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searching for my ancestors Erasmus Stasik

dsprinting69 4 | 6  
11 Oct 2011 /  #1
This is what I know.
Erasmus Stasik was my gggf, he married a woman named Mary they had william, john, cecelia and sylvester. Mary died and he married Elzbeita ogrodrick they had adam, sofie, mildred,joseph and henry. I do have gggf baptismal certificate. But it is difficult to read and make out certain names. I believe he is from Brzeziny. His fathers name was franciscus Stasik and his mothers name was Anna Stasiowska. Other names on this certificate are Joannis and we believe annae. Godparents are Adelbertus Stasik and Agatha Mrocku?? Very hard to make out. I know that the certif says house # 99. If I cuould get any assistance I would be grateful. I believe they immagrated (erasmus & Mary) in the late 1880's Not sure when yet because he gives 3 differnt years on US censuses. Also using different names like Michael Stisik, eraz Stacey, erasm stasiak, so my search has been painful. Any help is welcomed. I also have a last name on this Baptismal cert. of the mothers maiden name I think it looks like Jagula. Any info on that name or possile others would help. Would like to find out if GGGF had siblings but do not know how to go about doing it. Thanks for reading and hopefully someone can help out more.

I belong to a site called polish origins and they have been wonderful in trying to help me.
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
11 Oct 2011 /  #2
I think it looks like Jagula.

post some copies/photos of the certs and we will try to give you an informed opinion re the names etc.

do it in B&W and change the contrast (for darker print). they will be easier to read.
Polonius3 980 | 12276  
12 Oct 2011 /  #3
STASIK: patronymic nick meaning son of Staś (English equivalent: Stanson).

JAGU£A: probably derived from such female first names as Jagata (Agata), Jagnieszka (Agnieszka), Jagna or Jadwiga (Hedwig).

MROCZEK: squinting person; the stars or spots people see before their eyes when hit over the head.

OGRÓDEK/OGRODEK: diminutive of ogród (garden), hence little garden.
OP dsprinting69 4 | 6  
12 Oct 2011 /  #4
here is the baptismal certificate. I am trying to get the names properly spelled. I also am trying to find living relatives in Poland and also to try to find out if GGGF had siblings (Its hard for me to believe he would have been an only child). Any help is greatly appreciated. THANK YOU ALL IN ADVANCE.
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
12 Oct 2011 /  #5
here is the baptismal certificate.

where ? make a couple more posts and then try again.
OP dsprinting69 4 | 6  
12 Oct 2011 /  #6
I couldnt get it to upload so I sent email to polonius3. If you would like to see I can email to you, I need all the help I can get.
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
12 Oct 2011 /  #7
I need all the help I can get.

size matters. 1kb max (i think) or about 300 x 300

u could use a photo site and then post the link.
OP dsprinting69 4 | 6  
18 Oct 2011 /  #8
I need help deciphering this name. Can anyone help???

Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
18 Oct 2011 /  #9
I need help deciphering this name.

all i can offer is either: oktuae... oktune.. okture.

strange because google thinks it means: 'of which', which is spelt differently anyway.

u will have to compare each letter to what u think are the same letter in other parts of the certificate.

u seem to have two capital letters so what looks like 'k' might be two different letters.

it's difficult because folks will see what they want to see. as it is it means nothing to me.

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