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Motorcycle Polish drivers license?

Maferz 4 | 8
13 May 2012 #31
Merged: Motorcycle licence without speaking Polish?

I know it's a far shot. If possible anywhere in the country, that'd be great:
Is it possible to get a MC licence if one speaks only English? Eg Lessons with someone that speaks it & exam with a translator.

P.S. sorry I haven't learned your language yet :/
13 May 2012 #32
Is it possible to get a MC licence if one speaks only English?

The answer is yes, you need to seek out a local instructor who deals with English speakers.
Maferz 4 | 8
13 May 2012 #33
you need to seek out a local instructor who deals with English speakers.

I'm waiting for email answers from driving schools, and from WORD to hear if they'll let me take the exam with a translator.

If someone has more info that'd be appreciated.
Scotty117 - | 1
24 Jan 2016 #34
Merged: Is it possible to buy a Polish driving license?

So I'm a UK resident, 22 with an A2 motorbike licence. I've had it for about 6 months, but don't want to wait the 24 months to do another test for an A license.

Is it possible to do a cheeky back hander and get issued with an A license in Poland. The reason for Poland is I have family, one with the same name as me who lives over there who I could use a proof as address so show I'm living in Poland to meet that criteria.

I'd happily ride my bike over there and take the provided they turn a blind eye to my lack of two years experience riding on an A2 licence if that helps.
delphiandomine 87 | 18070
24 Jan 2016 #35
Is it possible to do a cheeky back hander and get issued with an A license in Poland.

Of course. Just come over, apply to do the test and hand over the cash to the examiner in the test centre.
27 Jan 2016 #36
This is why children are restricted riding motorcycles.
14 Aug 2019 #37
Hi I hold A CBT licence in England and I'm wondering can I drive in Poland a 125cc on my CBT license

Home / Law / Motorcycle Polish drivers license?