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Tax in Poland - tricks to avoid PIT?

ender 5 | 394  
9 Jul 2011 /  #1
Personal Income Tax, PIT Podatek dochodowy od osób fizycznych,,,,podatek_dochodowy_od_osob_fizycznych,
osobisty podatek dochodowy.
Self-employment Samoztrudnienie
well well I hope Polish Tax Office would be interested what kind of tricks you are using to avoid PIT.
And person like this dare to give me a moral lesson.
JonnyM 11 | 2608  
9 Jul 2011 /  #2
They even don't know what Personal Incom Tax is

It seems you don't know much about the Polish tax system - and especially the concept of personal działaność gospodarcze and the way it is taxed.

The issue in this thread is Poles living elsewehere in the Union expecting to receive highly developed benefits and various Polish politicians who are criticising a politician in another EU state who is simply suggesting that his country should treat Polish citizens the way Poland treats others.

Ther concept of reciprocity has long been at the heart of Poland's international relations. It seems that some elements here only like things to be weighted unfairly in their favour.
9 Jul 2011 /  #3
How can you not pay PERSONAL TAX. Be nice and explain to us how to avoid tax in Poland. David_18 WAS right.

Let me get this straight: are you accusing me of not paying tax which is due on my income? Do you really wish to call me a criminal? Lies like that can easily come back to bite the liar, i.e. in this case you.

I'm not sure why Harry whines about all that stuff when he and one other foreigner admitted that they do not pay personal tax?

Perhaps you could post a link to a thread in which I make such a statement? Oh sorry, forgot that you are simply lying as usual. Just to make it crystal clear: I pay personal income tax in Poland, lots of it.

well well I hope Polish Tax Office would be interested what kind of tricks you are using to avoid PIT.

PIT 5L (I think, possibly PIT 5K) is what I pay. And I've got all the paperwork to prove it. I suggest you withdraw your lies.

It's something admited by Harry and delphiandomine here on this very forum.

No matter how many times you tell your pathetic lie, it still remains a lie. But the more you lie, the more it seems that you are attempting to lower my reputation in the eyes of the public and to destroy the professional trust needed to do my job. You know what the name for actions like that is? BTW, yes I have already taken screen shots of each of your attempts.
OP ender 5 | 394  
9 Jul 2011 /  #4
It seems you don't know much about the Polish tax system - and especially the concept of działaność gospodarcze and the way it is taxed.

The question do you live in Poland are you foreigner? If so you are another bloody foreigner avoiding PIT. I do know how tax system works. One hint YOU are not synonymous with your company.
delphiandomine 86 | 17823  
9 Jul 2011 /  #5
It's something admited by Harry and delphiandomine here on this very forum

I think you've got some serious problems if you don't even know that someone who operates a "działaność gospodarcze" can pay tax quarterly rather than monthly.

Then again, if we were tax evaders (which we aren't) - wouldn't we be actually integrating into Poland by avoiding taxation? After all, it's quite a popular sport in Poland.
9 Jul 2011 /  #6
If so you are another bloody foreigner avoiding PIT. I do know how tax system works. One hint YOU are not synonymous with your company.

Clearly you do not know how the tax system here works. I know, because I pay my tax every month (and my VAT every quarter, there was no option to pay PIT quarterly when I opened my company). Could it be that you don't know how it works because you do not pay tax in Poland? I wonder.
JonnyM 11 | 2608  
9 Jul 2011 /  #7
I do know how tax system works. One hint YOU are not synonymous with your company.

It seems you do not know how the tax system works. Or the difference between a spółka and personal działaność gospodarcze (or the various tax and accounting options for a działaność). If you are in a spółka, that is taxed as a seperate entity. It is not you. The company has its PIT. You have your personal PIT. If you have regestered działaność gospodarcze, that is your personal economic activity (and not a company) and you are taxed personally on the income you decalare in your personal PIT.

The question do you live in Poland are you foreigner? If so you are another bloody foreigner avoiding PIT.

