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Software Engineer in Wroclaw. Reasonable salary for this position?

raymccoy  5 | 12  
26 Apr 2010 /  #1
What salary could I reasonably ask for working in a role like this?

C++ Software Engineer for a very big international telecommunications company, in their engineering center in Wroclaw.

Thank you!
lateStarter  2 | 45  
28 Apr 2010 /  #2
I would think for a mid-level position, 9-10k PLN/month might be appropriate. You might try Samsung in Warsaw. They are always looking for warm bodies... It might be a bit less now since the economy has cooled off.
OP raymccoy  5 | 12  
28 Apr 2010 /  #3
That's the range I was considering, but I've been told by some people that that's way too much to ask for, that 5000 gross in Wroclaw is already a really good salary.

And with "warm bodies" you mean that they get you, exploit you and bury you in a mass grave once your soul has dried out? :D

Thank you for your reply!
trip_ash  - | 1  
8 Apr 2014 /  #4
Merged: Salary in Wroclaw - IT architect position

I have been offered a salary of around 9500 PLN gross/monthly , + housing allowance of 2000 PLN/monthly gross , for IT architect position

Will it be good enough for a family ( Wife ,3 year old Kid and me ) or should i negotiate more with my employer

Can some body tell me please the cost of living for a family in Wroclaw
7 Apr 2015 /  #5
Merged: Software Engineer Salary Wroclaw

Hi everyone,

I have been offered a position as a Software Engineer in Wroclaw. The offered salary is 6K PLN Gross.
I have 3 years of experience in the area and I hold both a Bachelor and a MSc from a Electrical & Computer Engineering School.
Personally I think the offered salary is really low for the type of job and my experience.
Consequently I was thinking of asking for 8K PLN gross.

I would appreciate your feedback.

DominicB  - | 2706  
8 Apr 2015 /  #6
Personally I think the offered salary is really low for the type of job and my experience.

The offered salary is 6K PLN Gross.

It is. Hardly worth coming to Poland for so little.

Consequently I was thinking of asking for 8K PLN gross.

Pretty much the minimum to make it worthwhile for a single male. Forget about it if you are bringing any family along. However, unless you have management experience or experience with exotic subjects, they are unlikely to offer you this much. You can try, but don't be surprised or disappointed if they say no. After all, 8,000 PLN a month comes out to a lousy $25,000 US, 23,000 Euro or 17,000 pounds. Hardly something to be thrilled about.

My advice is to seek employment in a richer Western or English-speaking country. Earnings, saving potential, career advancement and job satisfaction are much higher than in Poland. On the other hand, cost of living relative to wages is high in Poland, especially in the big popular cities of Warsaw, Kraków and Wrocław. More than anything, savings potential should be your prime concern.

Also, don't think of Poland as a "back door" to the richer countries EU. If you can't get in through the front door, beef up your qualifications at home and try again in a year or two.
8 Apr 2015 /  #7
Hi DominicB and everyone else,

I plan to come alone. I was working in Warsaw until last year. I stayed there for one and a half year and I was earning more with much less working experience. And Wroclaw is not that cheaper than Warsaw as far as I remember form my trip there.

Currently I am working in UK, but for my own personal reasons I have asked to be transferred to our local office in Wroclaw since I have this opportunity. So I will go on working for the same employer.

I really loved the country and the people in Poland and I know I can live better in Poland rather than in West Europe since I am East European.

Consequently I am not searching the back door to West Europe country. I am already here and I dont wanna stay :)
Saving money some is important but is not my top priority.

Although I am still thinking that my employee is "mistreating" me with the offered salary.
So I have to insist for 8K. Is not a crazy request right?

DominicB  - | 2706  
8 Apr 2015 /  #8
So I have to insist for 8K. Is not a crazy request right?

Not at all. You would be foolish to settle for 6k. And you're right. Wrocław is not much cheaper than Warsaw.
8 Apr 2015 /  #9
So after I complained and tried to negotiate with my employee I got an increased offer of 6416 per month gross (from 6000).

Any ideas guys?
I feel like being in a deadlock right now.
DominicB  - | 2706  
8 Apr 2015 /  #10
I got an increased offer of 6416 per month gross (from 6000).

