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Why Polish aren't white??

PennBoy  76 | 2429  
20 Feb 2009 /  #1
I'm Polish and have been living in America since i was a child, and i've heard this dozens of times, I don't expect Europeans to understand this, but many idiots in America think that Polish people, and not just them but ALL foreigners from Europe are not white, simply Polish, or German, or Russian etc. that u have to be an American to be white, who started this stupid s**t?? I've heard from them that "yea u are still white, but ur Polish, ur not American so ur not white" People ur comments plz
polishcanuck  7 | 461  
20 Feb 2009 /  #2
Hmmmm do you live in the southern (alabama, mississippi, louisiana, georgia, tennessee etc.) US??
plk123  8 | 4119  
20 Feb 2009 /  #3
lol. my thought exactly.
Grownfolksbiz  - | 8  
20 Feb 2009 /  #4
Hmmmm.... No offense dude but I've never heard of this nonsense ever in my life. If there's anything you don't have to worry about in America, wondering if 99.9 percent of Americans think you're white is not one of them.
Randal  1 | 577  
20 Feb 2009 /  #5
Race is always a complex issue because it is an ill-defined human construct and people confuse things like ethnicity and nationality and culture with race.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
20 Feb 2009 /  #6
but many idiots in America think that Polish people, and not just them but ALL foreigners from Europe are not white, simply Polish, or German, or Russian etc.

i have never heard that...hmmm...
Easy_Terran  3 | 311  
20 Feb 2009 /  #7
Yeah, never heard that either. I am considered white by all of my friends/co-workers.
GoDfaTheR420  6 | 43  
20 Feb 2009 /  #8
ummm....does it actually matter!?!?

Being classed as white isn't all its cracked up to be!

Being classed as Polish/Russian or non-whites isn't the end of the world!

I'm a British Asian ( white Mother/ non white Father!!!) so I'm classed as what!!!....seriously i couldn't care less!!!

move on dude...America is huuuuuuge and there are way more important things to do there than worry about colour!!!....I spent 3 years there and the subject of colour never ever came up!!!

ps...I've been here for 1 year now....i have seen blue eyed, blond polish people...i have seen polish people darker than me!!!...what gives!

pps took the day of work today.....ate waaaaaaay too many dougnuts yesterday!!...strange tradition...why...who...when was this started!
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
20 Feb 2009 /  #9
Are those people that tell you those things kids from your school by any chance?
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
20 Feb 2009 /  #10
I'm a British Asian ( white Mother/ non white Father!!!) so I'm classed as what!!!....seriously i couldn't care less!!!

You're mixed race, and why chose Asian? Your mother is white? Why not just say British?

Are those people that tell you those things kids from your school by any chance?

My thoughts exactly!
20 Feb 2009 /  #11
Yes, this is true! I was young and wondering why my mother is dark skin and my dad is medium white. My sister is dark. My brother & I are very light.. We all have blue eyes and mom have brown eyes. I couldn't figures it out.

Finally I went to library to read book about Poland. Boy, this really changes my ideas and how things happens back then. I foung out Poland was under Austrian & Hungarians rules for so many years like 900 hundred years till 1930"s In Warsaw there were French peoples, Russian people, Sweden poeple, and some of others were building Warsaw.

I know you had Napoleon in Poland, he is Italian married Polish woman.

In Southern part of Poland Crawcow was ruled by Austrian & Hungrian Kings which mean German Settlers, Austrian Setter, Ukrain Settlers, Czech Setters and others. I heard Turkish people were in this area Tatra Mountain.

It is really long story, I advise all of you to read book Poland. You will get ideas.

I think I might be French, German, Austrian & Polish. Maybe Czeck.
Piorun  - | 655  
20 Feb 2009 /  #12
but many idiots in America think that Polish people

Dose this answer your question?

I foung out Poland was under Austrian & Hungarians rules for so many years like 900 hundred years till 1930"s

Seanus  15 | 19666  
20 Feb 2009 /  #13
Hot damn, are youuu from Jowjaa? Man, I tell you wot boy, you got me stumped on dis one. Here was me thaaankin a wuz Whaaite. Did ma papa lie to me, wuz ma pops wrawng? ;)

The Poles are white. They are amongst the whitest people I have met. Only the Scandinavians are truly whiter.

Man, there goes an Afro-American, I'm watching a Hollywood film btw ;)

Now white, that was funny :)
20 Feb 2009 /  #14
To Piorun:

Watch your manner! I see you are Polish and still idiot and bad manner. I goof when I put 900 I should have put 9 hundred years. I think you should learn how to have good manner in here.

