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When will you Poles give back German land and the cities which you robbed?

sascha  1 | 824  
6 Sep 2010 /  #302
It's in all Germans blood to start conflicts and wars .

That story is long gone and done. The German fighter changed the rifle for the computer... ;-)

And that with the "blood basis" is applicable for half of the planet.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
6 Sep 2010 /  #303
It's in all Germans blood to start conflicts and wars .

Ooooh yeeeeah...and soon we are coming to YOU! *points at Marek and laughs sinister*

PS: Stop sh*itting your pants..eeeew....you stink! :(
Crow  154 | 9535  
6 Sep 2010 /  #304
You dance on german misfortunes?Shadenfreunde?


it would be performed on the day of official funeral for false German state. Serbs would dance and celebrate reunion of Lusatian and Balkan Serbs in our beloved, free and again great Polonia Sarmatia
Crow  154 | 9535  
6 Sep 2010 /  #306
now, now, don`t cry.... here is something for you, that Croatian `danke deutschland` song


are u happy now?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
6 Sep 2010 /  #307
Thank you! You are so kind to me!!! :)

Can't wait for the serbian version after we took them in into our arms (EU).... :)
But please not this singer with this funny hair from the Eurovision Song contest!
Malopolanin  3 | 132  
6 Sep 2010 /  #308
Reslavicisation of the Polabian Slavs seems to be a good idea.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
6 Sep 2010 /  #310
The German fighter changed the rifle for the computer... ;-)

Although in boxing, where they just have dodgy refs and judges. I wonder if that's why many Polish and Ukrainian boxers box with Germany as their base.
Crow  154 | 9535  
6 Sep 2010 /  #311
Reslavicisation of the Polabian Slavs seems to be a good idea.

i telling that all the time here

Why don't you start??

don`t worry. Inevitable would happen
southern  73 | 7059  
7 Sep 2010 /  #312
Crow promotes the destruction of Germany to free Polabian Serbs.
Crow  154 | 9535  
7 Sep 2010 /  #313

Also, Poles are obliged to EU and NATO (as they were often obliged in history to all kind of obligators) and they can`t speak. At least, not too much. But Serbs aren`t obliged and they speak for itself, for Poles, for Polabians, etc. Its because Serbs has big di** in constant erection
pro  - | 1  
7 Sep 2010 /  #314
That`s a pity XX century world wars started when German people were told they were the victims and sufferers of unfair decisions of foreign powers. And they should take revenge ... or gain lebensraum, colonies and so on.

Trying to make their situation better resulted in humiliation and great losses.
But the seeds of the next war are sown... the anger, hatred grows in silence.

This time Germans are looking eastwards ready to reverse the effects of the II world war.
Political history blaming Poland for the war is just the first step.
(probably based on a Polish comedy film "How I started the II world war") ;-)

When any nation treats itself as a god, trying to impose its rule over other nations (untermenschen), the result are atrocities and cruelty performed in the name of "our justified rights".

Such a nation is brought to downfall and suffering, which might be a chance to repent.

If we do not accept our contemporary conditions as just "temporary" before eternity
and we try to make this earth a heaven for us at the cost of others then we risk losing what we have now.

For centuries German nations have been blessed with mulititude of gifted people, good location in resourceful territory and relatively safe region of Europe.
Using these gifts contributed to development of European science and culture for the benefit of all nations.

When Prussia gained power over German countries it imposed more ruthless style of policy : envy against strong , disrespect of the weak.
Darwinian theory of competing species - races added fuel to the fight for power.
So destroying a weaker nation seemed to be a scientifically proven necessity in the competiton of nations.
Great gifts and talents given to German people to make them able to help others grow and develop were turned to building the tools of destruction.

What we know from private revelations :
During the III world war Russia will be involved in defending herself from Chinese attack.
Then Germany will try to reduce the territory of Poland and make the Baltic its own sea - as on the map in encyclopaedia germanica online (Polen)

But killing the Russians in Kaliningrad will make the Russia take revenge, after dealing with Chinese.
Germany will be nuked and also affected by severe natural disasters.
German nation will be nearly wiped out - just as the Germans previously tried to do with other nations.

That will be the warning for others, since God does not tolerate breaking His laws for too long.

So if German army invades Poland ( "to take back our German cities" ) it would be a suicide - a death sentence for German nation.

How do we know it ?
Not only from private Polish revelations.
Also Therese Neumann , a German Catholic mystic , foretold the end of sufferings for Poland
but a hard time for Germany. This nation has a lot to pay for the sins of previous generations.

Believe it or not, we watch the events step by step bringing us closer to this scenario.
The future is not fixed however and we have a chance to change our decisions.
But I am afraid only a few bother to listen to the warnings before it is too late.

P.S. Poland as a country relatively spared during III world war is expected to start another commonwealth of Eastern European nations - based on freedom and equal rights.

