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MediaWatch  10 | 942  
4 Mar 2010 /  #121
They were making Polish jokes on the radio here today in Chicago

I'm glad that Polish guy called in and told them about the origin of Subhuman intelligence jokes about Polish people.

What was the name of the radio show and radio station?
beelzebub  - | 444  
4 Mar 2010 /  #122
I am glad more people called in and told jokes than protested. It shows that people still have senses of humor.
f stop  24 | 2493  
4 Mar 2010 /  #123
origin of Polish jokes came from when the Nazis invaded Poland and Hitler thought the Polish people were not not smart enough

This is not 50 years ago! We travel more, have TVs, computers. Chances are that all of the listeners had a chance to meet a Pole personally, and he probably was not an idiot, that's why these jokes are not so funny any more. Or, if they are funny, it's not because they are about a Polish person.

Cripes, I laugh at blond jokes all the time!
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
4 Mar 2010 /  #124
I am glad more people called in and told jokes than protested. It shows that people still have senses of humor.

That's because you're an Anti-Polish Bigot.

You're whole reason for coming onto the Polishforum is to attack Polish people every chance you get. Anyone can see that.

That's why you enjoy subhuman intelligence jokes about Polish people.

You wouldn't be saying you enjoyed hearing people calling into a radio show telling degrading jokes about Jews being rats, being ugly, evil, etc, right? I wonder why.

Evidently you are very selective in what ethnic group you enjoy seeing being degraded.

You have an obsession with hating Polish people.
Matowy  - | 293  
4 Mar 2010 /  #125
Even with modern technology and heightened social mobility, people can still find ways to be ignorant.
f stop  24 | 2493  
4 Mar 2010 /  #126
and a good thing they can laugh about it.
beelzebub  - | 444  
4 Mar 2010 /  #127
You have an obsession with hating Polish people.

I don't hate Polish people. Some of my best friends are Polish. I don't like many things about the culture but you are too stupid to see the difference.

People like you whine "bigot" and that automatically gives you "victim" status.

I have to keep reminding myself you are a teenager and also not even Polish. It makes your obsession even more bizarre.
f stop  24 | 2493  
4 Mar 2010 /  #128
I really should not argue about Polish jokes, because I have a hard time thinking of any funny ones.
OK.. how about this one:
A Polish guy is walking along the beach in France. There are many beautiful women lying in the sun, and he really wants to meet one. But try as he might, the women don't seem to be at all interested. Finally, as a last resort, he walks up to a French guy lying on the beach who is surrounded by adoring women. "Excuse me," he says, taking the guy aside, "but I've been trying to meet one of those women for about an hour now, and I just can't seem to get anywhere with them. You're French. You know these women. What do they *want*?" "Maybe I can help a leetle beet," says the Frenchman. "What you do ees you go to zee store. You buy a leetle bikini sweeming suit. You walk up and down zee beach. You meet girl very qweekly zees way." "Wow! Thanks!" says the Polish guy, and off he goes to the store. He buys a skimpy red bathing suit, puts it on, and goes back to the beach. He parades up and down the beach but still has no luck with the ladies. So he goes back to the Frenchman. "I'm sorry to bother you again," he says, "but I went to the store, I got a swimsuit, and I *still* haven't been able to meet a girl." "Okay," says the Frenchman, "I tell you what you do. You go to zee store. You buy potato. You put potato in sweeming suit and walk up and down zee beach. You will meet girl very, very qweekly zees way." "Thanks!" says the guy, and runs off to the store. He buys the potato, puts it in the swimsuit, and marches up and down the beach. Up and down, up and down he walks, but the women will hardly even look at him. After half an hour he can't take it anymore and goes back to the Frenchman. "Look," he says, "I got the suit, I put the potato in it, and I walked up and down the beach-- and still nothing! What more can I do?" "Well," says the Frenchman, "maybe I can help you a leetle beet. Why don't you try moving zee potato to the *front* of zee sweeming suit?"
beelzebub  - | 444  
4 Mar 2010 /  #129
You should at least not cut and paste the first joke that googling Polish jokes gets you.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
4 Mar 2010 /  #130
I have to keep reminding myself you are a teenager and also not even Polish. It makes your obsession even more bizarre.

Yeah right.

The old "Some of my best friends are.......(fill in the blank)" LOL

You're not even of Polish ancestry I am.

You have an anti-Polish agenda here and everyone knows it, despite what you say.

You take great pleasure in seeing Polish people degraded. And you stay miles aways from saying anything degrading about Jews.

Its just common sense that if somebody is the target of an insult joke they are offended. That's is just normal human nature. Especially when its rammed down their throat repeatedly.

