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Slovio - the international simplified Slavic language

McCoy  27 | 1268  
10 Jan 2010 /  #1
Slovio, is the international simplified Slavic language, as simple as Esperanto but understood by some 400 million people around the world.

BrutalButcher  - | 386  
10 Jan 2010 /  #2
I am sorry, but I don't think Croats and Serbs would like talking in the same language, nor Russians and Poles and Ukrainians. Each nation should have its own language.
10 Jan 2010 /  #3

Class site, McCoy!

Muzx i zxen es vo sudilna i sudijut o opeka svoi detes.
Zxen gvorijt: "Nasx detes nalezxijut me, bo ja onif rodil!"
Muxz otvetijt: "Esli ja hce kupit cigaretis, vlozxijm dengi vof automat.
Li cigaret-bal ktor izpadajt nalezxijt automatuf ili me?"
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------


They also have very good information about the origins of Slavic people:

Historical documents and linguistic studies prove that Slavs are the direct descendants of the Veneti, the founders of Venice, Viena, and the people who have created the amber route and dominated the amber trade for over a thousand years. Historically they are also known as Enetoi and have inhabited the entire region of Balkans, north of Greece, Northern Itally, Hungary, Romania, Austria, Bavaria, Northern Switzerland, Czech and Slovak Repulics Poland and central Germany all the way to today's Hamburg. The Slavs have inhabited this region since about 1500 B.C., and inhabit about 75 percent of that region to this day. From this core area they have spread eastwards to Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. Other Venetic Slavs have migrated westwards to central Italy, where they have been known as the Etruskans, the founders of Rome.


All in all - I think it's a good idea to create a sort of Slavic esperanto,
but even without it most Slavs can communicate to some extent using
their native languages. My wife used to work with a Slovakian girl and
they were chatting in Polish and Slovakian without having any trouble
understanding each other.
king polkakamon  - | 542  
10 Jan 2010 /  #4
but I don't think Croats and Serbs would like talking in the same language,

Serbs and Croats already talk the same serbocroatian language since centuries but how would you know argentinian Arab?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
10 Jan 2010 /  #5
hey also have very good information about the origins of Slavic people:

Yeah...I had a good laugh about this too!
Must be from Crowie....:):):)
10 Jan 2010 /  #6
Yeah...I had a good laugh about this too!

Well - you must be one of those...

various German-speaking 'historians', whose purpose was to 'prove' their own 'superiority' and inferiority of everybody else.

After reading the contents of Slovio webpage, I think I'm going to jump
on Crow's panslavic bandwagon - it's good to know that my ancestors
were the founders of Rome (actually we called it Rzymogród or Rzymowice
at the beginning - from the name of it's Slavic founder, great warrior
Rzymosław). Ha! :-)

Must be from Crowie....:):):)

Which reminds me...

Must be from Crowie....:):):)

Which reminds me...

polishforums.com/off-topic-lounge-47/official-crow-thread-4 1242/
Sasha  2 | 1083  
10 Jan 2010 /  #7

How do you see it personally? It seems like it's mostly based on Russian, so other Slavic-spoken people may have more problems understanding/studying it.
10 Jan 2010 /  #8
It seems like it's mostly based on Russian

Really? To me it seems like it's mostly based on Polish/Czech/Slovakian.

Oh, well - it only means that they did a good job creating this artificial
Slavic language :-)
Scorpion ext ru  - | 8  
30 Jan 2010 /  #9
McCoy this is a marvellous(Fantastic) way to make Slavics understand each other. I looked in the Slovioooo page and i read some,i am russian so when i read the page i thought it was a russian page writtin in the Cyrilic alphabet but then when i read the others opinions :Sasha ,Torq , THIS IS A SLAVIC ARTIFACT!!!!!!!!
Lenka  5 | 3542  
30 Jan 2010 /  #10
I'm truly against any simplifications. Slavs can communicate quite good already and this kind of changes ruins,in my opinion,the original language and doesn't help anyone.
Scorpion ext ru  - | 8  
30 Jan 2010 /  #12
What is the esperanto anyway ? a link maybe

