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Listening to music and learning Polish

rafik  18 | 589  
12 Apr 2008 /  #1
some people like music and are learning polish.why not to do these 2 things at the same time?one of my favourite bands "roze europy" and their song "jedwab"

if you find it difficult to understand the song there is it's text

anyone else can recommend another band/song?
Kemaleon  3 | 122  
12 Apr 2008 /  #2
I'm listening to a lot of Myslovitz at the moment, just my kind of music (well most of it) but not always easy to follow.

My idea came about from my love for Sigur Rós (Icelandic) specifically their album 'Ágætis byrjun'. I can sing along to most of it but dont have a clue what the words mean! I have looked them up of course but just enjoy the sound and feel more than the lyrical structure.

I'd hoped to find something similar in Polish and could learn meanings over time. A friend recommended Myslovitz and i love em.
Davey  13 | 388  
12 Apr 2008 /  #3

I like 'Chciałbym Umrzeć Z Miłości'
shopgirl  6 | 928  
13 Apr 2008 /  #4
Yay! More Myslovitz fans!

Kemaleon  3 | 122  
13 Apr 2008 /  #5
I have been having a little trouble getting "Miłość w czasach popkultury" form the 'dubious downloads community'.

Anyone know where i can find it for torrenting? i got one to 99.6% then it froze! would have been fine if it wasnt a bloody Rar.
ForPitsSake  - | 4  
7 May 2008 /  #6
Can anyone tell me where I can get the polish lyrics for the band IRA! I have 2 of their cd's Ogien and Znamie.
7 May 2008 /  #7


Can anyone tell me where I can get the polish lyrics for the band IRA! I have 2 of their cd's Ogien and Znamie.

try tekstypiosenek.muzyka.fm search IRA
7 May 2008 /  #9
no problem
osiol  55 | 3921  
24 Jun 2008 /  #10
Whilst my flatmate and I were comparing English and Polish wolf-whistles, I decided to play this song to demonstrate something. Not sure what - probably just how old-fashioned my musical taste can be sometimes.

Never heard anything else even half decent by the Steve Miller Band though. Okay, so "Fly Like An Eagle" is alright, but what's that one they still play on the radio sometimes that is one of the most chronically dull songs of all time?
24 Jun 2008 /  #11
anyone else can recommend another band/song?

i listen to polish hip hop and as my daughter kindly pointed out to be last night as i was singing along to W Aucie by Sokoł i Pono - "mummy if you can sing in polish why cant you speak a sentence in polish" ... bloody good question if you ask me .... :D:D
Bondi  4 | 142  
5 Jul 2008 /  #12
Hi! Anyone knows the artist & song titles for these? Thank you in advance.
billpawl  - | 32  
5 Jul 2008 /  #13
A friend recommended Myslovitz and i love em.

If you're interested in learning lyric meanings try listening to both the English and Polish versions of Myslovitz's album Korova Milky Bar.
EibmOz  - | 5  
7 Jul 2008 /  #14
hey good band is europy!must say..love rock or whatever it is...didn't understand a word though
Krzysztof  2 | 971  
7 Jul 2008 /  #15
Hi! Anyone knows the artist & song titles for these? Thank you in advance.

sample 01 is probably Justyna Steczkowska (I don't know the song, but I looked for the lyrics and it's a 19th century poem by Cyprian Kamil Norwid, and from google it seems that Justyna Steczkowska made a song of it). Here's the poem:

"W Weronie" ("In Verona", Romeo and Juliette theme)
Nad Kapuletich i Montekich domem, Spłukane deszczem, poruszone gromem, £agodne oko błękitu -
Patrzy na gruzy nieprzyjaznych grodów, Na rozwalone bramy do ogrodów, I gwiazdę zrzuca ze szczytu -
Cyprysy mówią, że to dla Julietty, Że dla Romea, ta łza znad planety Spada - i groby przecieka;
A ludzie mówią, i mówią uczenie, Że to nie łzy są, ale że kamienie, I - że nikt na nie nie czeka!

