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Driver license: Moroccan/UAE into Polish exchange / convention. Zameldowanie (residence registration)

26 Jun 2015 /  #1
Hi everyone.
This is my first post here, I live in Poznan since 4 months, I'm from Morocco, I have a Moroccan driver licenses and i wanna change it, so they told me that there is a convention between Morocco and Poland. So they will give me a driver license without pass any test, I need the name of the office where i must apply

Thank you
kpc21  1 | 746  
26 Jun 2015 /  #2
Wydział Komunikacji
ul. Gronowa 22a
61-655 Poznań

What you will need:

- filled in application form - it looks so: prawko.com.pl/przepisy/wniosek.pdf - you will get a form in the office because it's a special format

- copy of the original driving license and its translation made by an authorized translator
- a clear, current photo in color, taken from the left profile, of the size 3,5 x 4,5 cm (if you go to a photographer and tell you you need a photo for a driving license, he will know)

- identity document (identity card, passport) and the document that allows you to stay in Poland (visa, stay card etc.)
- 100,50 PLN to pay for the document
- I don't know if they speak English in this office, I think you had better take with you also somebody who speaks Polish
Polsyr  6 | 758  
26 Jun 2015 /  #3
- copy of the original driving license and its translation made by an authorized translator

Add to that;

- The translation of your license has to be attested, first by Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MSZ) and then the embassy of the country that issued the license (in your case Morocco). So unfortunately you will need to make a trip or two to Warsaw or send your papers to someone in Warsaw to do it on your behalf. MSZ will attest on the spot and will charge (if I recall correctly) PLN 25 per document which you can pay in cash only at a cashier's office located in the same building. I don't know how long the Moroccan Embassy will take, how much they will charge and by what means you can pay them. Better call them and ask.

- Zameldowanie (registration of your place of residence). Usually you can get this document from the same office where you apply for the driving license. It has to be recent (not sure how recent, but not older than 30 days or 90 days max).

- Rest assured, nobody speaks English in these offices usually. If you don't speak Polish then go with someone that speaks Polish.

- When a Polish license is issued to you, they will take your Moroccan license before they hand over your Polish one. Some people feel inclined to argue against this, but there is no point since this is the law in Poland. They will supposedly send your Moroccan license to the Moroccan Embassy with a request to send it to the office that issued it back in Morocco. Nobody that I know ever saw their original driving license after it was taken by licensing offices in Poland. So you might as well apply for a replacement of lost license next time you visit Morocco if it is important to you.

After applying, you will need to wait for a while because they will write to the Polish embassy in Morocco and wait for their response. It will take several weeks or months even.
kpc21  1 | 746  
26 Jun 2015 /  #4
- The translation of your license has to be attested, first by Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MSZ) and then the embassy of the country that issued the license (in your case Morocco).

On the websites of different offices responsible for this in different cities and powiats, I didn't find anything like this. Isn't it enough that the translator has a license to make translations of official documents (so called tłumacz przysięgły)?
Polsyr  6 | 758  
26 Jun 2015 /  #5
On the websites

I didn't find either. But they are asking for it - I can positively confirm that two different Gminas in MZ and 1 in MP have asked for these attestations.
kpc21  1 | 746  
26 Jun 2015 /  #6
BTW, asking for "zameldowanie" is in this case totally stupid taking into account that it's now almost removed from the Polish law. It was going to be removed at all from this year but the parliament changed their decision at the last moment.

And what is this translation for if it must be confirmed, regardless of this, by the embassy (where they rather speak the language of their country)?

It's impossible to understand Polish politicians and public office employees.
Polsyr  6 | 758  
26 Jun 2015 /  #7
@kpc21; tell me about it :) It is very frustrating but what to do!
kpc21  1 | 746  
26 Jun 2015 /  #8
But what shall I tell you? The address of "zameldowanie" (how is it exactly called in English?) isn't even present in the identity cards issued from this year. But they still demand it in some offices, like if you want to get a driving license :)

What is interesting, when they was going to introduce these changes, banks were saying that this will be a problem to them. So, how are banks able to work in the countries where there is even no identity cards, not to mention "zameldowanie"? :)
Polsyr  6 | 758  
26 Jun 2015 /  #9
@kpc21; Zameldowanie serves as both proof of address and proof of registration of address (meaning confirmation from the government that you have notified them of your actual place of residence and provided the necessary documents to prove it if applicable).

If the ID card does not have an address on it then the zameldowanie is the only form of proof of address I can think of other than an actual driving license. Furthermore, foreigners that reside in Poland don't have an actual Polish ID card, and may have a residence card, valid up to 3 years if temporary and up to 10 if permanent. In the case of foreigners, the zameldowanie confirms that a foreigner is still in fact registered at the same address as printed on the residence card.
kpc21  1 | 746  
26 Jun 2015 /  #10
Yes, you are right. But it's an absurd that a proof of "zameldowanie" - either in form of an address in the ID, or as a separate document - is demanded by Wydział Komunikacji, while it's not present in the currently issued ID's.

If they want to know the address to which they should send some documents, maybe traffic fines, they should just ask me for the address I prefer for this.

Another thing is that the "zameldowanie" addresses are already in the PESEL database and they should have access to it. It seems that they probably don't have it. But even if so, it's an absurd that for the document confirming it, you have to pay extra.

And for similar institutions in the countries where there exist nothing like "zameldowanie", or even they have no identity cards, this is not a problem.
teargas  - | 71  
26 Jun 2015 /  #11
It's impossible to understand Polish politicians and public office employees.

No, actually, there's some logic to it. By the law, you have to be resident in Poland for at least 185 days before applying for a driving licence. This means that the zameldowanie is the proof of this.

So, how are banks able to work in the countries where there is even no identity cards, not to mention "zameldowanie"? :)

Welcome to the world of identity fraud. There's a reason why the UK has such huge problems while Poland has minimal problems.

The zameldowanie system should be kept, but it should work like the Finnish system. You turn up (or do it online), you tell them "I now live here" and everything is fine. It then functions as your official address for everything, including tax purposes.

But even if so, it's an absurd that for the document confirming it, you have to pay extra.

You don't have to pay for it.

And for similar institutions in the countries where there exist nothing like "zameldowanie", or even they have no identity cards, this is not a problem.

Yes, but identity theft is a huge problem.
kpc21  1 | 746  
27 Jun 2015 /  #12
By the law, you have to be resident in Poland for at least 185 days before applying for a driving licence.

We have the 21st century, they should be able to check it on their own in the database...

It then functions as your official address for everything, including tax purposes.

In Poland, you can currently have one address registered as "zameldowanie" and another one used by the tax office (they have their own database and on the tax declaration you are supposed to put the place of living, not "zameldowanie", although it's "zameldowanie" which is supposed to be your place of living used by the offices) and everything is fine.

You don't have to pay for it.

I have a friend who had to make new documents including identity card, driver's licence etc. after he had been stolen. He got the ID in the new version, without the "zameldowanie" address, so he had to go to another office and get a document confirming the place of "zameldowanie" when he wanted to get a new driving licence, even though he already had a new ID. And he had to pay for this paper.
interfacemirror  3 | 26  
25 Mar 2016 /  #13
Merged: exchange of UAE driving license


May I know where can I get information if my international driving license in Dubai is exchangeable to polish driving license? Hour about my motorbike driving license?

Any useful information is supported.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Law / Driver license: Moroccan/UAE into Polish exchange / convention. Zameldowanie (residence registration)Archived