Sweden. Sweden has one of the highest percentage of rape in the world ?
Why ? Ther is question leftist like you do not want to ask. They will have a blind eye until it is too late to change the county.

Polish people are actuelly intelligent and learning from mistakes of Westerners.
15 Jan 2017 /  #64
But it's OK too send Polish mass immigration to the rest of the world ?.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
15 Jan 2017 /  #65

Yes, because in virtually all instances it has been legal migration.

Under existing EU laws Poles have an absolute right to settle and work in any other EU state. In previous centuries when Poles migrated to Canada and the United States those too were instances of legal immigration. Those countries' Governments wanted immigrants from Poland and elsewhere in Europe.

Polish migration to other parts of the world (past and present) has been miniscule in terms of numbers.

Despite the legal status of Poles who have migrated abroad and who have gone out of their way to integrate and become contributing model citizens they and their subsequent generations of offspring have often been subjected to completely unjustified Polonophobia.
cms  9 | 1253  
15 Jan 2017 /  #66
But he did not distinguish between legal and illegal migration - just said that it was "common sense" to oppose mass migration.

Merkel's migration was legal - she said they could come without restriction. In this respect it is pretty much the same as Blair saying all Poles were able to enter the UK in 2004.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
15 Jan 2017 /  #67
In this respect it is pretty much the same as Blair saying all Poles were able to enter the UK in 2004.

Nope. A Pole has to prove he's an EU citizen. I can't cross UK, border with no ID at all.
Ironside  50 | 12312  
15 Jan 2017 /  #68
just said that it was "common sense" to oppose mass migration.

No, he asked - is it OK to send 'Polish mass immigration' to all the world. Apart from the fact that it sound retard-ish. Putted like that it make no sense and what more it is not factual. What he meant? Your guess is as good as mine. I however have better things to do than playing a guessing game with someone who obviously has a very narrow worldview.

Merkel's migration was lega

I'm not so sure. Unless German government can nullify, or unilaterally suspend laws and regulation of the German state.

In this respect it is pretty much the same as Blair saying all Poles were able to enter the UK in 2004.

Poles have been able to enter UK due to international agreements and tractates. The only 'thing' Bair done he resigned from invoking a special clause that would restrict 'free movement' from Poland and other countries for few years more - up to 12 years.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
15 Jan 2017 /  #69

Poles were among the last waves of migrant groups from Europe to go to North America. Polish numbers certainly never reached those of other immigrant groups especially the English, Scots, Germans, Italians and Irish. Between the 19th and 20th century only a little over 1,000,000 Poles emigrated to North America which averages out to 100,000 a year. Compare that to today's non-EU migrants coming to Europe at a rate of over 1,000,000 per year rather than per century.

And as mentioned although Poles were quick to assimilate they were still subject to Polonophobia by both the established populations of non-Poles in America and Canada as well as by other first and second generation non-Polish immigrant groups.

Regarding the EU there are no limits on the free movement of labor among EU citizens. So it is incorrect to refer to Poles finding work in say Germany or the UK as being "mass migration". It is simply labor lawfully traveling and finding work within the common market place. No different than a Bavarian moving to Berlin to follow a career. No different than a Californian relocating to New York to take a new job. And Poles have been consistently and highly successful in competing in many countries due to the strong work ethic, professional skills, and multilingual abilities which we bring to the table.

There is no account of Polish immigration (in any numbers) to other countries resulting in spikes in crime, establishment of "no-go zones", or pervasive and intergenerational welfare dependency.

There is no account of Poles being racist while living, working or settling permanently abroad. Indeed, Poles have long been a vibrant thread in the tapestry of many mutlicultural, mutliethnic, multiracial societies.

Regarding the cultural marxist stooge Frau Merkel she may have found some loophole so she could invite the entire world to Germany in the hope of getting a Nobel prize in virtue signaling for herself. But even her cuckold electorate certainly haven't been happy about what she has been doing and the rest of the EU rightfully balked at the pathetic, desperate attempt of establishing migrant quotas following her idiotic, unaffordable and untenable decision. So now, with her career at stake, she has been trying to reverse course by ramming through legislation to enforce integration and begin deporting hundreds of thousands of fake asylum seekers. Such damage control fixes would never have been necessary if her open-door migration policy was ever truly legal to begin with.
15 Jan 2017 /  #70
Bieganski :True. I would add that Poles have migrated to chistian nations only.
They never colonized any country in the world so they do not owe them anything.

Besides there is a global trend to say STOP to globalisation. Trump himself says NO to muslims in USA. Did not say it ?
Why Poland cannot say NO to muslim population too ?

