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Czas honoru (Time of honoru) TV serial

polonius  54 | 420  
30 Sep 2012 /  #1
Anybody watch 'Czas honoru' -- a well-made and very interesting Polish historical serial. The first part was set in the Nazi occupation, and now each current episode highjlights the early year os the Soivet-installed puppet state (PRL). Interestingly, the same people who had been Gestapo informers now work for the UB. Once a snitch, always a snitch -- I reckon.
pawian  219 | 24592  
30 Sep 2012 /  #2
No, I hardly watch TV. Only the evening news once a week.
OP polonius  54 | 420  
30 Sep 2012 /  #3
Too bad. This you should watch. It's on Sunday night at 9.15 PM on TVP2.
pawian  219 | 24592  
30 Sep 2012 /  #4
Sorry, I prefer reading history to watching historical fiction.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
30 Sep 2012 /  #5
Anybody watch 'Czas honoru'

I watch it on occasion. I lost interest when the episodes began getting a bit "soapy".
I haven't watched in a bit. Maybe I'll tune in.
OP polonius  54 | 420  
30 Sep 2012 /  #6
The Nazi occupation has been done to death, but early Stalinist Poland is still rather vrigin territory. Wjada's 'man' films, Bugajski's 'Interrogation' and a few others, but still much left to explore. That's what the current Czas honoru series is about.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
30 Sep 2012 /  #7
I think you'll like this: tvp.pl/seriale/obyczajowe/czas-honoru/wideo
rybnik  18 | 1444  
18 Nov 2012 /  #8
early Stalinist Poland is still rather vrigin territory. Wjada's 'man' films, Bugajski's 'Interrogation' and a few others, but still much left to explore. That's what the current Czas honoru series is about.

I'm watching it now.
It's very interesting........I like to where all the characters arrived
good stufff.
pip  10 | 1658  
18 Nov 2012 /  #9
my husband and his father are both obsessed with this show. I don't really watch tv and this topic doesn't interest me but I hear that it is well done. I prefer Downton Abbey. That is my thing.
1jola  14 | 1875  
18 Nov 2012 /  #10
Sorry, I prefer reading history to watching historical fiction.

Can you recommend a book that covers this period in history? They were called the Stalinist years. The "fascists" and "Nazis" from AK, NSZ, BCh, WiN, were systematically rounded up, thrown in prison(often with German war criminals, as in the serial, read Rozmowy z Katem pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rozmowy_z_katem) tortured,shot in the back of the head after a twenty minute "trial," and then dumped in nameless pits. Supervised by NKVD.

Since you prefer books to film, you must read sklep-niezalezna.pl/pl/p/e-book-Bestie-Tadeusz-M.-Pluzanski/465

Notice the resurgence of the language today. SLD and Ruch Palikota are meeting to fight "fascism and Nazism" in Poland, of course, in addition to fighting the Church, traditional family, and Independent Poland Just like their daddies did in the forties and fifties.

Palikot: Konstytucja, godło i flaga nie są potrzebne Polsce. To fałszywe symbole

Palikot: The Constitution, Coat of Arms, and the flag are not necessary for Poland. They are false symbols.
janpinski.nowyekran.pl/post/72220,palikot-konstytucja-godlo-i-f laga-nie-sa-potrzebne-polsce-to-falszywe-symbole

Anyway, a very decent serial. Besides Paradoks, the only thing worth watching this season.
berni23  7 | 377  
18 Nov 2012 /  #11
Czas Honoru is a Polish telenovela with little historical fact, many preconceptions and lots and lots of drama.
1jola  14 | 1875  
18 Nov 2012 /  #12
with little historical fact

Give a few examples.

many preconceptions

Like what? Why do you watch it?
berni23  7 | 377  
18 Nov 2012 /  #13
I never said i watched all of it, i stopped when they started shifting from a historical adventure to a family oriented drama.

Few examples of historical buffs:
1. Bank robbery was entirely incorrect, not even the bank and year were correct.
2. Executions were not on the agenda until much later.
3. I wont even go into uniforms, equipment and weapons.
Fact is, it cant hold its ground with historical shows like Band of Brothers, Rome etc..

What preconceptions?
Simple, all Poles are heroes and everybody else is evil. There is no mention of the thousands of Poles that profited from the invasion, rated out Jews or were simply indifferent.

Generally they could have made much more out of the show by incorporating more real live stories, but they opted for a Sunday evening show with love stories set in the 40ties.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
18 Nov 2012 /  #14
my husband and his father are both obsessed with this show

men love war stories
OP polonius  54 | 420  
18 Nov 2012 /  #15
That's commercialism for you. A prime-time offer on a mainstream channel has to have generous sponors and a large audience. If it were purely a History Channel style documentary it would attract only a handful of history buufs or WW2 and Stalin-era hobbyists.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Nov 2012 /  #16
Palikot: The Constitution, Coat of Arms, and the flag are not necessary for Poland. They are false symbols.

