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Marriage laws in 1953 in Poland - foreign WOMAN married a Polish MAN in HER country

5 Apr 2014 /  #1
I'm not sure if anyone can answer this question but here it is:

In 1953, if a foreign WOMAN married a Polish MAN in HER country, did she renounce Italian status and become Polish?
Or is she still her original nationality?

Thanks for any help or guidance!
Looker - | 1129  
17 Oct 2014 /  #2
In 1953, if a foreign WOMAN married a Polish MAN in HER country, did she renounce Italian status and become Polish?

As published in Ustawa from 8th January 1951 about Polish Citizenship, Article 10:
1. A foreigner may be granted Polish citizenship at his request.
2. Polish granting of citizenship may depend on submitting evidence of exemption from foreign nationality
source: your poland/userfiles/pdfs/ustawa-1951.pdf

But here is the phrase "may depend" - so it could mean that it wasn't always necessary?

Archives - 2010-2019 / Law / Marriage laws in 1953 in Poland - foreign WOMAN married a Polish MAN in HER countryArchived