Muslims nations can very well migrate to other rich muslims nation.
Why muslims do not go to Arab countries like Saudi arabia ?

Poles did indeed assimilated completely countries where they went.
They do not make problems like muslims do.
They do not ask to prayer room in airoport like muslims do (go to Stansted airoport fo example).
Poles employees do not refuse to handle porks in supermarket like muslims do.
They do not force conversion like in Birmingham school system.

See muslims ak lot of priveleges that non mulims do not ask.
Who want to have migrant like this ?
Islamic terrorism is only the tip of the iceberg.
They make many more problems !
Crnogorac3  3 | 658  
15 Jan 2017 /  #71
Regarding the cultural marxist stooge Frau Merkel she may have found some loophole so she could invite the entire world to Germany in the hope of getting a Nobel prize in virtue signaling for herself.

15 Jan 2017 /  #72
The hypocrisy of the word Polonophobia coming from a nation of people so racist, white and mono cultured is laughable.
Ironside  50 | 12312  
15 Jan 2017 /  #73
from a nation of people so racist, white and mono cultured is laughab

Go to Nigeria, Japan, China in fact go to most countries in the world and tell them their are racist because they have no enough people with differ skin tone amongst them. They would kill you with their laughter.
15 Jan 2017 /  #74
Someone commented that Poles are not racists outside of Poland ?.

Seems your hate follows you.

Ironside  50 | 12312  
15 Jan 2017 /  #75
Seems your hate follows you.

Talking about yourself? You follow this forum like a overripe fart for years with your pathetic excuses for 'arguments'. would you call it love?
What if I told you that it is you who display a typical symptoms of racism, xenophobia and prejudice?
Hence you're so annoying. Say what you have to say - some typical hateful HS - but don't you play a noble sort concerned about racism or whatnot. You are bad at this and none believe you.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
15 Jan 2017 /  #76
I would add that Poles have migrated to chistian nations only.

I think this shows how self-effacing, reasonable, tolerant and accommodating Poles have always been. When Poles have needed to migrate they sought societies where they would already have something in common with the wider population they were going to become a part of. And since Poland's history has been fraught with periods of foreign occupation and control this shows how much Poles value freedom and identity. So much so that they want others to preserve their own as well.

Why Poland cannot say NO to muslim population too ?...Who want to have migrant like this ?

There is indeed a war on Christianity but it isn't being waged by genuine atheists (who are actually indifferent and too small in numbers and influence) or from those who have lapsed in their Christian faith (who are also indifferent and too small in numbers and influence). Rather it comes from the well-funded religious zealots from the other Abrahamic faiths. Christianity is a trinitarian belief system. Islam is a monotheistic religion and it is no coincidence that the biggest advocates of diversity and replacement levels of migration in the West also practice their own brand of monotheism and often ally with Muslims when Western governments seek to regulate or ban barbaric Bronze Age practices like the ritual slaughter of animals and the savage mutilation of defenseless children's genitals (aka circumcision).

You can read about one such privileged swivel-eyed advocate of "selective" multiculturalism here:


Muslims nations can very well migrate to other rich muslims nation.
Why muslims do not go to Arab countries like Saudi arabia ?

I frequently read and heard accounts (pure propaganda obviously) of how unifying Islam is. But reality shows that Muslim countries are often not only the most fanatical when it comes to their religion but they are also extremely nationalistic and/or violently loyal to their numerous tribal identities. You can also find accounts of thefts, physical and sexual assaults (even on children), and murder committed by "refugees" on other "refugees" even within the holding camps across Europe. In such cases it would also fall along tribal, ethnic or racial lines.

Saudis don't want Muslim refugees from other countries because they either practice Islam the "wrong way" or what is more often the case they are simply ethnically or racially different. And why would the Saudis want to be faced with a economic and demographic crisis within their own borders when dumb bleeding heart liberals in Europe and America will gladly take the problem off their hands?
Bieganski  17 | 888  
15 Jan 2017 /  #77
The hypocrisy of the word Polonophobia coming from a nation of people so racist, white and mono cultured is laughable.

Provide the links showing where you troll pro-Zionist forums dispensing the same words of criticism.

Someone commented that Poles are not racists outside of Poland ?.

The article you provided says the woman was so drunk that she couldn't be interviewed at the time the complaint was made against her. It also said she had lived in Britain for years too so it is not clear how she still actually self-identified herself. There was no mention of a history of this kind of behavior for however long she may have lived in Poland. Therefore it is pretty apparent that there were common British cultural attitudes which played an influence on her from having lived in Britain for so long. In any event she was only given a suspended sentence and ordered to perform community service.
Crnogorac3  3 | 658  
15 Jan 2017 /  #78
cultural marxist

A picture says a 1000 words.
Crow  154 | 9207  
15 Jan 2017 /  #79
I reading evening news of many. Europe easily sliding into the war. Its hard to believe it but, that`s happening. Its chaos all over the continent.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
15 Jan 2017 /  #80

The map in the cartoon you shared is very telling with its caption "Produced by Soros Inc."