Given the amount of blood spilled in the name of those symbols, perhaps he has a point.
sofijufka  2 | 187  
18 Nov 2012 /  #17
tell this a Frenchman, an Englishman...
pip  10 | 1658  
18 Nov 2012 /  #18
but what exactly is wrong with a fictional drama in wartime setting? It is a huge part of Polish history- doesn't matter if it is true or not---and so much better than watching a stupid B grade tv programme with a lektor giving inaccurate monologue.

There is not a lot of good Polish tv. From what I hear this is good- who cares if it is accurate or not. It is just entertainment.
berni23  7 | 377  
18 Nov 2012 /  #19
Whatever makes your boat float.
Fortunately i gave my TV away years ago and am at liberty to watch whatever whenever i want.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Nov 2012 /  #20
tell this a Frenchman, an Englishman...

I would. Happily. I can only dream about the day when German kids and Polish kids go to the same schools and speak both languages together freely without fingers being pointed and historical grudges remembered.
1jola  14 | 1875  
18 Nov 2012 /  #21
Given the amount of blood spilled in the name of those symbols, perhaps he has a point.

Which symbols are important to you besides the hammer and the sickle? Weren't you Scottish before you became free of any nationality, and became "European?"

You know that false symbol on the cover of your passport? You might want to burn it. Hold on to your principles.

As for Palikot. Mind you he is a member of the Parliament and he thinks that the Polish Constitution should be gotten rid of. He sits under the flag and the eagle in that parliament and gets paid for it by Polish taxpayers. He is our biggest clown in politics ever.
berni23  7 | 377  
18 Nov 2012 /  #22
Polish Constitution should be gotten rid of

Completely? Or is this just another 1jola crusade rant?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Nov 2012 /  #23
Which symbols are important to you besides the hammer and the sickle?

Remind us who signed up again to drop bombs on those symbols that he claims to hold dearly?

Sorry, but it's impossible to take someone seriously who was willing to bomb, maim and kill his countrymen for a few dollars.

As for Palikot. Mind you he is a member of the Parliament and he thinks that the Polish Constitution should be gotten rid of. He sits under the flag and the eagle in that parliament and gets paid for it by Polish taxpayers. He is our biggest clown in politics ever.

Except the "clown" happens to be leader of the 3rd biggest party in the Sejm and could easily find himself playing kingmaker after the next election.

Completely? Or is this just another 1jola crusade rant?

Actually, what Palikot said makes a lot of sense - he was talking about the symbols as being representative of a prior age, an age of suffering and misery. The idea is that in the future, there will be no need for such symbols because the need for them will have gone. It's an interesting alternative viewpoint, and certainly far more sensible than screaming MURDER SMOLENSK repeatedly.
Ironside  50 | 12312  
18 Nov 2012 /  #24
I never said i watched all of it

did you watch it more than one episode? Somehow /i doubt that judging your preconceptions/
berni23  7 | 377  
18 Nov 2012 /  #25
how would i know about the bank job and the executions?

but hey, if soaps make you happy, who am i to question that.
1jola  14 | 1875  
19 Nov 2012 /  #26
Completely? Or is this just another 1jola crusade rant?

Konstytucja, godło i flaga nie są potrzebne ani Polsce, ani Włochom, Francuzom i innym państwom Europy. Więcej zyskamy jeśli pozbędziemy się tych fałszywych symboli" - twierdzi Palikot.

He also thinks English should be Poland's official language, although he reserves the right of Poles speaking in Polish among each other:

Należy podjąć wysiłek zbudowania wspólnego, jednego państwa europejskiego, z językiem angielskim jako językiem urzędowym, ale z językiem polskim jako językiem lokalnym"

Enough about that clown.

Remind us who signed up again to drop bombs on those symbols that he claims to hold dearly?

Sorry, but it's impossible to take someone seriously who was willing to bomb, maim and kill his countrymen for a few dollars.

I thought I had explained to you what I was doing on Her Majesty's property during the Cold War (about the the time your mummy was pregnant with you) , but perhaps you missed it since the mods suspended you about that time. Here it is again, and be sure to scroll the whole page since Sobieski wanted clarification. Random Chat Thread (deleted periodically)

Except the "clown" happens to be leader of the 3rd biggest party in the Sejm and could easily find himself playing kingmaker after the next election.

No, dufus, the ex-communists are the third largest party in Sejm. Kingmaker? Your understanding of Polish politics is, well, that of a foreigner with a few years in the country. To make you feel better, you remind me of myself when I was a teenager.

And you get upset when I call you a Marxist.

I never said i watched all of it, i stopped when they started shifting from a historical adventure to a family oriented drama.

