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Are Bavarians by any chance, related to the Polish people?

UnknownPolan  1 | -  
14 Nov 2010 /  #1
I've always been wondering this, and I have Bavarian blood in me. I also wanted to know if I'm Polish or not. Because what's the point of being proud of being Polish, if you're not even Polish?
14 Nov 2010 /  #2
To my certain knowledge, Bavarians are not related to any Slavic peoples! Now if you had Cashubian blood and are or were descended from Sorbian/Wendish speakers, that's another story. They are most definitely of the West Slavic tribe. Many have a tad darker eye color than most ethnic Germans, yet their bone structure and height clearly show Germanic influence:-)

Bavarians just may have some Turkish blood dating back to the Ottoman Empire and the Sobieski period in Polish history round about the time that the Turks were on their way to conquering most of Central Europe until the Poles fended them off (..and heroically too, I must say).
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
14 Nov 2010 /  #3
They are related to the Austrians, not the Poles...
16 Nov 2010 /  #4
Correct, B.B., and the heavy epicanthic fold over the eyes among many Bavarians, along with a sallow complexion and extra coarse dark hair compared with other Germans, has been suggested by some as proof of Turkish or Asian assimilation somewhere in the distant past. North Germans tend to be tall and blond, Rhinelanders stockier and darker eyed, owing perhaps to the ancient Roman settlers along the Rhine.
George8600  10 | 630  
17 Nov 2010 /  #5
They are related to the Austrians, not the Poles...

True, I have asked this questions to Bavarians and Austrians and most of them concur. However, judging by their looks I would say Bavarians don't have a single drop of slavic blood in them.

has been suggested by some as proof of Turkish or Asian assimilation somewhere in the distant past

This is BS, even these features being found in Balkaners has shown up little to none in genetic testing there.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
17 Nov 2010 /  #6
They are from ......... zeitlerweb.com/bavaria.htm
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
17 Nov 2010 /  #7
*waits for Crow to claim them as Sarmatians*
guesswho  4 | 1272  
17 Nov 2010 /  #8
or even better, "crowatians", lol
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
17 Nov 2010 /  #9
They are related to the Austrians, not the Poles...

Austrians are related to Poles quite a bit BB:)))

Anyway Bavarians are a mix of roman settles, gauls and germanic tribes.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
17 Nov 2010 /  #10
Austrians are related to Poles quite a bit BB:)))

any link about it?
Ironside  51 | 13123  
17 Nov 2010 /  #11
Anyway Bavarians are a mix of roman settles, gauls and germanic tribes.

don't forget Avars !
POLENGGGs  2 | 150  
27 Nov 2010 /  #12
They are most definately not. But, there has been over the ages an influx into Bavaria of ethnic Poles. (even the ones who where DP's after the war and decided to stay) - because the ones who migrated after the war would not have assimilated I should think.

Above all, a Bayer is not exactly the Nazi perfect German, as alot of their population is Alpinid (stocky, short, bigheaded & dark)
Crow  155 | 9736  
27 Nov 2010 /  #13
Are Bavarians at any chance, related to the Polish people?

yes. Bavarians are Slavs in origin
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
27 Nov 2010 /  #14
Aren't the Czechs partially Bavarian, though mixing.
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
27 Nov 2010 /  #15
Lots of Bavarians are dark.. just sayin'.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
27 Nov 2010 /  #16
Didn't a lot of the german expellees get moved in Bavaria (must have been a few drops of Polish blood there...)?
sascha  1 | 824  
27 Nov 2010 /  #17
yes. Bavarians are Slavs in origin

We are all one big slavic family ;-)

Lots of Bavarians are dark.. just sayin'.

Even in Germany they are considered to be a little special. I am from the northern part and they called me during my university time there "Prussian"(Preusse). ;-)

As far as the color is concerned, brown in all variaties, but that color is spreading slightly, unfortunately. ;-)
Crow  155 | 9736  
27 Nov 2010 /  #18
Aren't the Czechs partially Bavarian, though mixing.

Their old name was Boii and while they used that name they were very close to the original form of ethnic name, Ser-boi (Serboi). With time `Ser` was lost and even more later local designation `Czech` prevailed.

to tell you frankly, we are all Sarmatians, SRBI (or form SRBIJANCI). Just, Lusatian and Balkan Serbs keep using (in possible original form) that once universal name of all Proto Slavs. Many others (Poles among them) adopted local ethnic designation- Polani but still preserved memory on their Sarmatian past/origin.

Words `Bavarian`, `Barbarian`, `Boika`, `Boii` are probably of same origin. For `Boii` we know that coming from `Serboi`, as linguistics confirms. See, Serboi is nothing but SRBI (Serbs, Serbians), original form of Sarmatians/Sarmats. Those words `Bavarian`, `Barbarian`, `Boika`,.. semas to be shortened terms of Sarmatia (i mean, original word Sarmatia- `Serbia`; actually- SRBIJA).

Confusion coming from fact that Greek and Roman authors couldn`t pronounce that SRB and they soften that with form SRM, inserting even `a` SARM.