Chillingly, it's no coincidence.

Soros shamelessly outlined the following in an article he wrote titled "Rebuilding the Asylum System":

The European Union needs to accept responsibility for the lack of a common asylum policy...Each member state has selfishly focused on its own interests...the EU has to accept at least a million asylum-seekers annually for the foreseeable future.

Source: project-syndicate.org/print/rebuilding-refugee-asylum-system-by-george-soros-2015-09

Clearly Frau Merkel has been ideologically conditioned to obediently carry out her globalist paymaster's self-serving agenda rather than demonstrate true leadership as Chancellor and put the needs of her German electorate (and the wider EU) first.

Some media outlets have caught on to his scheme through other leaked documents. The DailyMail for one contacted Soros' Open Society Foundations about it and got this disturbing answer:

"We are committed to making sure that anyone who chooses to migrate-regardless of motivation-is able to do so safely and with dignity."


In 2015 Soros (who unsurprisingly has married and been divorced several times) criticized Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban anti-migrant stance saying:

"His plan treats the protection of national borders as the objective and the refugees as an obstacle. Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle."

Does Soros even live in Europe anymore? Who is he to decide the fate of other nations? It's a very safe bet that he and his family don't live anywhere near a migrant camp and certainly will never have a migrant marry into his clan.
Crnogorac3  3 | 658  
15 Jan 2017 /  #81
Clearly Frau Merkel has been ideologically conditioned to obediently carry out her globalist paymaster's self-serving agenda


Does Soros even live in Europe anymore? Who is he to decide the fate of other nations?

He is only an agent of the Rothschilds because they themselves prefer to be outside of the spotlight. Soros is a financial bloodsucker who made billions on the artificially created oscillations of the US dollar.


It's a very safe bet that he and his family don't live anywhere near a migrant camp and certainly will never have a migrant marry into his clan.

Meanwhile in Israel:

Bieganski  17 | 888  
16 Jan 2017 /  #82
Meanwhile in Israel:

The video you shared shows that multiculturalism is not only shunned in other countries (especially in the so-called "only democracy" in the Middle East) but in in some instances it is actually criminal.

Another crime against humanity is the birth control of Ethiopian Jews in Israel who have been given a controversial drug which they were never told can lead to infertility. And it is drug which is not administered to white Ashkenazi women.

From the RT:


So why exactly do leftists spew fury at Poland's family planning laws with the battlecry that "A Woman's Body Means a Woman's Choice!" but then remain stone-cold silent at Israel's racist eugenics program?

Why do leftists desperately seek out every specious and tenuous allegation of Poles being racist with the sanctimonious charge of "Never again!" but then turn a blind-eye to Israel's own racist apartheid monoculture?

No, the facts show that the people in this world who are truly obsessed with race certainly aren't Polish.
cms  9 | 1253  
16 Jan 2017 /  #83
It is untrue (as well as irrelevant) that Poles have only emigrated to Christian countries - many thousands of Polish citizens colonized Palestine in the 20s and 30s. Or do they not count as Poles in your way of seeing the world ?
Ironside  50 | 12312  
16 Jan 2017 /  #84
Or do they not count as Poles in your way of seeing the world ?

Are you claiming that they considered themselves to be Poles? I would rather take their word for that and go with their self-identification than with some arbitral point of view you find handy.

It is untrue

I say its true. After all Christian Poles emigrated to Christian countries and some non-Christian 'Poles' emigrated to non-Christian countries.

as well as irrelevant

It is relevant as we are talking about cultural issues. Poles emigrated within a sphere of their own civilization, kindred culture.
Saying all that:

I find that debate to be a quite silly in its basic premise.
Would that mean that the British have no right to turn back any immigrant they comes their way because for well over 400 years they were the global power when it comes to emigrations ( as being emigrants themselves). After all that is not a coincidence that English is a language spoken in half a dozen countries in the world if not more.

Should the fact that in 16th century England used to be a home base to the larges pirate fleet in the world stop the Navy fighting pirates today?

I wish people would learn to use their brain as well as a common sense.
30 May 2018 /  #85

Poles, what do you think about race?

I'm from a third-world country (very mixed races) and I've never adapted to their culture. I feel like I'm a foreigner in my own country.

I feel that dishonesty is the rule here, corruption is printed in the newspapers every day, there is violence. In my country I can not go out after 8 at night; that would be risk my life.