Oh, I know, those Polish and Jewish family tragedies, you found so soapy. Perhaps because you can't relate.

Few examples of historical buffs:
1. Bank robbery was entirely incorrect, not even the bank and year were correct.

This is not a story of four particular AK soldiers. It is not meant to be "correct." It is not a documentary.

Executions were not on the agenda until much later.


The Wawer massacre refers to the execution of 107 Polish civilians on the night of 26 to 27 December 1939 by the Nazi German occupiers of Wawer (near Warsaw), Poland. The execution was a response to the deaths of two German NCOs. 120 people were arrested and 114 shot, of which 7 survived.
It is considered to be one of the first large scale massacres of Polish civilians by Nazi Germany in occupied Poland.


3. I wont even go into uniforms, equipment and weapons.

I also know something but won't tell. A friend of mine said that the Jewish Police uniform was inaccurate because the hat band was green and he was sure it was supposed to be blue. He was referring to professor's former student in the ghetto who made false promises for money. My friend was not right. Why?

Simple, all Poles are heroes and everybody else is evil.

You clearly have not been watching the show.

There is no mention of the thousands of Poles that profited from the invasion, rated out Jews

Just like there is no mention of thousands of Jews who profited from the invasion, rated out fellow Jews and Poles, but there were individual stories illustrating both events.

or were simply indifferent.

Raise your hand if you are sure you would help your neighbor when you know if caught doing so you, your wife, and your kids will be shot.

Ask your wife first.

but they opted for a Sunday evening show with love stories set in the 40ties.

They did not make a show for men who want to see only the military side of partisan war. I'll have to agree though that there was too much skirt chasing.
berni23  7 | 377  
19 Nov 2012 /  #27
Oh, I know, those Polish and Jewish family tragedies, you found so soapy. Perhaps because you can't relate.

I can relate but its time to forgive and not make the same mistakes again. Otherwise we would have a never ending cycle, that certain groups crave so much.

This is not a story of four particular AK soldiers. It is not meant to be "correct." It is not a documentary.

Yet, it was you who asked me to point out the historical inaccuracies.


I meant the assassinations of Germans, which didnt really take off until 1943. Until then structures had to be built and it was the time of "Maly sabotaz".

Just like there is no mention of thousands of Jews who profited from the invasion, rated out fellow Jews and Poles, but there were individual stories illustrating both events.

What stories? There is one Polish character who conspires with the Germans and only because they blackmail him.

Raise your hand if you are sure you would help your neighbor when you know if caught doing so you, your wife, and your kids will be shot.
Ask your wife first.

Fortunately i dont have a wife that tells me what i can and cant do. ;)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 Nov 2012 /  #28
I thought I had explained to you what I was doing on Her Majesty's property during the Cold War (about the the time your mummy was pregnant with you) , but perhaps you missed it since the mods suspended you about that time.

Ah yes, you were sitting there, preparing to serve your foreign masters as required, including dropping bombs on Poles. You really don't need to clarify anything - we know that you were willing to kill Poles for dollars, and that's that.

Oh dear, oh dear. Trying to use insults really doesn't work when you get basic facts wrong.

I suggest you go away and learn about the results of the 2011 election. You'll find Ruch Palikota firmly in 3rd place, with the SLD languishing in 5th place. If you can't even get these facts right, it's impossible to take anything else you say seriously.

As for "Kingmaker" - let's see. PO are likely to see a fall in their vote if they don't start appeasing liberal voters soon - and these voters won't switch to PiS in a million years, nor will they consider the SLD. Where else can they go but Ruch Palikota? 15% of the vote would soon see Palikot in a position of power - particularly if the choice was between Ruch Palikota and a three way coalition between PO/PSL/SLD. Then again - I don't expect you to understand this if you don't even understand that Ruch Palikota are the third biggest party in the Sejm.

Your insults are nothing but typical of PiS voters - arrogant, self righteous and most of all, convinced that they are right even when they signed up to bomb their own people.

And you get upset when I call you a Marxist.

Forgive me, but after the bloodiness of the late 19th and 20th centuries in Europe and beyond - I prefer a future where people can grow up safe and sound. Not all of us sold our soul to a foreign military, after all.

Then again, you'd be first to flee to the US should the **** hit the fan anyway. We all know that "patriots" are normally the first to run.
Ironside  50 | 12312  
19 Nov 2012 /  #29
What stories?

You haven't seen more than three episodes.

you were sitting there, preparing to serve your foreign masters as required, including dropping bombs on Poles.

Are you going to type that in every post addressed to jola? Do not cry here if mods will suspend you.
1jola  14 | 1875  
20 Nov 2012 /  #30
Not all of us sold our soul to a foreign military, after all.

I served my time at Her Majesty's base when you were an infant. What about you, hipster twerp?

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / Czas honoru (Time of honoru) TV serialArchived