delphiandomine 86 | 17823
31 Aug 2011 / #1
Might as well start a new thread...
In Poznan, we have a regular weekly meeting of people who like to exchange different languages. Mostly, everyone speaks English - but other languages are used, too. It's quite normal to hear not only English and Polish, but also German and Spanish too :) It's a pleasant time for people to relax and enjoy themselves - good people, good beer, good pub!
For the rest of summer (at least until the end of September) - we'll be meeting in "Baza Wilda", ul. Gorna Wilda 89/19 - entrance is on the right side of the building at the side, down the stairs.
Thursdays, 7pm-11pm :) If you come and you're lost - ask for the "Poznan Language Exchange Club/CouchSurfing meeting" :)
Everyone is welcome - and - of course, it's for free!
In Poznan, we have a regular weekly meeting of people who like to exchange different languages. Mostly, everyone speaks English - but other languages are used, too. It's quite normal to hear not only English and Polish, but also German and Spanish too :) It's a pleasant time for people to relax and enjoy themselves - good people, good beer, good pub!
For the rest of summer (at least until the end of September) - we'll be meeting in "Baza Wilda", ul. Gorna Wilda 89/19 - entrance is on the right side of the building at the side, down the stairs.
Thursdays, 7pm-11pm :) If you come and you're lost - ask for the "Poznan Language Exchange Club/CouchSurfing meeting" :)
Everyone is welcome - and - of course, it's for free!