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Weryho-Darowski family

20 Sep 2006 #1
do you have information on karol veryho-darowski and his daughter Maria who lived in England around 1940? do you know the meaning of veryho?
bolo 2 | 304
20 Sep 2006 #2
There's no such word like "veryho" in Polish. It sounds more Jewish...
Wroclaw 44 | 5,366
20 Sep 2006 #3

'Veryho' sounds Ukranian.

If you find out where your family came from then look at a pre-war map it might make sense.
OP aida56
21 Sep 2006 #4
Sorry it is Weryho-Darowski.
Wroclaw 44 | 5,366
21 Sep 2006 #5

That's OK. Maybe someone will be able to help now. :)
OP aida56
23 Sep 2006 #6
Thanks. Can someone help me for my research in the national archives UK online site to find Maria Weryho-Darowska naturalisation certificate. The site is huge and not very easy to use.
Wroclaw 44 | 5,366
23 Sep 2006 #7

The best place to ask for help on English genealogy is:

Not rootsweb. There is a difference.

When doing Genealogy in England you might have problems with the 'hundred year rule'
OP aida56
24 Sep 2006 #8
thank you for your help. IN searching in yahoo I found a site with with the name Karol Weryho-Darowski (my grandfather name) but the suject is in english. The site is

There is a long list of names. Can someone reading polish give me information on the subject?

Maria Weryho-Darowski is born in Poland in 1936. She lived in London around 1942. Anyone with the same family name?

Can someone help me to find the e-mail of Izabela Weryho-Darowska. She is a doctor in Poland. Thanks
15 Apr 2007 #9

quite unexpectedly I came across your email dated September 20, 06. I do not know if you will get this email or if you are still looking for Izabela, but I do know her whereabouts. We lived in the same dormitory during our academic years and have been friends ever since. I see Izabela when I go to Poland. If you still need more information, please let me know at biblioteko@gmail

Izabela B.
27 Apr 2007 #10
I have some news on Weryho-Darowski family in Poland. If you're interested do write at:
aidadubai 1 | 6
18 Feb 2012 #11
Merged: help with family tree Weryho-Darowski

I have a photo of my grand-father Karol Weryho-Darowski. On the back of the photo it is written :Foto Jakowczyk (witch I assume is the name of the owner of the photoshop) then Wegorowski and then last lane Torun (witch I assume is the city of Torun). My question is : what is Wegorowski for?

Thanks a lot.
Alligator - | 259
18 Feb 2012 #12
"Foto Jakowczyk Węgorowski Toruń" is the name of old polish photo shop in Toruń. In english it would be something like "Jakowczyk & Węgorowski Photo in Toruń". Jakowczyk and Węgorowski are surnames of the owners.
aidadubai 1 | 6
18 Feb 2012 #13
Thanks a lot. This photoshop still exists in Torun?
Alligator - | 259
18 Feb 2012 #14
It doesn't exist anymore. The owner names were:
Jakowczyk Franciszek
Węgorowski Leon
Adress of photoshop was:
ulica Różana 4, Toruń. (Różana Street 4, Toruń)

This photoshop still exists in Torun?

This photoshop still existed after war. I found information dating back to 1948. I don't know what happened with the shop later, but it probably was shut down by communists.

You can find some photos taken in that photoshop on auctions; they are considered as collectors items.
aidadubai 1 | 6
18 Feb 2012 #15
Thanks a lot. I am trying to send you a copy of the photo and the back of the photo where there some notes. Can you please confirm if you received the attachment and please tell me what is written.
Alligator - | 259
18 Feb 2012 #16
I didn't get the photo yet.
aidadubai 1 | 6
18 Feb 2012 #17
Can I send it on private email?

Can you please explain to me how I can send you attachments with my message. Thanks.
Alligator - | 259
18 Feb 2012 #18
Vincent gave you link to instructions on your other thread. Send me that picture through Private Message or place picture into post.
aidadubai 1 | 6
18 Feb 2012 #19
I tried several times to send you the photos. I think that I am to new in the forum and I am not yet allowed to send attachments. Send me email on aidadubai@hotmail and I will send you the photos.
aidadubai 1 | 6
25 Feb 2012 #21
Can someone help me with the place of birth of Tadeusz Weryho-Darowski. Thanks a lot.

Home / Genealogy / Weryho-Darowski family