So I started to become racially aware. I knew the Jewish Question. I understood the importance of blocking immigrants.

I've been robbed twice. Both were young blacks. I've already been in the middle of a shootout started by blacks. Once I was at a bus stop and a black man said "I stole a shorts just like yours". They listen to songs that have horrible lyrics (about crimes or genitalia). If you want to see the pure Black behavior, just see how the people of Africa works.

Latinos have other kinds of behavior, they are violent but they do not rob the streets, they are dishonest with a little more cleverness. They are weak in character. They are collectivists, syndicalists, and generally support leftist parties. They give value only to money, there is no other value to them and they honestly can not understand why someone would do something without making money in return, that's why you do not see Latino heroes or Latino science. If you want to see the pure Latin behavior, just see how the people of Venezuela works.

And the White? The white girls are beautiful. The white men are intelligent, they have dreams that fly where materialism can not buy, they have heroes. They are self organized, in Denmark there are streets where traffic lights are not necessary.

But... I've never really lived in a white country. I could be wrong. So I decided to ask people in a country with a high white index: Poland.

Therefore, Poles, what do you think about race?

Are there white criminals in your country? Are there a lot of dishonest white people in your country? Is there a feeling of trust? Is culture the important ingredient or does the race contain it by itself?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
30 May 2018 /  #86
I avoid analogies but this one works for me.

I have an absolute right to control who is allowed in at my place. I can discriminate all day long as I alone see fit. I am not obligated to explain why. Nobody can sue me because I discriminate. I enforce the rule without mercy. An intruder will be shot. Nations are morally entitled to the same. Like Israel.

Immigration is the greatest gift that can be given to an outsider. Yet, the current crop feels entitled and has nothing but demands. Like the Somali garbage demanding special places where they wash their smelly feet in Minneapolis. The arrogance of the Latino hordes crossing the US borders has no limits.

Poland should do all it can to make any and all immigration impossible. But what about Poles emigrating to the West? It's the other guys' problem. Deal with it.
gumishu  16 | 6181  
31 May 2018 /  #87
Are there white criminals in your country? Are there a lot of dishonest white people in your country?

yes, there are white criminals in Poland but less so than about 10 years ago - Poland exported its scum to the UK to a big extent - and yes there a plenty of dishonest white people in Poland - you can attribute it partly to the economy of constant lack during communism and the couple decades after communism where it was every man for himself - it is gradually changing now for the better
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
31 May 2018 /  #88
Therefore, Poles, what do you think about race?

Poles are mostly xenophobic (if you want to call it that, I call it being cautious and having common sense and rejecting PC) against the migrants due to all the chaos they have caused in western Europe. We, along with the other V4 nations, do not want them. However, Poles are generally welcoming towards the migrants that live and work in Poland because they see their contributing. Nonetheless, it's pretty split down the middle. For example, according to a CBOS poll (our premier statistics agency), half of Poles support Ukrainian migration, other half do not. On the other hand, according to CBOS, 74% of Poles reject migration from Middle East and Africa. It's not that they hate ALL blacks and muslims or anything but rather they're simply cautious due to all the stuff that's been going on in western Europe. nonetheless, in the big cities its common to see west African tourists, Indians and Pakistanis working in IT, etc. and they're pretty welcomed. At most they may get stared at in the smaller towns, but its very unlikely they'll be attacked solely because of their skin color. Only time that may happen is as drunks are leaving the clubs and looking to pick a fight.

There is very little issues with crime - certainly not violent crime, murder, etc. Most of the crime is limited to petty theft, pick pocketing, simple assault, etc. Most of the criminals are soccer hooligans. The big organized mobs have mostly gone extinct. Their groups split up, leaders went to jail, and those who are out of jail now see a way different landscape than the 80s 90s and early 2000s. Now most of the 'organized' crime is mainly limited to amphetamine production and distribution with some cigarette and alcohol and some prostitution.

Poland is a very safe country though. The large cities, even the worst neighborhoods in Poland are nothing compared to places like the Paris suburbs, Molenbeek, Malmo, and other no go zones. Thankfully we have no 'no go zones' in Poland. Neither have we had a single Islamic terrorist attack.
LDeJongh  - | 30  
31 May 2018 /  #89
I disagree that Poles are xenophobic. Poles are nationalistic, they appreciate their culture, their lifestyle, their identity and history. It is for guests in this country to repsect Poland and its people and adapt so that they fit in.

Xenophobia claims are attempts to impose regressive values through guilt and undermine Polish culture.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
31 May 2018 /  #90
I wonder how you can make such statements about Poles given that you don't speak the language.

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