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Gracyasz - can't find anything on family name or history

JGrimm 1 | 3
9 Feb 2013 #1
What we know is my Great Grandfather came over from Poland to the United States in 1902 he was born in 1881. His Name was Originally Wojcieck Gracyasz, and he changed it to Albert Gracyas here in the states. His Father was Józef Gracyasz. That is all we know. We have searched for years and found nothing on our family.
Wroclaw 44 | 5,366
9 Feb 2013 #2
What we know is my Great Grandfather came over from Poland to the United States in 1902

do you have a copy of the ship's record.... it may show place/town of origin.... and possibly next of kin and their town/city

have you checked naturalization papers.

are you sure he came from Poland (according to documents) and not Prussia, Russia, Austria.
9 Feb 2013 #3
Do you know the name of the ship he and your grandfather took? The passenger manifold should tell you a lot. And if they changed their names, that paperwork would also require mentioning the town or village they hailed from originally. Once you know where they came from, you should be able to find out quite a bit more.
OP JGrimm 1 | 3
9 Feb 2013 #4
Where could we find these other records? All we have is one immigration record he filed out stating his birthplace was Poland, 1881. No town or city. Both him and my grandfather spoke Polish, and according to my grandfather they were from Poland. Sadly my grandfather died when I was little so we can't ask him anything else now that we are searching.

The only other thing we have been able to find is we believe that my great uncle Michal Gracyasz from Chicago fought with Haller's Army. For he is on their roster records.
Zazulka 3 | 128
9 Feb 2013 #5
Look also for Gracjasz. Gracyasz and Gracjasz are pronounced in Polish exactly the same. And the name version with "j" would be more common.

There is a record of Michał Gracjasz from Chicago who served in the Haller's Army

Gracjasz........Michal.......Chicago..............IL.....37.......250. .A

but there is also Michał Gracyasz
Gracyasz........Michal.......Chicago..............IL.....37.......250. .A
OP JGrimm 1 | 3
10 Feb 2013 #6
I will look for the version with a j thanks
Patrycja19 62 | 2,686
16 Feb 2013 #7
If they are listed as registering in Hallers army that doesnt mean they served. they had all three papers filled out, A was the
first step if you go to the hallers site you will see they had to fill out three in order to be picked for the army.

A, B And C if they have C they did serve

have you tried the

you might have some luck there as well.
TheOther 6 | 3,704
16 Feb 2013 #8
All we have is one immigration record he filed out stating his birthplace was Poland, 1881.

Birthplace can't be Poland if the year is correct. It's either German Empire, Austria-Hungary or the Russian Empire. In case your family name is Grimm: that suggests non-Polish roots.
polonius 54 | 420
19 Feb 2013 #9
GRACYASZ or GRACJASZ are alternative spellings of the same surname whose main concnetraiton is in southern Poland's Bielsko-Biała area along the Slovak border. It may have been derived from the now rarely encoutnmered first name Gracjusz which traces back to the Latin name Gratianus dervied from the word gratia (grace, charm).
OP JGrimm 1 | 3
19 Feb 2013 #10
Grimm is not my last name, It's Gracyas. thats just my internet handle.
TheOther 6 | 3,704
19 Feb 2013 #11
Quick search for Michal Gracyasz on the LDS web site:

Source: "United States, World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918"

Mike Gracyasz
birth date: 01 Aug 1891
birth place: Nowytark, , Austria

Any connection? If yes, Nowytark (Nowy Targ, Neumarkt) might be the place to look for your ancestors.
AlicjaGracjasz - | 1
2 Nov 2018 #12
My name is Alicja Gracjasz.
If you are still interested please contact with me on e-mail I also try to find history of my family.

Home / Genealogy / Gracyasz - can't find anything on family name or history