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Polish wife in the UK cheated on me. Divorce - what now of the kids?

HurtGent  2 | -  
17 Feb 2016 /  #1
We have been married for over 10 years. I recently found out my wife cheated on me(she is polish). We have 2 young kids. We have been married in Poland (registered in church).

Where would one file for divorce/child custody? Is it UK, where we live or Poland where the wedding was registered. The young kids have been living in UK since their birth. Your help is much appreciated.

Are UK/Polish courts likely to consider infidelity in determining anything.
terri  1 | 1661  
17 Feb 2016 /  #2
You need to file in the country where you were married.
Infidelity is now so common on both sides - no one will even bat an eyelid. This is not a good reason for divorce.
Atch  22 | 4299  
17 Feb 2016 /  #3
The Polish court won't care at all about your wife's infidelity. Polish courts always favour the mother and the outcome is going to be custody for her. Sorry to be so negative but that's the reality. The official line regarding custody is that young children need to be cared for by their mother. However if you have a son, they say that as a boy grows older he should have increased contact with his father.
Philip 666  - | 39  
17 Feb 2016 /  #4
You need to file in the country where you were married.

i don't believe this is correct.
the OP needs to check with a solicitor.
Pol attorney  2 | 106  
17 Feb 2016 /  #5
You may be able to get the jurisdiction of the Polish Court in the divorce case in some situations if you lived in Poland after getting married there. It mainly depends on your personal circumstances.

A divorce/custody decision made by the UK Court can be recognized by the Polish Court and government.

You will also need a marriage certificate from the Polish office of vital data during the divorce proceedings in UK Court (and after the divorce, your Polish marriage certificate will have to changed).

Infidelity in Polish family law is always a factor because the Court may declare that your wife is 100% at fault for the break-up of marriage (then she won't be able to get any benefits/money from you as an ex-wife).

I am a lawyer based in Poland, so I might be able to help you with this.
If you are still interested in this topic, you can send me a private message on this forum, and we might be able to help with this case.
BritboyByd  7 | 51  
17 Feb 2016 /  #6
I believe, correct me if i'm wrong, but it will be cheaper for you to get divorced in Poland. The UK laws will give 50% to your wife plus ongoing financial support, I dont think the polish courts are so onerous. You can get divorced in any country though.
terri  1 | 1661  
17 Feb 2016 /  #7
To my way of thinking...if the marriage was wonderful for both parties, the wife would not go and seek solace in someone else's arms.

You need really good evidence i.e. photographs, video film - something to prove that they were actually copulating and not just 'chatting'.
Crow  154 | 9564  
17 Feb 2016 /  #8
Polish wife in the UK cheated on me. Divorce - what now of the kids?

take your cross on yourself, pray and forgive. Know that no man can satisfy erotic appetites woman, if woman isn`t born satisfied.
Varsovian  91 | 634  
18 Feb 2016 /  #9
I have knowledge of both English and Polish divorce law. I also have experience of seeking advice on this forum as regards Polish divorce law. Do not believe anything anyone tells you. Ask a lawyer. Best - seek reconciliation first. This might need 3rd party support. The people who suffer most are always the children - emotionally, educationally and in terms of health. Parents shouldn't give themselves the right to harm their own children.
Honest Pole  
21 Feb 2016 /  #10
Are UK/Polish courts likely to consider infidelity in determining anything.

Kids will certainly go to mother. British family courts are biased as **** and Polish courts even more so. Polish courts are among most misandrist in Europe maybe even the most biased even if not then in top 3 most biased against men for sure. 9/10 family judges in Poland are female so go figure.

Polish/UK family courts care about cheating only if a man does it and you are foreigner without polish citizenship then you are in even worse situation than a male pole in front of polish court however just being male is more than enough to get fubared in Polish court. Here is a polish guy who divorced a wife after he cheated on him and now he has to pay 15x higher child support than his entire income.

Your only chance is having citizenship of some country that won't extradite you and abducting the kids. As far as I know parental kidnapping isn't a crime in Poland because they wanted to make it easier for polish women who have children with foreigners to abduct them back to Poland without facing legal consequences however Poland will still try to extradite kids and maybe you too to Poland if you abduct them so you need a citizenship of a country that don't extradite citizens and didn't sign The Hague Convention for Abducted and Illegally Retained Children (I think many Arabic and African countries would be good for this some Asian countries too. I heard about arabic and pakistani fathers abducting their children from Poland or UK to their countries and those countries did not extradite them or children). If you don't have capability to obtain citizenship of such a country then think twice before divorcing or you gonna get fleeced. Not 100% sure about UK but in Poland you have to pay child support for a very long time and if you lose your job then you'll have debt collectors and prison on your ass so I think filing in UK will be somewhat better for you because British family law is probably less ruthless than Polish but you will lose anyway. Also in UK parental kidnapping is a serious crime unlike in Poland. Seriously people so many gullible British and Irish suckers are getting fleeced by polish women now.

UK laws will give 50% to your wife plus ongoing financial support, I dont think the polish courts are so onerous

It's exactly the same or even worse in Poland.

Only theoretically Polish women are well known for their infidelity yet according to Polish courts fault is always on man's side. Do you honestly think that a female feminist polish judge would deny benefits her fellow woman?

This forum is buggy my quotation in the previous post disappeared. It didn't - please do not quote without reason and try to post your thoughts within one message before someone else replies.

Infidelity in Polish family law is always a factor because the Court may declare that your wife is 100% at fault for the break-up of marriage (then she won't be able to get any benefits/money from you as an ex-wife).

Only theoretically Polish women are well known for their infidelity yet according to Polish courts fault is always on man's side. Do you honestly think that a men-hating female feminist polish judge would deny benefits her fellow woman?
porky pok  2 | 127  
22 Feb 2016 /  #11
I am a lawyer based in Poland, so I might be able to help you with this.

Sorry buddy I know you are soliciting business here, but your charges are way high almost 5 times more.You had quoted me to charge 500 pln to write 1 damn simple letter for which I paid 100 pln in warsaw.And your field of practice is an allrounder.
Honest Pole  
22 Feb 2016 /  #12
Yea and he also gives false hope to people when we all know how sexist and biased polish courts really are.
Varsovian  91 | 634  
22 Feb 2016 /  #13
Iwona Nalecz-Nieniewska - excellent divorce lawyer
jon357  72 | 23557  
22 Feb 2016 /  #14
Thanx for the tip. If anyone is looking for a lawyer on that field and they find a very fat blonde one called Zofia W, I can not, repeat can not recommend.
Crow  154 | 9564  
22 Feb 2016 /  #15
Most important thing to remember is that its not about you. Its not that you aren`t good as male or man. Its not that you aren`t potent. Its not that you aren`t beautiful. Its about reduced passion among partners due to time. People seek for something new. She was hot and needed it and she tested you and it had to be somebody new, even no matter size of penis, just somebody new deep between her legs.

Go found some satisfaction with some new woman. Have sex without obligation. Just pure passion. Or found girlfriend. Get your revenge and then dedicate yourself to your children. Don`t you see that in this crazy world everybody fu*** whatever can.

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