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How is the Warsaw job opportunities for international students?

djaramax  3 | 9  
11 Jun 2010 /  #1
any one know about that ?
internaldialog  4 | 144  
11 Jun 2010 /  #2
Unless you have been employed by a company prior to going to Poland then Job Opportunities for non-native speakers of Polish will be somewhat difficult as with non-native English speaker jobs ... as normally you would find it easier if transferring from that job to Poland.

Not trying to dis-sway you from Poland but unless you have a conversational command of Polish you'll not gain a job. International companies are far and few between unless you have fluent command of the English language and a 2nd language like Dutch or German.

see this thread and look at the links provided then you will know: polishforums.com/work-study-43/to-look-job-poland-21030/

a big hint is listed by Lukasz called LANGUAGE LANGUAGE LANGUAGE
OP djaramax  3 | 9  
11 Jun 2010 /  #3
i mean that part time jobs , for students ???
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Jun 2010 /  #4
Forget it. No-one is going to employ someone from Asia when there's plenty of Polish students needing jobs. You might find someone (like me, for instance) willing to give you 5zl an hour to clean their flat, but that's about as good as you can hope for.

I know someone in your situation working (illegally) for 4zl an hour.
internaldialog  4 | 144  
11 Jun 2010 /  #5
i mean that part time jobs , for students ???

you wont find part time work any other than Mcdonalds perhaps and these jobs will have been taken by Polish people at University in Poland. Seriously you really need to do your research more as it is not that simple to just go and make a life in Poland.

and as i stated in my previous posting LANGUAGE LANGUAGE LANGUAGE as previously indicated by fellow poster in the link i provided Lukasz otherwise you dont stand a chance anywhere in Poland.
OP djaramax  3 | 9  
11 Jun 2010 /  #6
Do you mean its difficult to find part time job, isnt it ???
1jola  14 | 1875  
11 Jun 2010 /  #7
You might find someone (like me, for instance) willing to give you 5zl an hour to clean their flat,

Are you Scottish?. Poles pay at least 10.
11 Jun 2010 /  #8
Mine gets 20.

Although that is mainly because: a) she's worth it (good at her job and so reliable she even has her own set of key, a mate (who has a big house in the suburbs) put me in touch with her and told me that he's trusted her with a set of keys for years) and b) she's possibly the only Ukrainian cleaner who is legally in Poland!
1jola  14 | 1875  
11 Jun 2010 /  #9
Yes, but 5 is slavery.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Jun 2010 /  #10
Are you Scottish?. Poles pay at least 10.

Yes, I am actually.

Why pay more for someone who is desperate to work and will work for anything? Doesn't make any sense at all!

Yes, but 5 is slavery.

Doesn't bother me. If someone is stupid enough to come to Poland, expecting to get a lucrative part time job to fund their stay here, then they deserve all they get - which is nothing but very low level work paying peanuts.
1jola  14 | 1875  
11 Jun 2010 /  #11
There is something called decency. Taking advantage of people who clean your mess is just not decent.

Anyway, as I said, the rate is minimum 10 zl. in Warsaw. Often more as Harry pays. I don't even want to start with "you get what you pay for."
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Jun 2010 /  #12
There is something called decency. Taking advantage of people who clean your mess is just not decent.

It's only taking advantage if they have to do something that isn't agreed or fair. If he (or anyone) agrees to work for 5zl an hour, then it's their choice to do so. It wouldn't be fair to expect them to answer the phone, for instance.

Anyway, as I said, the rate is minimum 10 zl. in Warsaw.

Minimum? The only minimum is what the law says - which is about what, 5.5zl an hour after tax?

I don't even want to start with "you get what you pay for."

Not arguing with you there ;)

Anyway, in my experience, workers from the Indian sub-continent tend to have major emotional problems for some bizzare reason - they're very, very sensitive people and more trouble than they're worth.
internaldialog  4 | 144  
11 Jun 2010 /  #13
Do you mean its difficult to find part time job, isnt it ???

Yes it is
11 Jun 2010 /  #14
Djaramaxy, Job opportunties for International students?

I am International student studying in Warsaw; there are not any jobs for international students in Warsaw or polish job market. 99.8 % of Polish companies do not want International students. ….. Polish Companies do not want foreign students to work in their companies cause of ZUS"….. They will say you do not speak Polish … whether you speak better polish...NO, Job…… The polish job market has been wreaked for International student…. I will call it gibberish job market for foreign students …
f stop  24 | 2493  
11 Jun 2010 /  #15
This stupid caste system they have in India, forbids the laborer (the lowest caste, the 'untoachables') to even touch anyone in higher caste.

