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Your least liked Polish TV series?

Polonius3 983 | 12333
2 Jul 2013 #1
Just off hand, my least liked series/programmes include: Rodzinka,pl, Kiepscy, Na dobre i na złe (and all the other 'horrory chirurgii' type shows), Kuba Wojewódzki...
smurf 39 | 1951
2 Jul 2013 #2
Anything on Paramount comedy/Fox: 2 and a half men, How I met your Mother etc etc.
God awful MOR tripe.
As for Polish tv, cannot comment, I only watch sport on Polish tv.
2 Jul 2013 #3
Pamietniki z wakacji, wojewodzki, m jak milosc and samo zycie
pawian 224 | 24596
2 Jul 2013 #4
Your least liked TV series?

I never watch TV series. But if I had to propose the one with which my enemies could torture me efficiently (remember rats in 1984 [b][/b]?), it would certainly be Kiepscy which I consider a programme about morons for morons (many years ago I watched half an episode).
jon357 74 | 22893
2 Jul 2013 #5
I never watch TV at all. But I have seen the odd thing, and Kuba Wojewódzki's show (plus that other similar one that some people rave over) seems entirely without merit. Świat według Kiepskich however, like a lot of low comedy, occasionally had flashes of genius.

An ex used to like something called Ranczo which was dreary.
rybnik 18 | 1453
2 Jul 2013 #6
"Ranczo" śmierdzi (stinks)

Home / Life / Your least liked Polish TV series?