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8 Sep 2016 /  #61
i am Hardev singh from mumbai- India. Wanted to start business in poland as this is the country whose economy is growing fast. I need a help from my Indian brothers settled there. I am professional in Pharma industry we have lots of Medical Devices used in Hospitals and some of them are CE certified also. I have mailed my product list to various Distributors in Poland but yet no reply. Some body suggested me to visit Poland which i am ready for 10-15 days to understand the Market and requirement of Poland. Please suggest me the cost and staying facilities available there. sharing rooms will also do.
DominicB  - | 2706  
8 Sep 2016 /  #62
Things don't look good for you when you are looking for help with your business on some random internet forum. You should have an extensive network of real life contacts that you can rely on. If you don't, then you aren't going to make it in business in Poland, or anywhere else. Get off the computer, get out there in the real world, and meet real people face to face. A businessman without a (real life, not internet) network is a businessman without a business.
Atch  22 | 4299  
8 Sep 2016 /  #63
I have mailed my product list to various Distributors in Poland but yet no reply.

Poles will not generally respond to emails and many of them don't speak English well enough to communicate via the telephone.

Hardev, I suggest that you contact the Polish Indian Chamber of Commerce:


It's a fairly new organisation but they might be able to provide you with some useful information or start you off with some contacts/introductions. There is also the Embassy of India in Warsaw:


Good luck!
Swiss Guard  
13 Sep 2016 /  #64
These are very absurd requirements. Why does a restaurant need to wash the eggs before cooking them? Why can't a Polish worker was the dishes in Poland? Is this some E.U. regulation?

To make food that you sell to the general public you need a Sanepid-approved kitchen - two entrances, seperate areas for washing vegetables, eggs and plates, a certified dishwasher (not a domestic one), tiled walls etc etc

That is very good advise for more than one frequent contributor here.

The best advice I can give you is you MUST get professional help.

5 Oct 2016 /  #65
hi im paresh indian live in poland. i am loking indian restaurant or polish restaurant with bar.can you help me to find good running business .

my contact details is paresh_0072003@yahoo
phone number. +48 729343148
6 Oct 2016 /  #66
Sir/ madam i am indian chef good experience for Mumbai India and two other countries i interested working Poland but my education not good i don't no good english but ny experience good Indian chef my email address

Whatsapp number+97450016216
terri  1 | 1661  
6 Oct 2016 /  #67
Before even thinking of opening any restaurant anywhere in Poland, go to a similar place and ask the owner how much it cost them to open. They will give you an idea. Then ask them about the bureaucracy, paperwork and the nerves it cost them. If you are still standing when they finish - consider that it will cost you twice as much and it may be that you will lose all your money. Only invest money that you can afford to lose.
sandrasoro  - | 1  
6 Oct 2016 /  #68
i need to com to to india where is your location so that i wil come and visit you

if i ant to run a restaurant in india too just advice me me too so that we can do it together,
paresh  - | 1  
6 Oct 2016 /  #69
hi im indian contact me all indian.im in poland
Javed khan  
10 Oct 2016 /  #70
Who looking for Restaurant opening chef in india and out of India.
Mail id : info@creativesolution.net.in
Website : creativesolution.net.in
LinkedIn id : creative.solution758@gmail
Mobile. +919568467651
7 Feb 2017 /  #71
Hi everyone i m chef indian tandoor i m still working in warsaw i want a new good job in new opening reasturant i have 13 yeaes experience and 5 years in eaurope
7 Feb 2017 /  #72
Hello Sir / Ma`am,

My name is UpendarSingh. I am CHEF. Right now I am working on indian resturant located in warsaw (poland). I have more than 14 years experience in Indian Curry and Tandor also I have worked in europe for 5 yeara. Any body give me good opportunity so I work with you.

Contact no +48739463926
27 Mar 2017 /  #73
Hello sir I'm saravanan now living in poland. I completed diploma in hotel management in India I have 8 years experience in food and beverage service and kitchen anyone possible to give a job opportunities contact me +48729545992
shon santos  
13 May 2017 /  #74
hi my name is shon santos was working for cruise line 15 yrs. presently was working in the usa restaurant manager .planing to cm to poland .i could be a good help for you sir in the restaurant mail me (shonsantos28@yahoo ) or call me 011919819060967
maansingh pawar  
1 Jul 2017 /  #75
My name maansingh pawar I'm cook 15 years experience .
Iam looking for job poland last 7 years working for Africa congo now im India pls help
Contact me +919649242479
jon357  72 | 23522  
2 Jul 2017 /  #76
Iam looking for job poland

Have a look on google for the Indian community in Poland. There are a couple of fora, and someone there might know about opportunities as an Indian chef. Worth mentioning that the number of Indian restaurants is starting to grow, so it's possibly a good time.
Jitendra Prasad  
18 Feb 2018 /  #77
Looking for job Indian cuisine chef
15 Mar 2018 /  #78
hi dear
I am interested for this job .please guide and contact me .my email ID :-rajeshkumarbarmunda@gmail
11 Sep 2018 /  #79
Hi i am nitin working in stockholm sweden, looking for a job in poland for indian chef urgently. please help my contact number is +46 734 99 00 11 or whatsapp me on +91 8447400421
Arjun singh rawat  
13 Jan 2019 /  #80
Heloo sir i am arjun singh rawat and i am looking job in abroad . I am a indian chef and tandoor chef. I have ten years work experience in hotel industry's and two year work experience in Christchurch newzeland. If you have any vacancy please call me +919756063632