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Poles and Russians -- love-hate relationship?

Vlad1234  16 | 883  
28 Sep 2018 /  #181
I mean tens of millions of death people and dozens of countries invaded or thrown into civil wars.

It was Nazi who invaded tens of countries. Russians just drove them back mostly. Which civil wars with exception the one in Russia?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
28 Sep 2018 /  #182
Russians just drove them back mostly.

...without leaving again. As every true blooded Ukrainian would know...
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
28 Sep 2018 /  #183
That is sad of course, but at least Russians, Ukrainian, Belarusians and other nations of the former USSR didn't convert these countries
into a real colonies like Nazi did. They didn't exploit their resources didn't conduct an ethnical cleansings. There was no Russians in governments of these countries. No signs "for Russians only". They stationed there some troops in barracks and expected socialist orientation.
G (undercover)  
28 Sep 2018 /  #184
How about you google up "history of the 20th centrury" (In English, not in Russian) spent several hours and learn the basics ?

They didn't exploit their resources didn't conduct an ethnical cleansings. There was no Russians in governments of these countries.

Are you trying to be funny ? Seriously dude, how about you read the basics from non-Russian sources before you start polluting the forums ?
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
28 Sep 2018 /  #185
Why not provide some facts on this forum? We will discuss it.
Ironside  50 | 12312  
29 Sep 2018 /  #186
Are you trying to be funny ?

Yes, he does. He was banned for it on a deferent forum.
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
29 Sep 2018 /  #187
Well, I afraid we started to delve into the "jungle".

Still, I think that Eastern Slavs saved Poles from nearly total annihilation at least three times: From a total scale mongol invasion, from Swedish invasion in 18 century and in 1945.
G (undercover)  
29 Sep 2018 /  #188
Well, it's one of these moments when you don't have to add anything more, everything is clear : ))))
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
14 Nov 2018 /  #189
A new animation movie about Polish-Russian war of 1612. (In Russian).
14 Nov 2018 /  #190
I agree Vlad, personally as I was born Polak but family moved west when I was 9 only to move back not long ago I see what everyone is saying in the west is true about these people here. theyre all a bunch of russians trying to be west. and i mean as hard as they can but only in the negative ways. they keep negative traits of both cultures.

"That is sad of course, but at least Russians, Ukrainian, Belarusians and other nations of the former USSR didn't convert these countries
into a real colonies like Nazi did. They didn't exploit their resources didn't conduct an ethnical cleansings. There was no Russians in governments of these countries. No signs "for Russians only". They stationed there some troops in barracks and expected socialist orientation."

I agree, Polaks should just accept themselves more and be more like Armenians, Belorussians or even Serbians in the sense fuk Umerica.
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
14 Nov 2018 /  #191
In English, "Polak" is derogatory! Use simply "Pole" or "Polish" rather than "Polak".
Miloslaw  21 | 4928  
14 Nov 2018 /  #192
at least Russians, Ukrainian, Belarusians and other nations of the former USSR didn't convert these countries into a real colonies like Nazi did

No,they just sent them to Hard Labour camps in Siberia......and exterminated them at Katyn....
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
14 Nov 2018 /  #193
Precisely. No nation is or was above reproach.
Miloslaw  21 | 4928  
14 Nov 2018 /  #194
I personally do not find the term Polak offensive.
I think that is only offensive in The USA,but not elsewhere.
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
14 Nov 2018 /  #195

I always was told it was offensive, much as with "russky", "limey", or "dago".
See times change:-)
Ironside  50 | 12312  
14 Nov 2018 /  #196
I personally do not find the term Polak offensive.

It not about the term. It about an intent and context.

personally as I was born Polak

hmm...let me correct you were born a moron that for sure. As for the Polak part, I after reading your posts here sincerely doubt it.
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
14 Nov 2018 /  #197
Hgbh was just translating, that's all. "Jestem urodzonym PolAKiem." = I am born Polak vs. "I'm a native Pole."
15 Nov 2018 /  #198
No I actually was born here. I ended up being deported back. People on here know my story. The bottom line is I am incredibly dissapointed by these polaks (and I mean it derogatory here either way in usa they constantly reminded me and i accepted it all life there but now I know they were right that depe down I did not accept then). I see how savage and u cuktured they are here for one. have any of you used public transportation in warsaw? they only care about themselves and sit wherever they want even if they have free spots they brush against you especially females here. they act like princesses worse than kardashians worse than anything even wesr. the only good people here are ukrainians. I used to think it was just this forsaken city trying to be super trendy and west that attracted this savagery and egoistyczność (selfishness and lack of responsibility or care for anyone around you). but i went to a hostel in sopot and they are (the females) just as small people or small minds there too. the lady running it started telling me that i should buy stuff for the kitchen and contribute and put me down for simply asking questions about a washing machine that was open right in the shower area I thought for everyone to use. basically they are small people, petty always have to have the last word. even this crap bytchat warsaw near old town niepodlegla street who sells clothes on side of the niepodlegla alley was paranoid i was asking prices for her clothes she had on sale like i would take over her business. these people are i am telling you particularly the princesses or west wannabe kardashians just retards, just like the usa jokes. they are russians trying to be west exactly how theyre all bums in the west and berlin its not even turks but them who fill the gutters and streets.

