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Burgers, why not in Poland?

dtaylor5632 18 | 1999
13 Jan 2010 #1
One thing that I always thought was odd was the lack of a decent burger.
Most shops sold some variations made from reclaimed chicken meat which contained a load of disgusting crap and tasted nothing like a burger.
Is there anywhere in Poland where you can buy a decent burger made from beef?
frd 7 | 1394
13 Jan 2010 #2
can you post/link a picture that shows what you think is a decent burger?
jonni 16 | 2476
13 Jan 2010 #3
Is there anywhere in Poland where you can buy a decent burger made from beef?

Champions Bar at the Warsaw Marriot does excellent burgers. At a price. The ones from burger stands in PL are just plain disgusting.
szarlotka 8 | 2205
13 Jan 2010 #4
Champions Bar

Ah memories, giant plates of nachos with chilli too;)
jonni 16 | 2476
13 Jan 2010 #5
giant plates of nachos with chilli too;)

That's what I have if I go there. Delicious.

There's a rumour it's closing, but to be fair there have been such rumours for about three years and it's still open.
peterweg 37 | 2309
13 Jan 2010 #6
Decent Burger?

Thats an oxymoron, anything that can legally contain 1% excrement cannot be defined as decent.
OP dtaylor5632 18 | 1999
13 Jan 2010 #7
can you post/link a picture that shows what you think is a decent burger?

Can't post a link, I just mean something that actually tastes like a burger and contain some kind of steak or beef.

If I was having a bbq then I would have to go out and buy all the ingredients.
convex 20 | 3928
13 Jan 2010 #8
Can't post a link, I just mean something that actually tastes like a burger and contain some kind of steak or beef.

This is what your burger should look like.
frd 7 | 1394
13 Jan 2010 #9
Can't post a link, I just mean something that actually tastes like a burger and contain some kind of steak or beef.

I'd say most of burgers, same as kebabs and pizza are designed for a specific region and people, specific taste. So it will be hard to find the exactly same flavour that you like because there's a big probability that it only tastes like that in your country. Most places to eat a "burger" in poland are cheap burgers kiosks and stalls and being the cheapest of places they don't serve quality food. I know most of people here are mcdonald haters but it's the only close to decent place to eat a burger..
db1874 7 | 227
13 Jan 2010 #10
HardRock Cafe burger is the best I've had in Warsaw, way better than Champions imo.
dnz 17 | 710
13 Jan 2010 #11
We make our own from minced beef, failing that if theres a branch of rodeo drive where you are they do amazing burgers, the one in poznan is truly excellent.
Englishpoznan 4 | 99
13 Jan 2010 #12
The TGI restaurant in Galeria Malta in Poznań do pretty decent burgers
polkamaniac 1 | 482
13 Jan 2010 #13
I think that this one is for the real burger lovers

Amathyst 19 | 2700
13 Jan 2010 #14
Why does anyone want to eat burgers of any sort?
db1874 7 | 227
13 Jan 2010 #15
if theres a branch of rodeo drive where you are they do amazing burgers, the one in poznan is truly excellent

I found the steaks in Rodeo Drive (Warsaw) to be excellent but their burgers far too small - maybe the Poznan chefs are more generous. The Warsaw restaurant has since closed.
Wroclaw Boy
13 Jan 2010 #16
Ive made my own a few times, ive also gotten through one of those kiosk jobbies with all that cabbage crap in and enjoyed it, you have to be very hungry though!!

Theres a new restaurant near me, a private establishment that has just started with proper beef burgers and theyre nice. I think the owners have lived abroad for a while, i just hope that they survive - personally i cant see Poles eating there at the current prices, i predict they will go under within a year, we'll see.

Why does anyone want to eat burgers of any sort?

Why do you ask so many questions?
13 Jan 2010 #17
Champions Bar at the Warsaw Marriot does excellent burgers. At a price.

A very very high price from what I remember. Anf I must say that none of the food I've ever had there was any good.

The TGI restaurant in Galeria Malta in Poznań do pretty decent burgers

The one in Warsaw is pretty hit or miss. I have had a very decent burger there but I have also had charred rubbish. One time I had a bacon cheeseburger and the bacon was completely uncooked in the middle but charred at both ends. Both pieces were like that!

The most consistent burgers are at Bar Below but the Mexican burger at Warsaw Tortilla factory is better when it is good.

Personally, I just make my own burgers when I want good ones.
Wroclaw Boy
13 Jan 2010 #18
A very very high price from what I remember.

Yeh right you used to get a Mont Blanc Burger at the Marriot in Gatwick for about £20.
OP dtaylor5632 18 | 1999
13 Jan 2010 #19
The Irish Mbassy in Krakow has some ok burgers, but it's also a hit and miss, depends if the South African (forget his name) is working.

I think what I was getting at is that I couldn't find anything that resembled a burger in the supermarkets or local shops. Normally I would just go to McDonalds, but sometimes I just fancied a snack at home.
Amathyst 19 | 2700
13 Jan 2010 #20
Why do you ask so many questions?

Im just curious to know why on earth people want to eat burgers - regardless of their meat content, I'd rather have a steak, at least know its proper meat and not full of fat or been fried in oil or been bulked out with all sorts...Its just my preference I suppose.
polkamaniac 1 | 482
13 Jan 2010 #21
That's the best way-you know what is in the meat.

OP dtaylor5632 18 | 1999
13 Jan 2010 #22
Im just curious to know why on earth people want to eat burgers

Do you like meat-balls? As proper burgers are practically the same thing, give or take a few different spices.
polkamaniac 1 | 482
13 Jan 2010 #23
Yes---especially when they are smothered in gravy.
Wroclaw Boy
13 Jan 2010 #24
Do you like meat-balls? As proper burgers are practically the same thing, give or take a few different spices

Well it pretty much covers everything made with mince meat that you buy already packaged or cooked.
OP dtaylor5632 18 | 1999
13 Jan 2010 #25
Yes---especially when they are smothered in gravy.

Yum yum, I like mine the Italian way, covered with a tomato sauce then baked in the over with cheese on top :P
polkamaniac 1 | 482
13 Jan 2010 #26
then you'll like lasagna--has plenty of ground meat and lots of sauce

1jola 14 | 1877
13 Jan 2010 #27
Its just my preference I suppose.

...but you do realize that there are different strokes for different folks, but it would be a bit of a joke to say Na Zdrowie to someone sitting down to a McDo burger.
Amathyst 19 | 2700
13 Jan 2010 #28
Do you like meat-balls? As proper burgers are practically the same thing, give or take a few different spices

No, dont get me wrong I like cottage pie, so Im not against minced steak, I just dont like meatballs or burgers...its just my preference...I would never be bothered to cook them at home and Im funny about food so I wouldnt eat them out anywhere...I have tried them (years ago) but I wouldnt eat one these days.
polkamaniac 1 | 482
13 Jan 2010 #29
to say "na zdrowie" even with a Mcdo you need refreshments and that is------

Wroclaw Boy
13 Jan 2010 #30
at least know its proper meat

How do you know that the cow hasnt been given every drug under the sun to keep him fat and juicy? also what about the supermarkets tampering?

Home / Food / Burgers, why not in Poland?