Esperanto is not an Intertasional language its more like Latin: french,italian,espanul,and some english and russian
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495  
30 Jan 2010 /  #13
Scorpion ext ru

well... depending what we called 'international'. Esperanto is a schematic language (i.e- first you invent rules, then you create vocabulary etc).
Interlingua en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interlinguais more natural, more close to main languages (spanish/portugase, french, italian, english)- which makes it a bit harder to learn, but makes it more usefull (you can learn something usefull, for example about word-creation etc). And, what is also quite important: it was done by group of really good linguistics, not by one :)
PLAT  1 | 23  
30 Jan 2010 /  #14
That Slovo and 'Slavic Unity' concepts reek of copying Nazi ideology - ie. Slavic superiority etc...
I don't believe there is such a thing as a Slavic race, its just cultural/ethnic groups

you can't make all those countries into one nation because of so many differences, it is like comparing Bavarians to Icelanders (both are Germanic people, but so much different in appearence, culture, language)

I think it would be nice if say most of Europe had say Russian as the #1 international language. would make the world more interesting. Heh , and then Russian would be taught across Britain in High schools :)
30 Jan 2010 /  #15
That Slovo and 'Slavic Unity' concepts reek of copying Nazi ideology - ie. Slavic superiority etc...

Yeah - creating peacefuly the brotherhood of nations who have similar cultural
and linguistic background, expressing sympathy and feeling of kinship towards
one another or speaking an artificial language easily understandble to all Slavic
people... yeah - that's an exact copy of Nazi ideology *rolls eyes*

you can't make all those countries into one nation

This is not the aim of Slovio language and there is not a single Slavic country
government or society that would wish to make all our countries into a single
nation, so relax.

I think it would be nice if say most of Europe had say Russian as the #1 international language.

But you see, we've tried that before - Russian was compulsory even in primary schools
in Poland and many other Soviet occupied countries and NO, I wouldn't say it was nice.
Crow  154 | 9563  
30 Jan 2010 /  #16
Each nation should have its own language.

never mind that. Its possible to create Slavic `esperanto` but, i have doubts is it practical

anyway, i already said what is best for Slavs if they want to preserve their culture, languages, racial characteristics, etc. Only solution is Slavic Confederation. It is more then alliance but, less then federation.

Slavic Confederation would have enough resources to support Slavic expansion and prosperity in economical, social, biological, cultural and any other sense. Of course, even Slavic resources would be proved as limited in quite distant future but, those resources would endure and buy as time until `cosmic era` occur. Then, Slavs could continue, as rest of the humanity, their expansion into the cosmos. Earth would remain as memory on our origins. I believe Slavs would still desire to preserve their unique culture. In any sense it is (would be) their right.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
30 Jan 2010 /  #17
Hey McCoy! that's actually a pretty interesting site.
People people, you may not like change but you can't say it isn't interesting.
marqoz  - | 195  
5 Feb 2010 /  #18
Slovio could be interesting linguistic experiment - if only the etymology and rules were well founded. However they weren't.

Slavonic languages are only languages. There is so many dramatic differences between nations speaking them. The language similarity does not build any deep unity in this case.

There is almost nothing more. All these small liaisons between Slavonic nations are due to the neighborhood not to the common ancestry.

There are no Slavs. It isn't a race nor DNA-based group. There is no common history. There is no common civilization. You rather have here 3 or 4 civilizations fighting for these people: Western, Eastern, Muscovian and Muslim.

In terms of civilizations: Slovenians are closer to Lombards than Sicilians are - and by no means close to remote Russians, Croats are closer to Abruzzians, Slovaks are closer to Hungarians, Czech to Germans, most Poland to Germans.

Panslavism is stupid because it ignores the reality.
Bill Chapman  
6 Feb 2010 /  #19
I'm all for wider use of Esperanto!
EchoTheCat  - | 137  
6 Feb 2010 /  #20
Other Venetic Slavs have migrated westwards to central Italy, where they have been known as the Etruskans, the founders of Rome.

