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Can Zus be declared as a cost in Poland?

Richthecat 8 | 69
30 Oct 2018 #1
Having Just registered a business, I am now looking at what provisions I need to make to pay my tax and I am confused by how the system works. Because my business is very small I have an income which is eaten up by the large zus payment I am having to make, but I am unsure if in the company accounts this can be declared as a cost or not. Common sense would suggest yes but from vast experience, I know common sense and the Polish tax system don't go hand in hand
cms neuf 2 | 1821
30 Oct 2018 #2
Yes - but the condition is that you must pay it on time. That means sending bank confirmation to your accountant.
delphiandomine 87 | 18070
30 Oct 2018 #3
but I am unsure if in the company accounts this can be declared as a cost or not.

Yes, but the calculations aren't quite 1zł to ZUS = 1zł in costs. If you don't know what you're doing, get an accountant - it'll cost you between 100-150zł+VAT a month for peace of mind, and you just throw your bank statements / receipts to the accountant at the end of the month and they'll tell you what to pay and when.
DougpoI1 - | 1
30 Oct 2018 #4
I do my own ZUS only on bank transfers,the cash is for me to keep
johnny reb 49 | 7296
30 Oct 2018 #5
Isn't that tax evasion that could send you to prison ?
dolnoslask 5 | 2878
30 Oct 2018 #6
Everyone in Poland seems to do it.

Home / Law / Can Zus be declared as a cost in Poland?