If you want the English translation of the poem, you can find a video with the same song performed by Wanda Warska, she sings in Polish, but there are English subtitles:

W Weronie - Wanda Warska

Sample 02 is Zakopower:
"Poziom adrenaliny" ("Adrenaline Level", about Tatra mountains

W Zakopanem, w Kościelisku, Dzianinie
widzi mi się, widzi mi się
W Chochołowie, w Bukowinie, na Klinie
i tak, i nie; i tak, i nie

Syćkie te dziedziny dźwignom ci poziom adrenaliny
Syćkie te dziedziny dźwignom ci znacnie poziom adrenaliny

Skrajny Granat, Kazalnica, Świnica
tu świstocek, hań kozica
Wierch Kasprowy, Pośredni Goryczkowy
wybijom ci śporty z głowy

Tynkowe Kominy dźwignom ci poziom adrenaliny
Tynkowe Kominy dźwignom ci znacnie poziom adrenaliny
Tynkowe Kominy dźwignom ci poziom adrenaliny
Tynkowe Kominy dźwignom ci znacnie poziom adrenaliny
masks98  27 | 289  
7 Jul 2008 /  #16
MYDELKO FA! So catchy and silly you wont forget it. type mydelko fa lyrics and one of the first results should have polish lyrics with the english translation side by side.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
7 Jul 2008 /  #17
Mydelko FA :)

Bondi  4 | 142  
8 Jul 2008 /  #18
thank you very much!

Mydelko FA :)

z_darius  14 | 3960  
19 Oct 2008 /  #19
some Polish dialects (Tatra region)

Wysed jo se łóncke kosić
Słónko świciło
Przysło ku mnie z jagodami
Dziwce jak miło
Nazbirałam jagód zbon
Pódzze Jasiu to Ci dom
Dom Ci jagód ze zbonecka

Bo jo Cie kochom x8
20 Oct 2008 /  #20
There's a line in 'Chciałbym Umrzeć Z Miłości' which I am convinced is "herbata"; although all my polish friends think is "chyba ta(k)"...
25 Apr 2009 /  #21
Apr 25, 09, 12:59 - Thread attached on merging:
Polish Music


Please can you name 3 of your favourite songs that are in Polish. I've found this a good way to learn the language.

jojospacemunky  1 | 59  
25 Apr 2009 /  #22
I cant name three particular favourites in songs (or maybe i could) but artists i can name a few i listen to

O.S.T.R (Kochana Polsko - youtube it)
Kasia Kowalska
EastWest Rockers
Cool Kids of Death

hope that helps :D
Vincent  8 | 800  
25 Apr 2009 /  #23
I've found this a good way to learn the language.

There are some good Polish songs in this thread, also search for similar threads and you will find lots of Polish songs to help with learning. Good luck:)
jojospacemunky  1 | 59  
25 Apr 2009 /  #24
but dont have a clue what the words mean!

Thats because Jonsi sings in both Icelandic and Hopelandic to keep their sound unique and un-copyable by anyone else :)Ágætis byrjun is a good album but so is Takk and Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust ...

Also use last.fm type one artist in and you'll get similar artists for finding music as well :)
Marek  4 | 867  
25 Apr 2009 /  #25
Guess it's my generation, but I tried (with varying success) listening to some of Chopin's intoxicatingly delightful waltzes and ballades while studying Polish, finding it did actally help put me in the mood as well as allowing me to imagine his music as an extension of the 'dusza polska', if such a thing even exists:)

Also tried listening to the famous 'Warsaw Concerto', till I discovered it was written by an Englishman. LOL

Started a recording years ago of the 'Warzawianka' while reading Tuwim and it only made me weepy, so I stopped.
flissiebell  1 | 13  
7 May 2010 /  #27
Thread attached on merging:
polish music :-)

hiya all thought id say hi.

im looking into learning polish but not sure where to start, a friend said i should try listening to
polish music, does anyone know if this will help and where is the best place to get some really good music from.

ty flissie :-)
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
7 May 2010 /  #28
Hello flissie,

And welcome to the Polish Forums.

Scroll up and use the search box in the top right of this site to type in key words to help you find what you are looking for.

Many people on here are learning Polish and some have posted threads to help like Listening to the music and learning Polish or What (Polish) song are u listening? - Polish Music Thread. Try find something you like and find the lyrics.

Good luck.
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
7 May 2010 /  #29
I suggest you to start from youtube and choose some good texts. Here are my suggestions:

Agniszka Osiecka - Dookoła noc się stała

Sopickie Bolero

Czy pamiętasz jak to było

Jeremi Przybora - Jakże ściana ta cienka

Mieczysław Fogg - Pamiętam Twoje oczy
flissiebell  1 | 13  
7 May 2010 /  #30

ty for your help will try youtube :-) will be back if i get stuck lol

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