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Szczecin - 10.000 Gross salary for a couple with child

Elliot Kelly  4 | 3  
13 May 2016 /  #1

I am moving to Poland with my wife and 3 yr old son in a couple months, probably in August/16.

On this first thread, I would like to know how will it be like to live with a salary of 10.000 PLN gross (Around 7k net) in the city of Szczecin.

If you can provide me with a break down of the most common costs of living for a family of 3 I will appreciate it.

Marsupial  - | 871  
13 May 2016 /  #2
It depends on your dwelling, start there. There is also rural properties there close enough to town. I know for a fact you can.live there and be in the city or country in 15 minutes. I take country any day. It has a cool inner city. Have fun.
smurf  38 | 1940  
13 May 2016 /  #3
If you can provide me with a break down of the most common costs of living for a family of 3 I will appreciate it.

numbeo is what you want.


I had a look there and it says

You would need around 7,263.13zł (1,645.75€) in Szczecin to maintain the same standard of life that you can have with 4,400.00€ in Dublin (assuming you rent in both). This calculation uses our Cost of Living Plus Rent Index to compare cost of living. This assumes net earnings (after income tax).

I compared Dublin coz that's where I lived most of my life.....also, your name is Kelly so I'm guessing you're Irish too. But yea, use the wesbite and compare where you are to Szczecin

Personally 7 grand would be OK if you didn't have dependents, on that kind of money your wife's gonna need to get a job too. Look, you'd survive on it, you definitely would, the only thing is you wouldn't be living the high life and your ability to save money month to month wouldn't be easy.

I wouldn't move here for that kind of money. Like do you seriously think it's going to be fun having a 3 person-family living on less than €1600 a month?
OP Elliot Kelly  4 | 3  
20 May 2016 /  #4
Thanks for your replies!

I used Numbeo as smurf suggested and living with the salary I was offered seems possible, but yeah: saving, traveling, going out, etc is going to be difficult.

Question: I still do not understand the logic about why you receive less money the last months of the year? This is very unfamiliar to me. Can someone please explain this? (If you can give me an example with the offered salary of 10k gross it would be great)

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
20 May 2016 /  #5
For employees there are two income tax rates - it depends on the sum of annual income. With that salary I think you will reach the higher rate near the end of the year. But If your wife won't work or will have low income, you can avoid it.
smurf  38 | 1940  
20 May 2016 /  #6
I still do not understand the logic about why you receive less money the last months of the year?

I've never heard of this and it certainly never happened to me before I went out on my own

Have they explained why?
jon357  72 | 23529  
20 May 2016 /  #7
I've never heard of this and it certainly never happened to me before I went out on my own

I had this once - a big drop in income in the summer. It's because they tax you monthly but don't average the annual rate like we're used to. Basically, you pay the lower rate tax at first, then when your income received in the tax year so far crosses the threshold for the higher tax rate you start paying it at that higher rate.

Something you just have to plan for unfortunately.

Btw, 7k net is OK to live on in Szczeciń - probably double what most people get and more than double the income of a lot of people around; north east Poland is a poor region. Nevertheless, those posters are right when they say you won't feel rich on that amount.

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