Odd. I've never discussed my own PIT here. Though for the record I've had a Społka z o.o. which paid tax (and I paid personal tax) and I've also legally conducted economic activity (through a registered działaność gospodarcze) on which I've paid tax personally. I've also been an employee, and paid (higher rate) tax personally on my income.

My situation now is, though highly enviable, legal and recognised in Poland and elsewhere under Interrnational Maritime Law and none of your business.
OP ender 5 | 394  
9 Jul 2011 /  #8
Do you really wish to call me a criminal?

I didn't. (you can always paste my post) Do you want me to?

I pay personal income tax in Poland, lots of it.

It's different to:
David_18: Harry paying taxes? For god sake he is a private english teacher, do you really think he is paying taxes like eveyone else?

No, I am not. I have my own company and pay a rather large amount of tax every month (well, I pay VAT quarterly rather than monthly). I'm not prepared to say exactly how much but about three times more than my girlfriend earns each month teaching English and Russian at a state school. Oh, plus another 850zl per month in ZUS. I imagine that this is rather more than you contribute.

delphiandomine shut up, PIT 5 have to pay monthly and it's different from company tax. How smart of you Harry. NOW you know the difference between PIT and CIT

Suddenly everyone pays TAX it takes a while but they pay. It could be interesting to inform Tax Office anyway.

If you are in a spółka, that is taxed as a seperate entity. It is not you.

You not to bright aren't you. PIT pays everyone in Poland there is some exeptions (and I think most of you use it to avoid paying higher PIT in Poland)
JonnyM 11 | 2608  
9 Jul 2011 /  #9
Suddenly everyone pays TAX it takes a while but they pay

Suddenly? What have you been smoking? Some of here have been paying tax in Poland since you were in short trousers. And some of us have the pleasure of no longer having to ;-)
OP ender 5 | 394  
9 Jul 2011 /  #10
What have you been smoking? Some of here have been paying tax in Poland since you were in short trousers.

As I said you not too bright and you pay someone to do your PIT next ask. I can't believe such person own company and knows nothig about Tax Law in Poland and because there is no big difference between other European countries you know nothing about tax code in UK etc.
JonnyM 11 | 2608  
9 Jul 2011 /  #11
As I said you not too bright and you pay someone to do your PIT next ask. I

More stupidity from you. And not very clear English - I can recommend a couple of good teachers if you like. By the way, my last few PITs were done by a friend who is a tax inspector.

I can't believe such person own company and knows nothig about Tax Law in Poland and because there is no big difference between other European countries

Actually there are quite big variations between the different systems operating in Europe.

you know nothing about tax code in UK etc.

Further stupidity. One day, when you are old enough to go out and get a job, you will begin to understand the system.

Right now you have no clue.
OP ender 5 | 394  
9 Jul 2011 /  #12

More stupidity from you. And not very clear English - I can recommend a couple of good teachers if you like. By the way, my last few PITs were done by a friend who is a tax inspector.

Friend tax inspector. Who is stupid then. I was doing it on my own with income from Poland and abroad. But of course you know nothing about it.

Foreigners might belive you but any Poles reading it will be able to recognise your obvious lie. For Poles end of April is pain in the backside.

BTW give me your friends name then I will learn him what does conflict of interests means.
delphiandomine 86 | 17823  
9 Jul 2011 /  #13
You really don't seem to know the difference between corporate and personal taxation, do you?

Some of us have a działaność gospodarcze - and we pay through the PIT system just like employees do. No corporate taxation in sight, nor should there be.

CIT has absolutely no relevance for people who operate a działaność gospodarcze.

PIT pays everyone in Poland there is some exeptions (and I think most of you use it to avoid paying higher PIT in Poland)

Yes, and we pay it. Monthly, or quarterly - our choice. I pay monthly, but that's because it's "neater" for accounting purposes.

Is it just me Jonni, or does he appear to be absolutely clueless about the different types of business in Poland?

