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Why is it that some Polish people refuse to eat anything that is not Polish?

22 Dec 2009 /  #1
Why is it the some polish people refuse to eat anything that is not polish? Why is their ignorance here? Polish food is good, the regular mix of chicket cutlet, potatoes and soup.

Some people eat this every day with no break. If something is not polish or not "popular here" why do people look at it like alien food? its not eyeballs, it's shrimp, crab or maple syrup. It can also be peanut butter chocolate or pastrami or veal or cow meat.

It can also be bagels or curry chicken or vegetable stir fry. It is just kind of annoying and patriotic in a way that dereves a smile. I just don't understand why.
convex  20 | 3928  
22 Dec 2009 /  #2
to be fair, shrimp and crab are just goo until cooked.

But the same goes for Italians, Koreans, Americans. Some people are a bit more adventurous than others.
mephias  10 | 296  
22 Dec 2009 /  #3
Not only polish people some people are open the different tastes some not. Also eating is mostly habitual even if you like to try different dishes when you are abroad after few days you will start searching for the dishes which you got used to from your childhood.
Spaceman77  3 | 58  
22 Dec 2009 /  #4
I'm not polish, but I would eat polish food every day if possible!!!
I got tired of american food and mexican food. For me, polish food is the best. But that's just me and my own personal taste for food.

Unfortunately, I'm surrounded by american, mexican and center-american food, since I live in Texas, US. And it has been years since I enjoyed good food from my grandma who is Polish and knew how to cook good polish food.

Once again... My own personal taste.
It is possible that you miss your country's food so bad, that are now complaining about poles eating their own dishes on a daily basis.

I don't blame you, but I don't blame the poles either.
mephias  10 | 296  
22 Dec 2009 /  #5

I am a foreigner living in Poland. For me Polish food is ok for once or twice in a week. Luckily I am a good cook and I am able to prepare most dishes I love desperately.
Piorun  - | 655  
22 Dec 2009 /  #6
Nyctrader you really ran out of things to complain about.
Since I’m Polish whatever I make be it Mexican, Chinese or Polish makes it Polish food (Polish cook = Polish food) hence I eat it every day.
McCoy  27 | 1268  
22 Dec 2009 /  #7
It is possible that you miss your country's food so bad, that are now complaining about poles eating their own dishes on a daily basis.

had the same feeling spending time in greece few years ago
beckski  12 | 1609  
23 Dec 2009 /  #8
Why is it the some polish people refuse to eat anything that is not polish?

Huh? It's not like my family goes cooking up a pot of kapusta on a daily basis. We also don't walk around with a link of kielbasa in our hand, as though it were a finger food.

Perhaps you've watched the movie Polish Wedding too many times...
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
23 Dec 2009 /  #9
maple syrup

peanut butter

Wow; another whining Yank, what a surprise. You’ve been left at the computer without supervision again.
lowfunk99  10 | 397  
23 Dec 2009 /  #10
Looks like your whining also! :-p
przelotem  - | 16  
23 Dec 2009 /  #11
Why is it the some polish people refuse to eat anything that is not polish? Why is their ignorance here? Polish food is good, the regular mix of chicket cutlet, potatoes and soup.

I do not see people not eating all this fabulous foreign food. oh, they do.
the things you have listed... i.e. peanut butter - personaly - I hate it and I'm glad, that my parents never forced me to eat this. crab - well if you could find a real crab meat, not only this sh1t made of surimi, I'd be glad. veal is just not that popular in Poland and it's not because the great Western Community has brought this meat to our country so late and we resist. it is just not so popular these days. look in the web for cielęcina recepies, maybe you will learn sth new from the old traditional polish cuisine. cuisine is like fashion! ;-) curry had it greatest time years ago. curry was the kitchen black. now it's cumin and coriander - don't you watch TV? does TVN Style and Club Zone tell you nothing??!! tell me, where exactly in Poland are you if cow meat is so rare?

or is sombody forcing you to eat food you hate? are you being held captive? or... as people refuse to eat your way, maybe you hold some poor Polish people prisoners? perhaps it has just not occured to you, that you might be a terrible cook and people just don't want to eat, what you serve them? :-)) but seriously, whereever I look I see McDonald's, Chinese restaurants, Indian curry-curry food, sea food raw in the sushi way around the corner, Mexican fajitas (actually.. funny story, last time I asked for fajita, I got a damn burrito!) and Polish people go there. visiting friends I find mostly foreign dishes or their imitations, there they are, on the table - how come you don't see that?

what an ignorant one must be, not to understand, that people eat what they like and find tasty. so do you, so do people all over the world. if somebody get's sick just looking at shrimps and find some food taste like crap, you can't do anything... just drop it. trying to convince youreself, that there is something deeper to it, like being a patriot, is just ridiculous. lol

We also don't walk around with a link of kielbasa in our hand

actually I do that... I like kielbasa, I like to eat it at work, along with canned herring, yummy!
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
23 Dec 2009 /  #12
Looks like your whining also! :-p

Nope, just pointing out the obvious. This reminds me of two Americans eating in a restaurant.
"Oy, this food is terrible!"
"It sure is! And the portions are so small!"
Yet not one morsel left when they were done. Was it the food, or the whining nature of the diners? You decide.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495  
23 Dec 2009 /  #13
why do people look at it like alien food?

it's shrimp, crab or maple syrup. It can also be peanut butter chocolate or pastrami or veal or cow meat.

seems you have your answer :)
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
23 Dec 2009 /  #14
Why is it the some polish people refuse to eat anything that is not polish?

Maybe this woman should cook some Polish food?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
23 Dec 2009 /  #15
what an ignorant one must be, not to understand, that people eat what they like and find tasty.