Forget about ethnicity.

Do you go up to people randomly and ridicule them by telling them insult jokes? Usually only unsophisticated low class people do that so that they can feel better about themselves, or if they dislike the person they're ridiculing.

And you wouldn't go up to Jewish people or Black people and tell them insult jokes about their ethnicity and then preach to them how they "shouldn't be so sensitive" or that they're looking for "victim status" by complaining about these insults.

Why should there be double standards?
beelzebub  - | 444  
4 Mar 2010 /  #131
I lived in Poland for a long time idiot...figures I probably have some Polish friends eh? And that just goes to show you are full of **** because that wouldn't be the case with a bigot as he wouldn't befriend those he hated.

You are one of those people who thinks because he has a Polish last name that makes him Polish. For some reason you got your ire all up about Polish jokes. Probably some attempt to identify and compensate for some culture you don't understand but so desperately desire to be a part of.

You also refer to Jews all the time and use them as some focus of anger...methinks you don't like Jews for some reason. I bet someone in your family sits around and complains about Jews a lot...lots of Poles in Poland did so it wouldn't shock me to see 3rd gen Polish named Americans still whining about the Jews.
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
4 Mar 2010 /  #132
New American dream = Victim status.
beelzebub  - | 444  
4 Mar 2010 /  #133
American? I'd say global. Everyone claims to be religiously, racially, sexually, or culturally persecuted these days the world over.

I am just a normal white male with no religion and Western European ancestry so I can't cry victim according to the common categories.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
4 Mar 2010 /  #134
I lived in Poland for a long time

How long have you lived in Poland for? A few months?

You also refer to Jews all the time and use them as some focus of anger...

How am I using Jews as a "focus of my anger"? What have I said about Jews which is so terrible? And I think you're projecting onto me and my family, that which you and your family do with Poles. You probably learned a lot of your anti-Polish prejudice by someone sitting in your family trashing the Poles all day long.

I only reference Jews as far as a litmus test of how to measure prejudice. Just about every person uses the Jews as a litmus test of what is acceptable as far as prejudice against an ethnic group. I heard Italians recently measure themselves recently against Jews as far as what is acceptable to say about an ethnic group on TV.

If certain degrading things shouldn't be said about Jews, according to Jews, then likewise other ethnic groups should not be degraded in a similar fashion. Why should one ethnic group be off limits as far as degrading humor goes like the Jewish people, while another ethnic group like the Poles should be, according to you?

Also there are good and bad people in every group of people.

As far as those Poles who you say complain about Jews in Poland, maybe they are reacting to those Jews who slander Poland by saying that the Nazi German death camps put in Nazi occupied Poland are "Polish Death Camps". That's offensive to Poles.

Or maybe Poles don't like the fact that there were Jews who took Poland for granted and ALLOWED Jews in when every other nation was kicking them out.

There is a good reason why for ONE THOUSAND YEARS, most Jews CHOSE to live in Poland.

As the Great rabbi Moses Isserles said:

"If it were not for Poland, the existence of the tribe of Israel would have been unbearable"

Rabbi Isserles knew that Poland gave Jews the most important thing to a people. A PLACE TO LIVE and have families when virtually all other countries were rejecting them.
beelzebub  - | 444  
4 Mar 2010 /  #135
I lived in Poland for probably longer than you have been out of puberty. But you will say "I think you were only there for 2 days because you are a poopoohead bigot".

I cannot wait until you get onto the next obsession so we can stop hearing about the Nazis and Polish Jokes. There are lots of movie stars to stalk...that seems more your speed.
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
4 Mar 2010 /  #136
Plenty of historical evidence that Poles are not stupid. Its actually to your advantage to have people underestimate you. :) I'm just sayin..
beelzebub  - | 444  
4 Mar 2010 /  #137
What do you think Poland is going to take over the world while people dismiss them as the goofs of the east?

To be honest Poles are the only ones who care about Poles. Until I lived there I didn't have any opinion on the culture at all. It never entered my mind. Poles are way more impressed with themselves than the rest of us are and that's why we give them grief...they have to be the only nation around that loves to continually tell you how smart they are. It get's old and people laugh at you for bragging so much. Kind of like hearing Armenians say they have the greatest army in the world or something.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
4 Mar 2010 /  #138
Why in the world would you CHOOSE Poland to live in? And for such a long time as you say?

If Poles were as annoying and as bad as you say, you would have left the country in short time.

You don't think Jews in Israel don't bragg about how great they are? Or the people of any country for that matter?

Its so hard to believe you would live in Poland for such a long time if the people were as bad as you say.

