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Online Polish banking (in English)

SeanBM  34 | 5781  
25 Jan 2011 /  #1
Which banks in Poland have online banking in English?

Mbank don't.

A mate of mine needs internet banking for Poland but doesn't speak a word of Polish and I am not going to translate every time he wants to do something ;)
Wroclaw Boy  
25 Jan 2011 /  #2
BZWBK "Bank Zachodni" definitely does.
emha  - | 90  
25 Jan 2011 /  #3
Millenium bank of Poland: milenet.pl/en/individuals/
25 Jan 2011 /  #4
Citibank's website can be completely in English (and so can their telephone banking, plus they always have English-speaking staff available).
Stu  12 | 515  
25 Jan 2011 /  #5
And ING does English as well. ssl.bsk.com.pl/bskonl/login.html
db1874  7 | 227  
25 Jan 2011 /  #6
HSBC Poland: business.hsbc.pl/pl-pl/
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
25 Jan 2011 /  #7
Thank you all very much.
therobside  2 | 20  
25 Jan 2011 /  #8
I will be opening up a bank account in the next week or so. I currently have a bank account with Bank of America in the US (since they are part of the global alliance for atms... which has come in use multiple times). If I open an account here with Citi or HSBC, will I be able to use this bank account for przelewy from my job in Poland?

If so, I'd rather take care of the account here rather than in Poland.
mafketis  38 | 11207  
25 Jan 2011 /  #9
A mate of mine needs internet banking for Poland but doesn't speak a word of Polish

Screw him. There's no excuse for that.
smurf  38 | 1940  
25 Jan 2011 /  #10
If you just use Google Chrome as a browser it has an automatic translator on it, way faster than that sh*te Firefox/IE
MIPK  - | 69  
25 Jan 2011 /  #11
Alior Bank. Website in Polish and English and setting up my account was done in less than 30mins. Everytime i've needed something done staff have been more than helpful and made life easy.
jonni  16 | 2475  
26 Jan 2011 /  #12
Alior are good, but I prefer Nordea. They have an English version of their website and are generally cheap and efficient.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
26 Jan 2011 /  #13
Which banks in Poland have online banking in English?

Deutsche has the best online service in my opinion.
26 Jan 2011 /  #14
A mate of mine needs internet banking for Poland but doesn't speak a word of Polish

Resident or non resident account, it makes a difference to which bank he can use?
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
26 Jan 2011 /  #15
He lives in Ireland but he can use my address for mailing. I thought he could use any bank here in Poland, that you don't need to be a resident?

What's the difference?
26 Jan 2011 /  #16
What's the difference?

The paperwork you provide, it will be a lot harder to open an account in some banks as a non res ( which he is). Millenium and Bank Zachodni WBK SA seen to be non res friendly.
Panalex  - | 4  
19 Oct 2011 /  #17
Merged: Polish e-banking in English

I read several recommendations for the Millenium bank and their branch with English-speaking staff. Do they or another Polish bank also have e-banking in English? It seems the ones who have e-banking work only in Polish.

(French or Spanish work for me too but I assume English is more likely to be found)
Ajb  6 | 231  
19 Oct 2011 /  #18
Try ING and WBK as they both have their portals in English.
19 Oct 2011 /  #19
Yes I can confirm that the Millenium bank has internet banking in English as I have used it myself for five years [bankmillennium.pl/en/individuals/] and just toggle the options at the top of the page.
smurf  38 | 1940  
19 Oct 2011 /  #20
just use google chrome, it translates every website
andy b  4 | 156  
19 Oct 2011 /  #21
Citibank Handlowy also has internet and phone banking in English, I have had an account for more than 5 years and the service is good
irishguy11  6 | 157  
6 Nov 2011 /  #22
I find BZ BWK to be fine, their e banking is in english. When I went into the branch ( in katowice), they had a guy there speaking english, and he showed me everything. He was there when i picked up my visa debit card and showed me how to use the atm machine(it was the same as any atm but still, nice).

When I had a problem in Krakow with the card, it was okay for a transfer, their staff knew enough english.
Zloty  6 | 16  
20 Nov 2011 /  #23
I have Alior and they have English translations for all of their pages, including when I'm logged into my account. It's nice.
LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431  
20 Nov 2011 /  #24
I have Alior

I am not sure Alior is safe , it is a rather new Business in Poland ,isnt' it?
endrowski  - | 2  
30 Aug 2013 /  #25
i saw that Brebank give controlpanle with english
you can use it!
8 Feb 2015 /  #26
Merged: Polish bank with English online banking

Much as the subject describes is there any Polish banks that have online banking in English?

I am moving to Warsaw soon to start working for a company there, and of course i will need to get a bank account, I would like one with English online banking so i can do that without to much confusion.

Do you know or have en suggestions for a bank that is good for foreigners and have English online banking?

Please let me know ;)
JollyRomek  6 | 457  
8 Feb 2015 /  #27
I would recommend Bank Millennium bankmillennium.pl. Very easy to use online banking in English

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