It might seem ridiculous now, but let`s wait and see if and how it happens.
convex  20 | 3928  
7 Sep 2010 /  #315
Except that, Germans don't care about the war. The younger generation has nothing to do with it, and don't really care much about Polish animosity towards them for it. The only people that even remember that Breslau and Posen were once German are the over 60 crowd. Younger Germans look around and see Turks, Slavs, Africans, Asians, Balkan folks... all with German passports, all hanging out together wondering what the Poles are going on about.

Sorry man, no war coming from the West.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
7 Sep 2010 /  #316
That`s a pity XX century world wars started when German people were told they were the victims and sufferers of unfair decisions of foreign powers. And they should take revenge ... or gain lebensraum, colonies and so on.

couldn't the Russians and Ukrainians say similar things about Poland following WW1?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
7 Sep 2010 /  #317
good location in resourceful territory

Erm.... Countless neighbours? Most of it an indefensible plain without natural borders (prime battlefield for foreign armies), besides a bit of coal no natural resources to speak of....

relatively safe region of Europe.

You've got to be kidding! Ever heard of the 100 years war? The 30 years war? The liberation wars??? The countless other wars before WWI and WWII??

When Prussia gained power over German countries it imposed more ruthless style of policy : envy against strong , disrespect of the weak.

Oh puuuuleeeeese! You Poles have it with Prussia don't you! I'm not sure where you get your info from but if the rest of your post stems from the same sources then it's quite unrealistic!

That will be the warning for others, since God does not tolerate breaking His laws for too long.

*stops reading*

Back to bible studies for you and leave history for the grown ups...
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
7 Sep 2010 /  #318
Is pro the long lost twin brother of Crow, now miraculously found in Poland? Damn, I hope they are not triplets, the third one lurking somewhere in Siberia, slowly but firmly gravitating towards PF...
musicwriter  5 | 87  
8 Sep 2010 /  #319
I thought the 1945 borders of Poland were changed by agreement of the "Big Three" (Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt) at the Crimean Conference in Yalta. As to the question if it was prudent or not, it's been a matter of conjecture ever since. Even some things in America seem unjustifialble but as one lawyer stated "That's the way it is".
Marek11111  9 | 807  
9 Sep 2010 /  #320
when Germany will ask for the land Poland will give it to them
MartAnthony  2 | 38  
1 Oct 2010 /  #321
No point in asking for it back..It is easier to just buy it back bit by bit...LOL

In fact if Silesia was free again and called back the people who were frorced out..It would be one of the riches countries in the world.
No Nonsense  6 | 68  
1 Oct 2010 /  #322
*stops reading*

Back to bible studies for you and leave history for the grown ups...

You know what you should do? Go move to f*cking Germany. Give you land and cities which you do not own and never have? Absolutely not.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
1 Oct 2010 /  #323
Ach, Germans do well enough for themselves here. They aren't denied opportunities so what's the problem?
EchoTheCat  - | 137  
1 Oct 2010 /  #324
But then...your denial is getting ridiculous as even polish travel agencies advertise with the german heritage of polish towns, offering guided tours... ;)

We call it the tourism of sentiment. Usually it looks like this: To Posen/Danzig/Breslau etc. come german trip. They look at buildings and say :

- Do you remember , Helga our first date ?
- Oh, yes it was the summer of 41'. Hans, it was glorious time ! You gave me a bouquet of little Jewish heads instead of flowers and I gave you a belt made from women's polish hair !
gkashuba  - | 4  
1 Oct 2010 /  #325
Mate i think should see a few Hitler war footage of SS Nazi blasting there way into Belarus,Ukraine,Stalingrad.
Civilians were just gun practice !!!

You lost now shut up.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
1 Oct 2010 /  #326
We call it the tourism of sentiment. Usually it looks like this: To Posen/Danzig/Breslau etc. come german trip

And it's a big number for Poland...they cater to these sentimental tourists...even building memorials, renaming places again etc. :)

You lost now shut up.

Yeah...you winner you! ;)
tow_stalin  - | 57  
1 Oct 2010 /  #327
"POLENGGGs" - you are such an idiot that i wont waste my time for you. go back to the shadow.
Plastic Pole52  - | 67  
1 Oct 2010 /  #328
Well as soon as the Germans pay for all the lives they took and all the damage they caused and Poland recover the land lost after 1945 there will be no reason to not to give it back.Until then the fascists can forget about it.Period.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
1 Oct 2010 /  #329
Oh you f**** idiot...Germany paid already with the lost territories, for your eastern part go speak to your Slavic brothers the Russians.
And for the rest, we OWE you already...Poland depends to 1/3 of his economy on Germany alone, Germany is the biggest investor and buyer of polish assets, no borders anymore, Germans can settle anywhere in Poland...go out and take a good long look at reality, you idiot!

What Hitler couldn't achieve the Germans now got without firing one shot and you even say "Thank you"!
Polson  5 | 1767  
1 Oct 2010 /  #330
Haha, this is a funny thread.

Germany is the biggest investor and buyer of polish assets, no borders anymore, Germans can settle anywhere in Poland

Hey, this is Europe. Poles can also settle anywhere in Germany, no borders ;)

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