What are you a masochist?
PolishNutjob  1 | 74  
4 Mar 2010 /  #139
... Every joke was about how dumb Polish people were.

Ah yes, play the Hitler card when all other evidence is either transparent or non-existent. Shallow individuals have been doing this for decades. Did the caller consider that he was merely reinforcing the stereotype?
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
4 Mar 2010 /  #140
Only an anti-Polish bigot like you would think that.
PolishNutjob  1 | 74  
4 Mar 2010 /  #141
Only a walking stereotype would embarrass himself and his "people" by calling a radio talk show and uttering such a flimsy, gratuitous statement.

In fact, it is the caller himself who is guilty of promoting an untenable stereotype.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
4 Mar 2010 /  #142
But if a radio show was spewing out degrading jokes about Jews being rats and a Jewish caller called in objecting to it, you would applaud that right?

What do you care if a guy called up objecting to the racist jokes. God forbid somebody of a given ethnic group calls up and defends his ethnicity.

And usually people who defend their ethnictiy from degrading slurs are respected not disrespected. Unless you're a bigot who has a hatred for that group.

Arlen Specter apologized to Polish Americans for telling anti-Polish slurs two years ago, and Non-Poles as well as Poles respected him for apologizing.

Jews and Blacks have only gotten respect when they speak out against slurs against them. Ethnic groups who do not speak out against ethnic slurs against them are only seen with disrespect since they are seen as an ethnic punching bag for others.
PolishNutjob  1 | 74  
4 Mar 2010 /  #143
Jews are irrelevant to this topic but for some reason they keep popping up in MediaWatch's posts. Very interesting. The ADL is watching.

What do you care if a guy called up objecting to the racist jokes.

Again, the issue is the shallow, flimsy tactic that the caller used - playing the Hitler card - not the fact that he called a talk show to defend an ethnicity. If the caller was so passionate about his crusade, he should have mustered much more valid evidence. Instead, he spewed some spurious comment invoking the name of Hitler. So, in fact the caller reinforced the stereotype instead of defending his ethnicity.

And usually people who defend their ethnictiy from degrading slurs are respected not disrespected.

That is a stereotype which is not grounded in fact, as the quote above clearly demonstrates.
czar  1 | 143  
4 Mar 2010 /  #144
hey beelzebub i remember you, do you use the same nic on irc or icq right atheism room right, lmk, while I dont agree with you on this issue i see what your saying and victim status is a good point but why in a polish forum seems in bad taste.

first time i heard a polish joke i didnt get it hah but im 3rd gen american hah

still, why no jew jokes? wah woh wee woo
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
4 Mar 2010 /  #145
Again, the issue is the shallow, flimsy tactic that the caller used.

UH EXCUSE ME "PolishNutJob"/Beezenut or whatever you call yourself, maybe the guy calling the radio show had to be brief and to the point like most people who call up talk shows.

Maybe he didn't have the chance to talk in length about how Polish Christian Auschwitz Survivors like Michael Preisler, Auschwitz prisoner #22213, heard these type of Subhuman intelligence jokes in Auschwitz. Oh that's right Polish suffering probably means nothing to you with all your Anti-Polish prejudice

The Origin of the "Polish Joke"

Polish "jokes" came from Nazi German propaganda that was then pushed ironically by Soviet communist sympathizers in Hollywood.
The racist stereotype that Poles are intellectually inferior or have subhuman intelligence, originated from Nazi German propaganda and Soviet propaganda.

polamjournal.com/Library/The_Origin_of_the_Polish_Joke/the_ origin_of_the_polish_joke.html
convex  20 | 3928  
4 Mar 2010 /  #146
Polish jokes have been around since Prussian times. Stop trying to make it more than it really is. People like you screw it up for everyone else. Nice cut and paste job though.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
4 Mar 2010 /  #147
Polish jokes have been around since Prussian times. Stop trying to make it more than it really is. .

I agree. As I have already said, in the US, Polish jokes like Polish Kielbasa jokes or Polish Pierogi jokes were always around but the Subhuman Intelligence jokes about the Polish were introduced and pushed mainly in the 1960's.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
4 Mar 2010 /  #148
Where is the difference between your "subhuman intelligence jokes" and any other ethnic joke?

Do you have an example? What makes polish jokes so special?
4 Mar 2010 /  #149
What makes polish jokes so special?

Mostly the fact that they are so untrue. Jokes about all the other ethnic
groups usually have a grain of truth in them. Polish jokes don't. ;)
beelzebub  - | 444  
4 Mar 2010 /  #150
"Wah wah wah we are not stupid it's not true"...my god get over it.

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