One time I had a pleasure of working with a guy from India. He was a newbe engineer that thought that picking up a 'scope probe was below him. It was a technician's job.

I can't imagine hiring and international student from India, obviously a higher caste, to clean anyone's house.
SouthMancPolak  - | 102  
11 Jun 2010 /  #16
This stupid caste system they have in India, forbids the laborer (the lowest caste, the 'untoachables') to even touch anyone in higher caste.

We've got something similar here, in a way. Some of the benefit underclass won't go with anyone who earns enough to lose them their benefits or their council tenancy. Inverted snobbery, I guess.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Jun 2010 /  #17
Polish Companies do not want foreign students to work in their companies cause of ZUS

What has ZUS got to do with foreign students working there?

One time I had a pleasure of working with a guy from India. He was a newbe engineer that thought that picking up a 'scope probe was below him. It was a technician's job.

Oh yes. They have very, very funny ideas about their place in society - and many of them behave like they know better, even when working in menial jobs in Western Europe.

I can't imagine hiring and international student from India, obviously a higher caste, to clean anyone's house.

I can - because many of them have enough money to pay for the fees and no more.
OP djaramax  3 | 9  
12 Jun 2010 /  #18
Still you are in Warsaw ?
you mean no Polish, no jobs. isn't it ?
internaldialog  4 | 144  
12 Jun 2010 /  #19
everyone has told you this already ... if you don't understand the Polish language then NO you will not get a job that easy ... and Part Time jobs just are more so difficult to come by
frd  7 | 1379  
12 Jun 2010 /  #20
Depending on what is the field of your studying I'd suggest calling one of the students organizations in Warsaw (every Uni usually has got its own office): IAESTE for IT and engineering/technical studies, AIESEC for marketing/banking, there are other organizations too.. Although they specialise in free appenticeships and internships they might give you the information you are looking for... (just google Warsaw IAESTE for instance, and email your questions to the people there).
OP djaramax  3 | 9  
12 Jun 2010 /  #21
mmmm yes i got it, thanx
tnt4ever  - | 1  
21 Jul 2011 /  #22
what about FOOD and Beverage Professionals Like possessing experience of over 9 years in Restaurant Industry
please advise on it

antheads  13 | 340  
22 Jul 2011 /  #23
she's possibly the only Ukrainian cleaner who is legally in Poland!

Why don't you clean your own house you lazy slob!
IKrash  1 | 19  
22 Jul 2011 /  #24
i always say and thin that your own country is the best because you have the resources the chances there and most importantly your own people you can go anywhere but you can never advance as much as you can in your own country so love and stick to your country
22 Jul 2011 /  #25
Why don't you clean your own house you lazy slob!

Largely because I'm too busy working and I prefer to spend my leisure time doing things other than domestic work. Clearly you have all the time in the world, as you don't have a job, and couldn't afford a cleaner even if you wanted one. Not that you need one: your mother cleans the house where you live. I, on the other hand, am short on time and don't want my girlfriend cleaning my flat, so I pay somebody else to do it. I'd say good luck ever getting a job which pays you enough to afford domestic help but let's face it: you aren't going to be leaving your parents' house for at least another 15 years.
22 Aug 2012 /  #26
Sorry to bother, and I know is a bit old thread but I live in Warsaw and I give private piano lessons. I work 5 hours a week and i make around 1000zl. Of course the dificulty is to find students. In your case, if you are asian, you could try teaching your language and maybe you can even find a place who might give you something called umowa o prace which is the kind of contract that students get when they are starting to work. That is also good for you to have, because you can get your karta pobytu, residence card, and be able to have full rights when it comes to have a job. That thing about cleaning houses and so on seems a bit out of proportions. Warsaw is a great city with a lot of opportunities, you just need to make some money before you come so you have time to find something good. In my case it maight sound a bit simply, but a jst work a few hours with what i like and i can pay the rent of my flat :)
elrondtaurelin  - | 1  
17 Mar 2013 /  #27
hey everybody.if you looking for a job in warsaw pleas contact me.i have good ofert for you.the job is very comftible for a students.

888833249 Olek
saad rabbani  
1 Aug 2013 /  #28
i am working in pakistan, and i want to come poland for higher education in International Business studies, in warsaw university, what do u recomend me i already have a digree of MBA in project management and i have a working experience of 7 year in a transport firm as a finance manager,

Kindley tell if i should come to poland for not
Monitor  13 | 1810  
1 Aug 2013 /  #29
IMHO no point doing another diploma in Warsaw University.
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
1 Aug 2013 /  #30
Kindley tell if i should come to poland for not

do you want to do doctoral studies ?

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