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Motorcycle Polish drivers license?

22 Mar 2007 /  #1
I'm planning to acheive my MC drivers license in Poland. Does anyone have experiences to share? I'm looking for a driving school with english (or german) speaking teachers. Do you know the prices and how fast it is possible to do an intensive driving courses?

Best reguards Christian
23 Mar 2007 /  #2
It's easy like A,B,C :) It's about 50% of the cost for car driving license. But pray there's no rain on the exam day :).
OP hrgarm  
21 May 2007 /  #3
Polish MC drivers license

Hello - I need a polish drivers license for motorcycle. Does anyone know a driving school with english or german speking instructors? How many days does it take at minimum?

Please email hr_garm@msn.com
davidpeake  14 | 451  
21 May 2007 /  #4
do you already have a motorcycle licence from another country
OP hrgarm  
21 May 2007 /  #5
No - I just have a motorcycle and can not afford a Danish license
11 Nov 2007 /  #6
Did you ever find out?? any luck? I want to get my license in the south of poland in English. any info you had on time/ costs etc would be greatly appreciated. thanks, Lauren
Noah  - | 6  
25 Oct 2009 /  #7
Hi there

Can anyone tell me if there is a motorcycle training school in Gliwice that does the training in English. Because am thinking of taking my motorcycle training in Gliwice plus the theory and practical test to get a polish motorcycle license!!

Any information would be Very helpfull. I do hold a british driving license for more than 10 years.


My E-mail is noah.saleh@gmail
wildrover  98 | 4430  
25 Oct 2009 /  #8
I am a qualified motorcycle instructor , and driving test examiner , or should i say i was in the UK , but thats not much use unless the Polish test is the same as the English one.....If it does happen to be the same i am happy to help....I am based in north west Poland....
Noah  - | 6  
25 Oct 2009 /  #9
Thanks for the offer Wildrover!!

Still looking for information regarding Motorcycle license cost and how to obtain it in Gliwice!!
Richfilth  6 | 415  
17 Jan 2010 /  #10
And I'm looking at getting this in Warsaw, if anyone has any experience in the matter.

Only info I have for Varsovians is that it's better to go out of town to take the actual test, as the queue in Warsaw can be well over a month to get the actual test, which you can't sign up for without completing all your lesson hours.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 Jan 2010 /  #11
And I'm looking at getting this in Warsaw, if anyone has any experience in the matter.

You first of all should double check with the relevant WORD that you can sit the test - it's going to be a bloody tricky process accomodating a sworn translator too (which is required, unless you can speak Polish to a standard acceptable to the examiner).

The advice I got from the Poznan WORD was that they wouldn't do a motorcycle test with someone who isn't able to speak Polish - but your mileage may vary.
dabudaplayer  - | 1  
21 Mar 2010 /  #12
Merged:How to get a motorcycle licence in Poland?

so i just turned 15 recently and i heard from a friend that i could get a motorcycle licence at 15.. i was wondering if anyone could help me out as to how i could get a licence and if i can get one at all

this is in warsaw btw
Ryano  - | 1  
20 Jun 2010 /  #13
Thread attached on merging:
Irish person, never been to Poland, but want to get polish driver license, help!

Hi, i'm Ryano, 19 yr old, Irish, Lived in ireland all my life, Irish citizen... I want to get the driver license in Poland for a motorcycle next week, as if i get my license here, i must restrict my bike's power for two years which is why i want to get a Polish one.

Can an Irish citizen walk in off the street and do the test?

What is needed?

How long will it take?

Can you just 'buy one'???

How much money would i need to stay in hotel for allocated time to get license and also how much spending money will i need? ( food etc )

NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
20 Jun 2010 /  #14
To be honest, I can't see what good a "Polish driving test" does for anyone.

Sample questions and answers from several driving tests:

1. When approaching a roundabout, what do you do?

(a) Slow down and stop at the line
(b) Keep driving at your current speed and don't stop
(c) Turn up the Disco Polo CD, put your foot down, open the window and hurl expletives beginning with "K" and "P" at anyone blocking your way.

2. Before overtaking, do you:

(a) Indicate, then wait for a clear road
(b) Sound your horn, wave your fist and put your foot down
(c) Turn up the Disco Polo CD, put your foot down, open the window and hurl expletives beginning with "K" and "P" at anyone blocking your way.

3. If you see a temporary speed restriction sign, do you:

(a) Slow down and keep to the speed limit
(b) Sound your horn and keep driving at your current speed
(c) Turn up the Disco Polo CD, put your foot down, open the window and hurl expletives beginning with "K" and "P" at anyone blocking your way.


Mostly "A"s - Congratulations! You have just received your UK driver's licence!

Mostly "B"s - Congratulations! You have just received your Private Hire licence!

Mostly "C"s - Congratulations! You have just received your Polish driver's licence! Your blachara will be SO proud! :)

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
20 Jun 2010 /  #15
I want to get the driver license in Poland for a motorcycle next week, as if i get my license here, i must restrict my bike's power for two years which is why i want to get a Polish one.

It's not happening. For a start, Poland has exactly the same rules in regards to restrictions. In fact, the whole EU does. I also doubt that you're capable of handling a bike of more than 125cc at the age of 19. I've seen 125cc bikes capable of doing 90mph+ when tuned correctly - so what do you need a bigger bike for?

Can an Irish citizen walk in off the street and do the test?


What is needed?

How long will it take?

Residency of over 185 days.

Can you just 'buy one'???

Yes, it's possible. If you want to come to Poznan, I can introduce you to someone who will happily discuss the ins and outs of buying a Polish driving licence with you.