Have A Good Day!

By the way, where did you learn your manner at? In Poland!!!!
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495  
20 Feb 2009 /  #15
I foung out Poland was under Austrian & Hungarians rules for so many years like 900 hundred years till 1930"s In Warsaw there were French peoples, Russian people, Sweden poeple, and some of others were building Warsaw.

900 hundreds years= 90 000 years.. ;)
but ad rem: poland wasnt ruled by A&H for long time... only 123 years (1795- 1918)
Piorun  - | 655  
20 Feb 2009 /  #16
To Arlene:

I do apologize this was uncalled for but I could not help myself. I know who I am and trust me I’ve been called worst than an Idiot so I do forgive you, but making the same mistake twice just proves my point. It just reinforces my opinion; Americans do learn their history from comic books, cartoons and other idiots. Besides the other nationalities that you have listed are not white? What’s your point?

PS. You should be honored that people actually do read your opinion.
20 Feb 2009 /  #17
To Piorun:

I forgive you. I am honor people are reading my post, sometime I make mistake writing. I will have to double check my post.

You were saying about other nationalities that I listed are not white? I am trying to tell people that lot of Polish people aren't white and some of them are dark complexsion. People are wondering how come. Colors don't mean anythings but how we choose to lives as who we are and so.

Thanks again.
I still love you. Peace.

To RubasznyRumcajs:

I make a mistake it should be 9 hundred years. You can look up this:
click: Timeline of Tatra
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429  
20 Feb 2009 /  #18
No i don't live in the south i live in Pennsylvania, and i don't hear this from suburban people but intercity people, they say that Polish people are white, white race, we're Europeans no shit, but in Amercia only white AMERICANS say or can say they're white, if ur European u must say ur Polish, English, Russian whatever. that is what i'm tryin to explain, it don't make sence to me either but i've heard this shit from alot of people.
20 Feb 2009 /  #19
even if you are not white as those Americans claim, so what? Do they have a problem with non-whites? That is strange even in America. Is is possible that you hang out with different kinds of people, so you can be accepted for who as a person vs. what your skin colour is.

You need to move!!!!!
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429  
21 Feb 2009 /  #20
I don't have a problem with any people, i have, Polish, Irish-American, Italian, African-American, Puerto rican ,Mexican friends, i think it's just some racist trash trying to put people in different catergories just to have a reason to hate them.
Grownfolksbiz  - | 8  
21 Feb 2009 /  #21
PennBoy, my friend..... Let me clarify this for you. This is not a race issue. It's a national issue. No one will mistake you for being white. Ask any white in the U.S. their background and they'll tell you Polish, French, Italian, or Irish (etc). Just the same as Jamaicans and Puerto Rican-Americans living in New York or Mexican-Americans in Cali and in the south driving around town with their flags hanging off the mirror. Yes, they're american but some nosey/curious people like to know people's backgrounds when they hear a different accent or hear you talking another language on your cell phone. Please don't feel offended. I can assure you that you won't be followed by the police or followed around stores with expensive items because you're Polish.

Furthermore, people try to act as if they see no differences. Yes, American and I'm black. It's obvious. I have no problem with you stating the obvious. The very same people who chastise others who state the obvious turn right back around and say things like "I don't like America because people are fat." Are they being just as ignorant or are they stating the obvious? hmmmmmmmm?
cinek  2 | 347  
21 Feb 2009 /  #22
I make a mistake it should be 9 hundred years. You can look up this: e-targ.org

That text is about history of Tatra region (some small part of Polish highlands), not Poland.
If you real want to learn history of Poland you can try on Wikipedia e.g.


21 Feb 2009 /  #23
To cinek

Yes I know I was talking about Southern Part of Poland. Whole Poland was divided 2 parts.

Northern Poland Warsaw was ruled by Sweden, French, Russian & Italian. Seem like other countries rules Poland but not Polish People.

You can read book about Poland. I think you find it interesting.

This is how Polish people have different color of their skins You all should be proud of yourself for what you are. Don't be shame. .
mazzastaffordsh  2 | 68  
21 Feb 2009 /  #24
You should always be proud of your Polish roots. Just take a look at the way Poland has been treated over the years, but one thing that always comes back is that the Polish people have great courage, big hearts and would always welcome a stranger in need. My father was a Pole and settled in the UK but the one thing about him was that he did not look towards possessions as how successful his life was but that he worked hard, raised a family, provided food and warmth in the home and achieved that by working hard in the mines. He could never offer money if anyone needed help (he was not well off himself) but he would always give them food and time to talk of problems etc. He was a man whom I was very proud of and he had the respect of many villagers where we lived.

