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Documentary by Khosrow Sinai "The Lost Requiem" Polish orphans in New Zealand?

jozefavluggen 2 | 3  
12 Oct 2010 /  #1

Has anyone seen a documentary by Khosrow Sinai "The Lost Requiem" - My mother was sent to New Zealand and our family is interested in the history of it all - I was wondering if this is worth trying to get a copy of, and of course can it be found in English.

12 Oct 2010 /  #2
I never knew about those 700 Polish orphans sent to New Zeland from Iranian refugee camps. I think it'd be interesting for you to watch it.
OP jozefavluggen 2 | 3  
12 Oct 2010 /  #3
Thanks for the link - yes they wrote a book about their arrival in New Zealand and their experiences but my Mum was only 4 or 5 so we have limited details of what happened to her parents and her journey to Iran and Poland
12 Oct 2010 /  #4
Here is a trailer of that documentary (about 8 minutes)
OP jozefavluggen 2 | 3  
12 Oct 2010 /  #5
Thanks again - also interesting from the 1st link you sent - this one iranian.com/main/2010/jan/polish-war-cemetery-anzali
I wonder if they have a list of those who died.
Living in Exile - | 1  
20 Feb 2011 /  #6
I recently purchased the documentary at: iranianmovies.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=4573 &Category_Code=

It arrived to me in Australia in less than 7 days.

It is a very good documentary.

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