How much money would i need to stay in hotel for allocated time to get license and also how much spending money will i need? ( food etc )

All you'll need is one night here for the chat with my contact. Shouldn't need much money either. They might even give you free accomodation!

If you want to know more, let me know.
convex  20 | 3928  
21 Jun 2010 /  #16
I also doubt that you're capable of handling a bike of more than 125cc at the age of 19. I've seen 125cc bikes capable of doing 90mph+ when tuned correctly - so what do you need a bigger bike for?

A bike that's quick off the line is a must in Poland to prevent from getting run over...
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
21 Jun 2010 /  #17
If you want to know more, let me know.


Something tells me you're talking about the dibble, and "free accommodation" actually means a night in a cell :D
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Jun 2010 /  #18
You bastard, I was hoping he might take the bait! ;)

I was hoping that he would actually be stupid enough to fly into Poznan for a chat with them, I imagine a 19 year old foreigner would **** themselves in a Polish jail ;)
16 Sep 2010 /  #19
You can have a license for a scooter, but for a bigger motorcycle (up to 125cc) you must be over 16 and get "A1" license. To ride over 125cc you must be 18 and have an "A" license.
ma7moud  - | 5  
29 Mar 2011 /  #20
Merged thread:
Question About Taking Driver Licence in Poland Legally


I Am thinking of taking my Motorcycle Driver Licence in Poland. I have B driver license. I am doing it in Poland because i can stay for free and i will go there under the summer. In my country it coast about 2500 USD. They questions i have are

- Where to get temporary 3 months Visa
- Do i Need a bank account
- Can i take driver licence with 3 months visa or do i need a social security number to
- Address can i live at my friend that have hired one or do i need to get one my own.
-Can i start directly after i get the temporary 3 months visa.
-Do i need to be there when i apply papers or can my friend apply them for me.

- Does the driving school give the Driving Exam or other authorities?
wildrover  98 | 4430  
29 Mar 2011 /  #21
Can you speak Polish....? might be a problem if you can,t...
ma7moud  - | 5  
29 Mar 2011 /  #22
no i cant. but i know english-

do u know any of the questions
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Mar 2011 /  #23
- Can i take driver licence with 3 months visa or do i need a social security number to

Forget it. You must be resident in Poland for at least 185 days before getting the driving licence in accordance with Polish law. They simply will not issue it without proof of legal residency for at least 185 days.
ma7moud  - | 5  
29 Mar 2011 /  #24
Yes i called and they said the same. but do i need to give papper after 185 days or do i need to be there 185 days and then giving them the proof. it there somebody who can call and ask because the english is bad
Leopejo  4 | 120  
29 Mar 2011 /  #25
Where does it cost 2500 €? Do you have to take all the courses and such even if you already have B?

Beware also, that many Poles fail the practical B license exam quite a lot of times beforse passing it, a combination of difficult exam and ease of taking it - you can repeat it as long as you want, you only have to pay some more than 100 zł for each exam, and you need to take six driving lessons every three failed exams (and a theoretical exam every 6 months). It's common in Poland to fail one day and try again the day after. The record I heard was some 15 times before passing.

(based on my few experiences in WORD Wrocław).
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Mar 2011 /  #26
The license won't be issued until after 185 days of legal residency. A 3 month visa isn't enough - you need to have at least 1 year of legal residency in order to qualify.

Beware also, that many Poles fail the practical B license exam quite a lot of times beforse passing it.

I passed first time, as a foreigner :)

It's common in Poland to fail one day and try again the day after.

Common where? There's usually about a 3 week wait for another exam date.
Leopejo  4 | 120  
29 Mar 2011 /  #27
Common where? There's usually about a 3 week wait for another exam date.

In Wrocław it's like this:

(after having attended the required driving lessons, I think)

1. You have to pay and register for, and pass the theory exam - which as far as I can tell is quite easy, as it's a small set of questions - which you can also find and test yourself on internet. The theory exam is valid for six months. If you haven't passed the driving exam by then, you have to do the theory exam again. By the way, it is very cheap too. You can also do both exams combined the same day.

2. You have to pay and register for the driving exam. Typically in Wrocław you can find a time for next day, otherwise the day after. The driving exam consists of: two "theory" questions that you randomly choose from a deck of cards (!), such as "check if lights work", "check engine oil", and such; łuk and górka; and 25 to 40 (?) minute drive in the traffic. If you fail, you can do it again the next day or whenever you want.

3. If you fail the driving exam three times, you have to take six additional driving lessons - at the authorized instructor of your choice. You are also entitled, if you want, to a free visit at a psychologist. Then you are free to return to point 2. (or point 1. after six months).

What surprised me the most is how codified everything is and how "impartial". All the cars are the same (Renault Clio at the moment) - which is why driving schools also have to have them. Theory is objective, a computer can pass or fail you, but this is the same everywhere. The "theory" questions about the car in the driving exams are fixed and randomly assigned, not chosen by the instructor. Everything you do in the traffic, well or bad, is noted on a preprinted paper with all the possible situations noticed. The whole exam is recorded on video. Everywhere in WORD there are posters inviting to denounce corruption, and a list of convicted people trying to offer "help" in exchange of money (examiners), offering money (those being examined) or having someone else do the exam in your place.
shaiheart  - | 1  
18 Dec 2011 /  #28
I have a few questions about buying a license, how can i contact you? (it won't let me msg you..)
henna  - | 2  
22 Dec 2011 /  #29
shaiheart and delphiandomine :
Plz can u contact me i need also information about buying a license ? mu mail id: khumi07@hotmail
wildrover  98 | 4430  
22 Dec 2011 /  #30
Buy a licence....?

I will sell you a photo copy of mine if you want... 200 zloty...

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