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The Notices file

Admin  25 | 414   Administrator
13 Mar 2018 /  #1
We have a new addition - a Notices file. Now moderators may post private notices to (especially) warned or suspended members with a possible explanation or a warning message. Previously a suspended user could only see a generic 'You are suspended' notice; now they may have more information available, if moderators add it.

Important - Do not share the Notices link in public; if you do, others will be able to access it too. By default, this unique link is known (and should be known) only to moderators and to you.

When a notice exists, the link is located in the top-right corner (near the Profile link).
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
13 Mar 2018 /  #2
Thats a good idea and thanks for sharing your reasons for warnings I think it will improve the connection between mods and users., well make them less distant and make things more transparent.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
13 Mar 2018 /  #3
Where can the file be found, Admin?

Edit: I see it! Great idea!
johnny reb  49 | 7972  
13 Mar 2018 /  #4
Long over due.
How about having the Mod/Admin. that gives the warning or suspension put his/her name along with it so members know who they are dealing with.

Also the name of the member who snitched (transparencey) so accused members can avoid their accuser in the future.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
14 Mar 2018 /  #5
Its great with the +- function, its like the voice from above keeping a watchful eye, and giving a helpful hand.

I think it could be used also to maybe give a informal warning (or better word guidance) if someone is sailing too close to the wind, some situations could be defused before they get out of hand.
johnny reb  49 | 7972  
19 Mar 2018 /  #6
Also the name of the member who snitched (transparencey) so accused members can avoid their accuser in the future.

So where is the notice file for my warning ?
I can't find it.
Please point it out along with the post that got me that warning FOR EVERONE TO SEE PLEASE.
Is someone being a bit trigger happy here ?
Please, post the post that I got my warning for for everyone to see because it WAS NOT justified and I would like to see you even try to justify it. Forum criminals (those who have multiple warnings and have been suspended multiple times in the past) don't have the right to demand anything; you are on constant probation, one more improper action or challenging moderators = ban for 2 weeks.
johnny reb  49 | 7972  
19 Mar 2018 /  #7
MY LORD .....I just got my second warning for what !
Who is this Criminal Mod. that doesn't even have the decency to answer my post or send me a P.M. to justify such out of control behavior.

I thought Communism was over.

Come on Pal, tell the me and the other members the method of your madness.
You are totally out of control here.
Now before you tell me like you did in the last thread in Feed Back (that you deleted out of embarrassment of your threats) that I would be banned if I replied again to a thread that you are at a loss of words for because you know you are wrong.

Now man/lady up and tell everyone here WHY I just got two warnings PLEASE !
See the rest of you see next month. Pffffft !
johnny reb  49 | 7972  
3 Apr 2018 /  #8
I ask my fellow members if they think I deserved a two week suspension and two warnings for baiting because of my post (#11 below) or is there an underling justifiable conspiracy to ban me completely by continuing to give me frivolous warnings and suspensions.

2018-03-19 05:19:18 pm - by a PolishForums Moderator (PM Admin)
We're sorry but your account is now suspended. The reason - baiting other members.
Ref: polishforums.com/classifieds/detective-agency-wroclaw-83010/#msg1634402


All I did was reply to jon's post in a polite manner by sharing information with him.
Anything otherwise one would think jon should have been suspended too.
Does anyone know just WHO in the hell I was accused of BAITING ??????
I did not start this thread either.
You members draw the conclusion if I am being treated unfairly here.
Joker  2 | 2387  
9 Apr 2018 /  #9
One can only hope that as "Deep" has been banned permanently, you'll calm down again.

He`s not nearly as bad as the Serbian spammer. Every thread on this forum has the word serb attached to it, and along with his grandiose claims that he tries to legitimize here.

Given that you were posting here as a guest user while banned, you're very very fortunate that the ban wasn't extended.

Same goes for you......lol, Jk

Its Harry thats the master of disguise, or so he thinks! Its too bad for him huh? His whole world is this forum as well.

You members draw the conclusion if I am being treated unfairly here.

These feedback threads are where you get into trouble, most ppl do:)
mafketis  38 | 11168  
9 Apr 2018 /  #10
I ask my fellow members

who largely don't give a rat's @ss...
johnny reb  49 | 7972  
9 Apr 2018 /  #11
Its Harry thats the master of disguise,

On a serious note, I saw Harry in downtown Warsaw last week.
He is not looking well at all.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Apr 2018 /  #12
who largely don't give a rat's @ss...

