Many Slavs tend to have Asiatic facial features. Do you think Asiatic ancestry is common in the Polish population? For example, here is Polish model Edyta Gorniak. This is not a rare look among Polish women.
How common do you think Asiatic ancestry is in Poland?
Mongolian invasions in the 13th and 14 centuries
yes, many poles have mongolian faces
she is quite mongolian, a lot of poles look like that
For example, here is Polish model Edyta Gorniak. This is not a rare look among Polish women.
she is quite mongolian, a lot of poles look like that
Edyta Gorniak
she's half Roma, from her father's side
Maybe so, but you still can't deny that's a common look in Poland...
Who says I can't deny it?I am denying that it's a common look in Poland.What I can't deny is that this forum is always full of retarded punks like you and their's ridiculous thesis.
15 Oct 2014 / #7
Well, poles are not mongols, but mixing with turkish tatars did occur, and I believe my family is a produCT of that. We have high cheek bones round faces almound shaped almost slanted eyes. While I have a few blondes in my family, most including myself have black hair and brown eyes with yellow to grey skin. My uncles are very short, and look very tatar.
We have high cheek bones round faces almound shaped almost slanted eyes.
black hair and brown eyes with yellow to grey skin.
My uncles are very short, and look very tatar
jeez! that sounds gross...
mixing with turkish tatars did occur
Really? So me being tall, having light brown hair, pale skin and green eyes must be lucky Polish guy lol
But seriously if my only source of information about Poland was this forum I would be picturing Polish people something like this:

So me being tall, having light brown hair, pale skin and green eyes must be lucky Polish guy lol
Same here except I have blue/hazel eyes and my blond hair went mousy light brown when I got to my 20's. In the Polish neighborhood where I grew up none of the kids had Asiatic features but subsequently I have run into a few Poles who do. After some research I found that approximately 2% of Poles retain those exotic features and the Polish community is the better for it.
16 Oct 2014 / #10
Wulkan, my family is not gross, we are actually good looking people, no offense. While I may not have described us in the most flattering manner, it is a good example of the influences of some asiatic infflluence. When I mean yellow I mean a sort of golden sun like skin town, not swallow. Grey, while this is a slavic thing as well. Instead of having pure milky. White skin, we have a less pure skin tone. I am just as polish as you are.
While I may not have described us in the most flattering manner, it is a good example of the influences of some asiatic infflluence.
nothing wrong with it, you must be falling in those 2% of Poles with asiatic influence, lucky you.
Instead of having pure milky. White skin, we have a less pure skin tone.
What? I've been living in England for a decade and I see people here who are even paler than me but I'm yet to meet a person with purely white, milk like skin.
17 Oct 2014 / #12
I recently had my DNA analyzed and found I have Asian blood -- distant relative of Gangis Khan -- and other Asian areas. Some of my relatives still carry the oriental looking eye and round shaped face. I always suspected there was some form of Asian connection and now I know for sure. We also carry Ashkenazi Jewish blood, as the Ashkenazis settled in this area and married with the Poles, Russians, and other populations from the Baltics to the Nordics. There is also a list of most every other ethnic background in my DNA. I was very happily surprised!
If you wish to find your heritage, have your DNA tested. Also, look up ancient European history in this area and you will find exactly who your possible relatives might be.
If you wish to find your heritage, have your DNA tested. Also, look up ancient European history in this area and you will find exactly who your possible relatives might be.