Never ever let anyone put you down for any reason. Poles are lovely friendly people and maybe the people who are so rude about others should look at themselves and get an education.
goodlady  2 | 31  
21 Feb 2009 /  #25
i find that a lot of polish people have an olive skin type
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
21 Feb 2009 /  #26
Polish are Actually Descended from West African Hausa Tribe

Around 750-800 AD, a fairly large number of Hausa tribesmen and women (region of Niger, Mali) emmigrated north over the Sahara Desert, crossed the Mediterranean, then continued their migration until the reached the region of the Carpathian mountains...There they settled...But, because of a 'genetic anomaly' that still remains a myster, within one generation, their skin turned almost completely whit...No one know if this genetic modification was triggered by climate, food eaten, micro-organisms in the water supply or other environmental factors...However, it did occur, and occurd SUDDENLY...These former Housa formed the backbone of the emerging Polish tribe/nation...Here is some photo illustration...Some say that due to 'tribal memory', we have the veneration of the 'Black Madonna of Czestochowa'.

Early Pole

Tody's Pole

A Pole Today
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
22 Feb 2009 /  #27
even if you are not white as those Americans claim, so what? Do they have a problem with non-whites? That is strange even in America. Is is possible that you hang out with different kinds of people, so you can be accepted for who as a person vs. what your skin colour is.

I agree, I never heard people saying this either.

It's obvious. I have no problem with you stating the obvious.

thank you , you have clarified what I have said before!! :)

I do apologize this was uncalled for but I could not help myself

u were on a roll, then you ruined it with the stupid comments like:

It just reinforces my opinion; Americans do learn their history from comic books, cartoons and other idiots. Besides the other nationalities that you have listed are not white? What’s your point?

this was really really stupid.. tsk tsk..

that we learn out history from comic books, Cartoons and other idiots..

if your going to make snide remarks about Americans. at least try to make
it sound like your older then 10 years of age.
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429  
22 Feb 2009 /  #28
Furthermore, people try to act as if they see no differences. Yes, American and I'm black. It's obvious. I have no problem with you stating the obvious. The very same people who chastise others who state the obvious turn right back around and say things like "I don't like America because people are fat." Are they being just as ignorant or are they stating the obvious? hmmmmmmmm?

Grownfolksbiz thanx for clarifing that for me. No one said anything bad to me, at least not recently, years back yes often from white Americans, but i can honestly say i've never experienced any prejudice from African Americans, actually when i say i'm Polish they like me for it, and respect me, as if they know i'm foreign and get hated on sometimes like they. I have a grandfather back in Poland who was dying in a hospital the Polish doctors wouldn't help him, this was back during communist times, because he wouldn't give them money (even though healthcare was supposed to be free) anyhow the black doctor who was there was the only one who helped him actually saved his life didn't take a penny, they amputated his legs, he saved his life. Another time in a different city again a black doctor helped him. See even though he just met 2 or 3 of them he loves black people, he knows that there are bad ones as well, but for someone completely different to help him that much, that was truely something for him.
Switezianka  - | 463  
22 Feb 2009 /  #29
It just reminded me of a cartoon in one of my school handbooks:

A black couple wearing some kind of traditional African clothes is standing in front of a clerk in a Polish office. The woman is holding a baby (as black as the parents). The clerk says (in a balloon): "Well, if you both have got Polish citizenship, it means Makumba is Polish, too".
Piorun  - | 655  
22 Feb 2009 /  #30
if your going to make snide remarks about Americans. at least try to make
it sound like your older then 10 years of age.

There’s no other way to talk to someone who obviously is a troll, trying to pass herself as native. Just read couple of her posts and you’ll see what I mean. I recommend “Poles make good prostitutes”. If I really meant this; I would go even further and recommend a geography lessons as well, but perhaps she should start with the obvious one first, like English. She obviously didn’t have a problem with that statement (I wonder why), so why should you? My opinion is based on the post and a claim of the OP as to who he/she is. Just in case she is who she claims to be, than it is very obvious she was taking a short bus to school, a very short bus where every seat is a front seat, hence no more comments on my part. The reputation that you so fiercely defend here is ruined by such people, but you have no problem with that. So if the shoe fits.

PS. She also claims to be part Polish. My true opinion a TROLL

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