Friend tax inspector. Who is stupid then. I was doing it on my own with income from Poland and abroad. But of course you know nothing about it.
Foreigners might belive you but any Poles reading it will be able to recognise your obvious lie. For Poles end of April is pain in the backside.

Uh, if you have a friend who can do such a thing, wouldn't it be better to trust a tax inspector rather than yourself? We all know how ruthless the tax office can be - I have two students who told me that they aren't actually allowed to "drop" a case without the US being paid everything owed.

My accountant does mine. Why should I waste my time, when she is paid to sort out my taxes anyway?

(and before you start with the insults - if you can't explain the different calculations applied to the ZUS deduction, then you can't comment about the taxation applied).
OP ender 5 | 394  
9 Jul 2011 /  #14
to be absolutely clueless about the different types of business in Poland

It's just you, jonni and Harry who are unable to see difference between PIT and CIT
One idiot assuring another one that everything is OK
9 Jul 2011 /  #15
I didn't. (you can always paste my post)

Actually, you have: you have repeatedly claimed that I evade tax I owe in Poland. Tax evasion is a crime.

No, I am not. I have my own company and pay a rather large amount of tax every month (well, I pay VAT quarterly rather than monthly).

Oh dear, poor you: the 'proof' you offer shows that I do pay tax. The quote you reproduce states "I have my own company and pay a rather large amount of tax every month." So, when challenged to produce grounds to support your statement you actually reproduce wording which clearly shows your claim to be a lie. That might show you always knew your statement was a lie, but you told it anyway. Repeatedly. Oops, sucks to be you.

It could be interesting to inform Tax Office anyway.

Go right ahead. II Urzad Skarbowy, Ul. Lindleya 14, 02-213 Warszawa. Just tell them that you think that Harry is not paying tax, they know me by name there. In fact, you are legally required to report me, given that you suspect me of committing a crime. Of course, if you don't suspect me of doing so, you should have never called me a criminal. So your own inactivity would be what hangs you.
JonnyM 11 | 2608  
9 Jul 2011 /  #16
Friend tax inspector. Who is stupid then. I was doing it on my own with income from Poland and abroad. But of course you know nothing about it.

What a strange comment. Slightly better in English but still some way to go - remember there are some good teachers who post here - two come to mind, however the Callan Method may suit you better.

You'll find when you are old enough to start working and paying tax here in Poland that quite a lot of staff from the tax office do people's PIT for them. It's an important sideline for people working there and of course they know exactly what they're talking about.

Foreigners might belive you but any Poles reading it will be able to recognise your obvious lie. For Poles end of April is pain in the backside.

As a Polish taxpayer I never found the deadline a problem. Only people who a) don't understand the system, b) are too cheap (or just don't earn enough) to get a professional to do it or c) have messed up their affairs have a 'pain in the backside'.

Is it just me Jonni, or does he appear to be absolutely clueless about the different types of business in Poland?

It's not just you. He is indeed clueless and is digging himself deeper into a hole. Remember he is some kid who has never paid tax, let alone run a business.
delphiandomine 86 | 17823  
9 Jul 2011 /  #17
It's just you, jonni and Harry who are unable to see difference between PIT and CIT

Those who operate a działaność gospodarcze or similar pay only PIT.

Those who operate some form of spółka pay PIT and CIT.

It's not really that difficult to work out, is it?

It seems strange that you, who has never operated a business, feels the need to try and convince three Polish business owners what PIT and CIT is.
JonnyM 11 | 2608  
9 Jul 2011 /  #18
Sadly for him, accuracy and common sense are a much lower priority than being argumentative. It often surprises me how some many Poles know far less about their country and her laws and customs than people who have come from elsewhere.

Who by the way the U.S are stopping treating differently and no longer persecuting as they did a ferw years ago.
9 Jul 2011 /  #19
He is indeed clueless and is digging himself deeper into a hole.