My Norwegian friends don't want to taste anything foreign... at all if possible but if I lurk them into something foreign and they DON'T know about it, often they say something good about it. I remember one guy said he didn't like mayonees but when he tasted a salad with "Napoleon Mayonees" he thought it was delicious.

Some people are just wierd :)
Think Twice  
24 Dec 2009 /  #16
They are paranoid and think all their food is produced in Poland and is safe and healthy to eat. This stems from the time of the outbreak of mad cows disease. But if they paid more attention to current affairs, they would be shocked under what conditions food preparation in Poland is really like.

Give me curry, fish and chips, chow-mein and pizza any time. Yummy !
pawian  226 | 27531  
24 Dec 2009 /  #17
I just don't understand why.

Can`t you understand that Polish black pudding is tastier and healthier than all those alien inventions?:

And eggs from Polish hens are the biggest???

Is it so difficult to understand??????
McCoy  27 | 1268  
24 Dec 2009 /  #18
Why is it the some polish people refuse to eat anything that is not polish?

because its much better than foreign stuff.
helen123  1 | 7  
24 Dec 2009 /  #19
it all depends on what you are accustomed to...whatever! this is a Polish forum! really, stop bashing us..Personally--I am really, just now, really discovering my Polish side and just love it...no bashing, please!!!
lowfunk99  10 | 397  
24 Dec 2009 /  #20
An American would never say Oy, that would be Aussie!

If the food is that bad most Americans would send it back.
krysia  23 | 3058  
24 Dec 2009 /  #21
Unfortunately, I'm surrounded by american, mexican and center-american food

Fortunately you have any food. Some have nothing and would give anything for a Mexican or American bite.
Polish people who come to USA will not eat a burger from a fast food retaurant, but will go home, fry up same kind of meat, stick it in a bun, fry up some greasy frytki and eat that, as long as it's on a plate.
helen123  1 | 7  
24 Dec 2009 /  #22
ok--it's christmas! be nice!!!!!!!!!
krysia  23 | 3058  
24 Dec 2009 /  #23
I went to a horse auction with my friends and a Polish guy. We got hungry and got BBQ's and beans cowboy style. Polish guy was starving like hell, but would not touch anything. He just kept staring at us eating this "American disease food" like we were crazy. So I says to myself "fukk you", you come to America and don't want to try American food so why should I worry? Go starve your skinny dick off.

Another Polish woman went with us to a violin concert. There was a reception afterwards. Cold cuts, crackers, cheese, deserts, punch, etc.
You think she touched anything?
She was hungry, but would not eat American food.
So she went home to cook a Polish meal.
I travel to other countries and love to try new tastes.
Except for them tacos sold on the streets in Mexico city. But that's a whole different story.
beckski  12 | 1609  
24 Dec 2009 /  #24
you come to America and don't want to try American food so why should I worry? Go starve your skinny dick off.

scrappleton  - | 829  
24 Dec 2009 /  #25
Haha, I know.. Krysia's a trip on here. Has some good pts though.
przelotem  - | 16  
24 Dec 2009 /  #26
"American disease food"

did he actually said that it was diseased? or that he was starving or just you read people's mind?
don't get me wrong, whenever I go abroad or travel round Pl, I always taste every food I can, no matter how it looks or how it smells.

but I love to eat and it's compulsive: must have this kebab

why don't you just leave people alone and let them eat or not. is it such an offense if somebody doesn't want to taste some friggin beans?
krysia  23 | 3058  
24 Dec 2009 /  #27
did he actually said that it was diseased?

Yes he called it "Amerykańska zaraza", I have heard this expression before from Polish people. They refer to "junk food"
Sasha  2 | 1083  
24 Dec 2009 /  #28

if you're from the US then I understand why Poles eat... ok... let's call it "Polish" food. Although I believe it's not about actual "Polishness" of food, rather than about the way it's cooked. For instance if I had a choice between shrimps cooked in the US and in Russia at the same price, I would stick with Russian-cooked ones, because in average they would taste better. Same I bet with Polish food, moreover same with European food compared to American. Of course there're lots of exceptions in the US, but they offer worthy food at a totally different price range.

The irony is that you can easily find all the ingredients for the final dish in a good quality and at a moderate price in the US. Cheaper than in Central Europe or in Moscow Region. One can cook really nice stuff, but a few in fact do.

Another Polish woman went with us to a violin concert. There was a reception afterwards. Cold cuts, crackers, cheese, deserts, punch, etc.
You think she touched anything?
She was hungry, but would not eat American food.

Krysia, for how long have you lived in the US? :) Firstly their food is nice, mostly because it's somewhat really different, but then there's a moment when your stomach tells you "Sanja... maybe it's better to starve?!". So every time I switch to self-cooking: borsch, kotlety, grecha (buchwheat... now I see Americans looking up the word in dictionaries), pancakes, pirozhki, plain but healthy salads including plenty of vegies as contrary to American "caesar's" etc.
grethomory  1 | 155  
24 Dec 2009 /  #29
I'm not polish, but I would eat polish food every day if possible!!!

I know the feeling. I am originally from Louisiana and I now live in Chicago. Chicago does not have the food I grew up with eating. If they do, they don't prepare it in the same way...so I do the next best thing. I have food ordered through cajun grocer who delivers it on dry ice to me. I am now in heaven. For Thanksgiving I ordered a Turducken....these people in Chicago didn't know what it was, but they ate the hell out of it.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Dec 2009 /  #30
Give me curry, fish and chips, chow-mein and pizza any time. Yummy !

And that is why British girls are obese ;)

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