I loooove this site ! It's like reading Tolkien ;)
If I were you I wouldn't believe everything in Internet :)

Slavio language is a beautyfull thing but don't you think we have our common language ? It's called vodka :) In that language you can come to agreement with every nationality, included Germans ;)
marqoz  - | 195  
11 Feb 2010 /  #21
I loooove this site ! It's like reading Tolkien ;)

Yes, indeed. Quite a good bite of the old new brave world. It would be so nice to be the ancestor of the whole mankind. Yes, why not. Why not to assume that Adam was a Pole.

Many Polish noble families tried to present they roots directly in Roman equites. They even were able to point a precise family as ancestors. And it was why many of noblemen learn to speak Latin. Especially Lithuanian nobles liked to link Latium with Lituania, cause it's obviously the same while the name is almost the same.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
11 Feb 2010 /  #22
Why not to assume that Adam was a Pole.

"Adamski" you mean....;)
marqoz  - | 195  
14 Feb 2010 /  #23
I'd prefer patronymic after the Creator ie. Adam Bożewicz
Trevek  25 | 1699  
14 Feb 2010 /  #24
Serbs and Croats already talk the same serbocroatian language since centuries but how would you know argentinian Arab?

Since the war there has been a bit of ethnic cleansing on the Croatian side (perhaps even the Serbian side), with the language being revised in favour of more Croatian roots than Serbian roots.
18 Feb 2010 /  #25
Here's something equally interesting - an international simplified Slavic language
similar to Slovio but without artificial words. Every word in the language is a real
one, used everyday in one of Slavic languages.

26 Dec 2010 /  #26
Lesson-1: youtube.com/watch?v=IoqHA9go1Bs
Lesson-2: youtube.com/watch?v=wotq1fTBJeE
Lesson-3: youtube.com/watch?v=XkAEVy_MFf4
Lesson-4: youtube.com/watch?v=lzqYVxQmlFo
Lesson-5: youtube.com/watch?v=Zsc9N-NX1Z4
Lesson-6: youtube.com/watch?v=f-dr56XFaUc
Lesson-7: youtube.com/watch?v=bRdeVCA0jkk
Lesson-8: youtube.com/watch?v=ORlNmmrZZ4c
Lesson-9: youtube.com/watch?v=7ifwcNWb5b8
Lesson-10: youtube.com/watch?v=0UsoFa9AszY

Zvestis 2010: zvestia.com/index2010.html
Zvestis 2009: zvestia.com/index2009.html
Zvestis 2008: zvestia.com/index2008.html
Zvestis 2007: zvestia.com/index2007.html
Zvestis 2006: zvestia.com/index2006.html
Zvestis 2005: zvestia.com/index2005.html
Zvestis 2004: zvestia.com/index2004.html
Zvestis 2003: zvestia.com/index2003.html

Slovio channels on youtube:

(sorry forum did not allow me to post complete links ... you have to add the beginning letters ....)
Natasa  1 | 572  
26 Dec 2010 /  #27
I am sorry, but I don't think Croats and Serbs would like talking in the same language

What would Croats and Serbs like to think is irrelevant and it doesn't have to do anything with the fact that they DO speak at this moment the same language.
MrBubbles  10 | 613  
26 Dec 2010 /  #28
There are no Slavs. It isn't a race nor DNA-based group. There is no common history. There is no common civilization.

Spot on - it'll probably be ignored by the rest of the forum though
Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Dec 2010 /  #29
But they are readily identifiable by language and often facial features.
Natasa  1 | 572  
26 Dec 2010 /  #30
There are no Slavs. It isn't a race nor DNA-based group.

How do you mean there are no Slavs.
The word, signifier is there that means something is signified. Slavs:))
(R1a1 Y DNA haplogroup?)
You can recognize them when you see guys who don't have millions walking with gfs who look like models on their side. They will produce new Slavs, and so on.

I have a sense of belonging to big Slavic world.
For me they exist.

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