But, speaking of our ultimate past, we are all RAS narod (people)- foreign designation was Thracians (Th-racians),.. /Roman version was `Traci`/,.. /Byzantine version was Triballi/,../Slovak-Hungarian (Panonian) version was `Raci`/,.. /Polish version was `Racowie`/,../Russian version is `Rusi` and it is still in use. Form SRB (Sarmats) appeared on historical scene later, with higher level of social organization and on the higher level of diversification of language. Still, it is possible that ethnic designations based on the roots RAS/SRB existed parallel from the time of immemorial and that even form SRB could be older- primordial. i would later speak more of it in one other thread.
Krynski  - | 82  
27 Nov 2010 /  #19
I have Bavarian blood in me

--- Are you a Bavaria-based vampire?
19 Sep 2013 /  #20
You may be able to use Y-DNA testing to find out. If you test positive for Y-SNP L260 or L1029, then your paternal heritage is Slavic. L260+ may be more Polish, while L1029+ may be more Sorbian or Silesian (much academic debate, not clear cut). In addition, I have Y-DNA DYS531=12 and backmutation DYS446=12, which further pinpoints my paternal line to either Sorbian from Lusatia or from one of the (unnamed) West Slavic tribes from Bamberg, Bavaria over to Lusatia. Do you have any info on West Slavic tribes in Bavaria?
McDouche  6 | 282  
19 Sep 2013 /  #21
My German ancestors were from Bavaria. I'm not sure if I'm right about this, but during the partitions of Poland, some Poles intermarried Bavarians and Austrians. So Bavarian/Austrian heritage might be common in some Poles and vice versa.
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
19 Sep 2013 /  #22
yet their bone structure and height clearly show Germanic influence

What is difference between Slavic and Germanic people in bone structure and height?
Crow  155 | 9736  
20 Sep 2013 /  #23
oh, people don`t you know that biggest European public secret

Bavarians are germanized Slavs. Every single Bavarian
TheOther  6 | 3596  
20 Sep 2013 /  #24
Bavarians are germanized Slavs.

Much like many Poles... :)
Crow  155 | 9736  
21 Sep 2013 /  #25
its EU-zed and USA-zed. But, good news is that one can more easily consolidate himself (and come back from it) if EUzed and USAzed then if Germanized. There is the tiny difference in the level of brainwashing.
Valisz  - | 4  
8 Oct 2013 /  #26
There is no location in Poland as dark as Bavaria, even in the South of Poland they're lighter than Bavarians. Bavarians are even darker than your average Brit. Only the East of Germany are "slavicized Germans" Bavarians have nothing to do with Slavics and ultimately tend to look North Italian.

Its because Germany has been influenced by many.....Romans, Celts etc. Poland didn't have influence from a majority of these people.

Only the Northern region next to the Danish border are Germans really "Germanic", genetically they're as mixed as the British are. And in some cases some Germans even cluster close to the French like so.

@ Lyzko very true.

R1a is present in Bavaria at a mere 9.5%. It reaches as far as 25% in the East of Germany. Bavarians are mostly Y-dna R1b as the bulk of Germans are. Southern Germany actually has one of the highest counts of R1b in Germany. Which is a minority in most Slavic populations. Its best not to listen to people who don't know a thing about genetics and just rely on cultural stereotypes to define a people lol.

Also chuckled at the height and bone structure thing. Oh there's that subtle racism again, and again noone protested it as expected. Ancient Slavs were described as being tall by the way. Germanics were not the only tall people in Europe. And someone being tall doesn't mean they're Germanic. Secondly i didn't get the robust comment, because your typical Russian is far more robust than a German or Scandinavian. Scandinavians are mostly Batlid/Nordids they have much more slender faces than your average Russian.

  • Genetic_Map.png
Nile  1 | 154  
8 Oct 2013 /  #27
All people are related to each other.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
8 Oct 2013 /  #28
Looks like: phenomena.nationalgeographic.com/2013/05/07/charlemagnes-dna-and-our-universal-royalty/
PAFL Fan 1  
24 Jun 2015 /  #29
Supposedly Croatians come from Poland. In Croatia, you have German influenced Croatians, Italian influenced Croatians, and straight up Slavic Croatians, amongst others. Now I know some body whose family is Croatian, but now they've found out they're more German/Bavarian. So to answer the question, I do think you can be a Slavic-Bavarian. Plus, it really just comes down to the ancient tribes that inhabited Europe. Every modern day so-called "nation" is really just made up of subnations, which have subnations, and so on united under one to create a nation. Therefore it is completely possible for the ancient tribes to intermix. But, then again if we're going to look that far back, we are all related, all Europeans, and all humans.
9 Oct 2016 /  #30
In regards to Crows posting: "Words `Bavarian`, `Barbarian`, `Boika`, `Boii` are probably of same origin. For `Boii` we know that coming from `Serboi`, as linguistics confirms". The ancient Germanic tribe called the Bavarii settled in Bavaria, Austria and neighboring areas. Boii is Celtic and was the name before the Bavarii settlements. Boika means White Serbia. Barbarian comes from the Greek bárbaros for a foreigner. Serboi may be an ancient reference to the Serbs.

Have you had DNA tested? You will find how mixed raced all Europeans and their decedents are.

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