And the poor little child has no idea how deep that hole has already become: accusing people of being criminals is simply never a good idea (unless, of course, you can prove it).
OP ender 5 | 394  
9 Jul 2011 /  #20
Tax evasion is a crime.

Not quite true. You can avoid paying tax in many different ways. Sample: £ódzka Economic Zone in Warsaw created for one foreign company (a lot of money has been shifted then)

And you are still unable to see the difference between personal and company tax. That's good anyway, soon or later someone will screw you.

What a strange comment.

Not as strange as your mind. Attempt to understand you is like swimming in dung. I'm sorry about tax I can talk to your friendly tax inspector ( is he your bf btw)

And the poor little child has no idea how deep that hole has already become: accusing people of being criminals is simply never a good idea (unless, of course, you can prove it).

I believe you are criminal you are using it to many times like arsonists shouting FIRE.

unless, of course, you can prove it

Your words are proof. When asked about personal tax you stared whinig about your company tax and it's not the same.
9 Jul 2011 /  #21
Not quite true. You can avoid paying tax in many different ways.

Tax avoidance (a.k.a. 'tax optimalisation') is entirely legal. However, you have accused people here of paying no personal income tax on their earnings: that would be a crime, thus you have accused people here of being criminals; that really is not clever, child, not at all.

And you are still unable to see the difference between personal and company tax. That's good anyway, soon or later someone will screw you.

I do not have to pay CIT (and can not even if I wanted to). I do have to pay PIT and I do so, despite your insistence that I do not.

I believe you are criminal

I am entirely sure that if you do not learn to not libel people (which can in itself be a crime in Poland), you will soon come to regret your words.
delphiandomine 86 | 17823  
9 Jul 2011 /  #22
That's good anyway, soon or later someone will screw you.

Nothing wrong with tax avoidance. Tax evasion is a whole different story.

As for those special economic zones - areas such as Kostrzyn-Slubice would be almost totally reliant on the cigarette trade if it wasn't for them.

And you still seem absolutely unable to admit that self employed people do not pay CIT - but hey, keep on digging.
sirvice - | 3  
9 Jul 2011 /  #23
hello, I need a tax (VAT) advice. I'm going to work in Poland for 2 years, and I'm going to buy a motorcycle here, with an authorized dealer. guy @ dealership told me, that it's possible for me to return VAT paid for the motorcycle. is that true? if yes, what is the procedure?

thanks in advance!
9 Jul 2011 /  #24
I am entirely sure that if you do not learn to not libel people (which can in itself be a crime in Poland), you will soon come to regret your words.

Oh, great: another day, another Harry's lawsuit. Splendid.
delphiandomine 86 | 17823  
9 Jul 2011 /  #25
Funny thing is, all it would take would be one letter to someone as a result of what was said on here and suddenly, people like you would vanish.
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
9 Jul 2011 /  #26
get back to the topic, please.

i can bin the thread quicker than i created it.
9 Jul 2011 /  #27
people like you would vanish.

Keep dreaming, little boy, it's all you have.
OP ender 5 | 394  
9 Jul 2011 /  #28
i can bin the thread quicker than i created it.

Don't stop yourself. Go for it. I've got too much to say about tax for foreign companies and it can end up badly, for me mainly. I don't care Harry, Delphiandomine and JonnyM don't pay tax in Poland it's peanuts anyway.
delphiandomine 86 | 17823  
9 Jul 2011 /  #29
How can it end up badly?

We all know how Polish and foreign companies alike take advantage of the tax laws to pay as little as possible - it's quite normal in the world. I could give you plenty of examples where Polish-owned companies exploit the system - shall we start with the usage of "umowa o dzieło" contracts?

Trying to claim that it's only "foreign-owned" companies that do this is ridiculous - Polish owned companies are very creative indeed when it comes to cooking the books.
9 Jul 2011 /  #30
hello, I need a tax (VAT) advice.

Do you have any registered business activity here? If you don't, you can't. If you do, you might be able to.

no need for name calling

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