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Am I eligible to apply for Poland's Dowod Osobisty? I am British.

Chasmundo 1 | 1
8 Feb 2016 #1
I am British of British parents. I have been married to a Polish woman for 30 years And have lived in Poland for just over 1 year. I already have a Pesel but no passport. Am I eligible to apply for a Dowòd Osobisty?
delphiandomine 87 | 18070
8 Feb 2016 #2
Nope. The only form of acceptable identification is the passport in your case.

After 5 years of being resident in Poland, you can apply for confirmation of your permanent residency, which provides this -

- but you must legally be resident, which means having a zameldowanie and the certificate of residence as an EU citizen.

After 7 years, you can apply for Polish citizenship provided you meet the requirements, including at least a B1 pass in Polish.
nope 2 | 43
8 Feb 2016 #3
Am I eligible to apply for a Dowòd Osobisty?

Not yet. You need to get a permanent residence( you can apply for it after 3 years I think ) and 2 years after that you'll be able to apply for a polish citizenship.

After 5 years of being resident in Poland, you can apply for confirmation of your permanent residency

Nope delph,he's married so he can get it much earlier ;) ( 2 or 3 years from what I remember ).
delphiandomine 87 | 18070
8 Feb 2016 #4
Ah yes, for those married, it's 3 years. My mistake.
OP Chasmundo 1 | 1
10 Feb 2016 #5
Thanks for the advice.. I probably won't bother if I have to wait so long, as the Pesel was a complete nightmare.
Pol attorney 2 | 106
10 Feb 2016 #6
If you are married to a Polish citizen, you will get a Polish residence card quite quickly; so why would you need Dowod Osobisty from the Polish Government?
delphiandomine 87 | 18070
10 Feb 2016 #7
He won't get a card from Poland until he's a permanent resident.

Amazing how ill-informed lawyers can be.
ivnp71 1 | 46
12 Feb 2016 #8
In wroclaw, it doesn't matter if you're married to a national polish, you'll need 5 years not 3 to get permanent residence.
married to a polish national won't get permanent residence much earlier
nope 2 | 43
12 Feb 2016 #9
5 years

I came in 2010,got married in 2011,got the permanent residence in 2014. Dankeschön :D
ivnp71 1 | 46
12 Feb 2016 #10
Nope, are you eu citizen?
And what's the legal basis to say it's 3 years and not 5 if anyone is married to a national polish.
nope 2 | 43
16 Feb 2016 #11
eu citizen


legal basis

There you go.

Home / Law / Am I eligible to apply for Poland's Dowod Osobisty? I am British.