And so many of these polak females you see in coffee shops like some of the enros and even plac zbawiciela (this place is something else just go there and youll be treated real nice if youre not a fake rich west wannabe entrepreneur but real slav) where they take over entire seating areas and lie saying they were there first or waiting for someone when no one comes for an hour just so they can fele their polak wannabe west power

And why would you tell me I wasnt born here? look at all the polaks west who were also born here and hate it and other polaks and refuse to even teach their kids polish. Just because I see the truth or see how they act here and judge them by that doesnt mean i wasnt born here.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
15 Nov 2018 /  #199
and refuse to even teach their kids polish.

I refused to teach my kids Mongolian, too. So? Why would a person born in the US find Polish to be more useful than Mongolian? Every single Polish place in the Chicago area speaks perfect English.

Other than that, you posts are interesting but painful to read.
15 Nov 2018 /  #200
every ethnicity keeps their language even asians. it has nothing to do if its useful its cultural and pride.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
15 Nov 2018 /  #201
Why would my kids - born and raised in the US - be proud of Poland and Polish culture? Please, go slow.
Crow  154 | 9207  
15 Nov 2018 /  #202
Ajaoooo, Poles and Russians upset me greatly. When would you start to respect fact that we Serbs have interest for peace between you. Rule awaits us and money and glory and many many good deeds for greater good of all and YOU behave like kids. Grow up and obey to interests of Serbia, center of your civilization.

One day, after 1000 years and 1000 nights when we are tired from rule, we promise, you will have your 1000 years of rule. Everything will be in time just grow up now and stop THAT.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
15 Nov 2018 /  #203
Grow up and obey to interests of Serbia, center of your civilization.

This is where you really crossed the line. In one sentence, an insult, a demand, and a lie. Even I couldn't beat it, and, God knows, I wouldn't mind now and then.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
15 Nov 2018 /  #204
It was Nazi who invaded tens of countries. Russians just drove them back mostly

Yes, mostly. Yet, Soviet Russia has attacked Poland with Nazi Germany in September 1939. It's not a theory of mine. It's just a common known fact. The secret protocol of Ribbentrop-Molotov pact was made public in 1989 so anyone can access it. Even Vladimir Putin has condemned that pact.

So let's not build a future Polish-Russian relations on a lie but rather face the truth.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
15 Nov 2018 /  #205
If somebody must rule, or Serbia will rule or Germany will rule. There can be only one on the top of Europe.

Trust me, it will not be Serbia. Even the US is not capable of ruling Europe. Just compare the US and Serbia...
I will say this just one more time: by throwing Serbia into every post you are losing credibility by looking like a single-mission zealot. It's not helpful to any other message in the post. That "Serbia" overpowers whatever else you want to say. Also, "rule" belongs to history books about kings, not a modern-day political discussion.

My suspicion is that you are quoting a lot from some religious books. Am I correct?
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
15 Nov 2018 /  #206
A relatively new Russian animation movie about Polish-Russian war of 1611. In Russian.

No,they just sent them to Hard Labour camps in Siberia......and exterminated them at Katyn....

An ethnic Russians ordered this?
Spike31  3 | 1485  
15 Nov 2018 /  #207
That's true. Soviet State was ruled mostly by international communists with roots from all over former Russian Empire and Eastern Europe. Not many ethnic Russians were executives in Politburo and secret police
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
15 Nov 2018 /  #208
Polish contributions to the arts especially, also to the sciences, are legion, quit kidding yourselves.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
18 Nov 2018 /  #209
That's true. A lots of of Polish minor nobility members like Benedykt Dybowski and Michal Jankowski were sent to Siberia after an uprising in 19th century. Due to their education they have formed a local elites.


Michal Jankowski

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