However, at least we can see that the "Notices" file works nicely. Johnny was informed of the reason for his account being suspended, and a reference to the post that got him suspended was also given. Seems more than fair enough.
johnny reb  49 | 7972  
9 Apr 2018 /  #13
who largely don't give a rat's @ss...

delph's BAITING post gets deleted without a warning and then he posts another BAITING post challenging the Mod while I get suspended for two weeks for a "so called" baiting in the above post of mine #8, go to the posted thread and look at post #11 in that thread (the one I got suspended for) and see if you can see any "baiting".

The reason - baiting other members. Ref: polishforums.com/classifieds/detective-agency-wroclaw-83010/#msg1634402
At least we now know WHO complained about me suggesting that Poland get a system to do back ground checks on criminals.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Apr 2018 /  #14
see if you can see any "baiting".

Why do you even bother?


It's clearly obvious why you got banned - you've been stirring the pot with malicious claims that I was caught drink driving, and the mods were well aware of it. When you posted that message, you knew exactly what you were doing, and so did the mods. That's why you got banned, so suck it up and stop moaning and questioning the moderators. If you don't like their decision, you're free to post elsewhere.

Edit: I think you even had posts deleted in the past for making that claim, so you can't claim innocence.
johnny reb  49 | 7972  
9 Apr 2018 /  #15
malicious claims

I don't see where YOUR NAME was ever mentioned for driving drunk.
I said that when you start judging and pointing your finger at others you have three pointing back at you. (as in let him cast the first stone)


Obviously it struck to close to home and you persuaded a Mod to believe that I was referring to you.
Not everyone plays that malicious game that you have played here for years ya know.

I think

Maybe that is your problem......you "think" to much and your mind is working overtime playing tricks on you as in schizophrenia.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Apr 2018 /  #16
Admin - what does it mean when a poster has [Active] next to their warnings, and when they are in red rather than black? Hasn't clicked "I agree to follow the rules" button yet.
Joker  2 | 2387  
12 Apr 2018 /  #17
Ive read that guests cant access this section?

Why is Harry still allowed to be posting here? When you see his rubbish cant you start deleting it? Perhaps, then he would get it through his thick head that nobody wants him around here anymore.

I don't see where YOUR NAME was ever mentioned for driving drunk.

These 2 clowns have really turned this forum into a battle zone and have run off scores of decent posters.

I want to make a deal with Admin. If he bans DelpiaDope, I will resign from the forum as well.

I will take one for the team in order to make the forum a better place and more about Poland.

Thank You:)

P.S. think 2 birds/one stone
15 Apr 2018 /  #18
at least we can see that the "Notices" file works nicely.

I think it's worth pointing out here that a poster might not get an explanation as to why he/she has been warned/suspended. At least that's how I read it from this sentence:

now they may have more information available, if moderators add it.

Moderators may just assume that a poster knows why they have been warned, and to be perfectly honest they should do unless a poster is in the habit of baiting and abusing multiple members at the same time in which case it might be hard for the poster to know which abusive/trolling/baiting post they received a warning for.

Off-topic posts should be self-explanatory.

Maybe it's just me but there is something wrong if a poster can't work out why they were given a warning. In this particular case, the entire thread in question was a trolling/baiting one so no surprises that posters were banned.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
15 Apr 2018 /  #19
I will take one for the team in order to make the forum a better place and more about Poland.

I saw Harry in downtown Warsaw last week.

johnny reb has visited Poland Shocker!!

My God, are you telling me that the Yanks actually do have a connection and interest in Poland?

If Delph is such an issue, why don't and the others put him on your ignore list, stop talking about irrelevant American subjects and get back to Polish subjects.

Delph at least does make an effort some times.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
15 Apr 2018 /  #20
In this particular case, the entire thread in question was a trolling/baiting one so no surprises that posters were banned.

Indeed, I'm struggling to see what the problem is.
Joker  2 | 2387  
15 Apr 2018 /  #21
the entire thread in question was a trolling/baiting one so no surprises that posters were banned.

You mean like this one?


Its funny how some ppl are able to get away with constantly insulting Poland and nothing happens to them?

A famous quote from DelphDomine:

"Obviously the Polish proclivity for spending time in toilets as cleaners in the UK meant that the idea of sleeping in toilets was a natural progression for them"

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