That's less than a ten percent difference. Apparently, that is all they value you at. Actually, I would find a revised offer like that more insulting than sticking with the original offer. Maybe they are testing you to see how much of a sucker you are.

The thing that is going to hurt the most is the huge drop in savings potential in absolute dollars. You'll be earning a measly $20,000, or 14,000 pounds a year.

Personally, I can't see why you think it would be worth it. And most Polish engineers would agree. That's why so many of them emigrate to the UK, and not the other way around. But then you said you have your own private personal reasons, so you will have to weigh matters and decide if it's right for you.
8 Apr 2015 /  #11
DominicB and Polish friends,

Maybe you didnt understood that I was a bit sarcastic with the new offer and that I do not think that something has changed in my earnings actually.

A probably representative sample from glassdoor says that the average salary for a SW engineer in Wroclaw is more or less 87K.
Not an amazing offer but what I would expect. Which is actually a bit more than 8K gross per month. which is more or less 1400 EURO net.

My intentions is renting a flat close to the city centre (~400-500 Euro) spend a similar amount of money for my expenses (~400-500 Euro) and save an extra (~400 Euro). This is not such an illusion considering of a contract of 87K per year. I would be satisfied with such an offer and lifestyle.

Although the offer I have is to save just 100 Euro

87K is just an average salary which means there are also salaries of 100K for example or even more. So I think this is not such a poor life in Poland as you imagine. I am not speaking about jobs on really hot areas, contractors or jobs that require some really specific skills that can pay even more than that. So for some engineers even the money can be a good reason to work in Poland.

I didnt asked your opinion on which coutry I have to work - no offence man. ;)
and its OK even if call me a sucker! I realise that I am underestimated under these circumstances.
I am just trying to figure out that indeed this offer is really low considering similar job opportunities in Wroclaw. Or I live in parallel universe. Its obvious that you prefer the money in UK or Germany rather than the money of Poland... and this is totally respected.

So I would appreciate some feedback on my last post please from everyone and from you also DominicB.

Thank you in advance
frd  7 | 1379  
9 Apr 2015 /  #12

I know senior software developers ( java/C#/C++) in the international company I work for in Wrocław earn between 9-12k gross. That's usually between 3-5 years of experience. Regular developers earn between 6 - 9k. It doesn't sound that unreasonable although it is the lower margin.

A single person flat in the city centre should be closer to 400 euro than 500 euro in Wrocław.
Another "hidden" salary increase for software developers in Poland is the use of creative tax. If your company allows creative tax - tax reduction than you could be gaining several hundredth zlotys net extra.
DominicB  - | 2706  
9 Apr 2015 /  #13
Maybe you didnt understood that I was a bit sarcastic

I missed that. Sorry.

average salary for a SW engineer in Wroclaw is more or less 87K.

That's about 7250 PLN gross a month (not 8000). 5000 PLN a month, or 1250 Euros, after taxes. As a single young male, you can live comfortably, albeit modestly, on that much and have a little to save each month. Not much. About 250 Euros a month. Your goal of 400 Euros a month is a bit optimistic, and would require discipline and sacrifice.

A modest one-bedroom apartment near (not in) the city center will cost about 475 Euros, rent, estate fees and all utilities included except telephone/internet/TV, which should cost you about 25 Euros or so. A studio is a bit cheaper, about 400 Euros all inclusive.

Your city transit card will cost about 20 Euros.

Food and household supplies will cost you 200 to 300 Euros a month, less if you cook Polish staple foods at home, more if you eat out a lot.

Entertainment, recreation, continuing education, travel and big purchases like clothing and electronics are all wild cards. Depends on your lifestyle, taste and expectations.

That's about 800 to 1000 Euro right there. Leaving the rest for savings. At the 6400 gross they have offered, you would have to be extremely disciplined and frugal indeed to save up anything substantial at all. Like I said, your savings potential will be modest, at best.

I didnt asked your opinion on which coutry I have to work - no offence man. ;)

I just pointed out the biggest disadvantage of working in Poland. You'll have to decide whether it's worth it for your personal reasons. No offense taken, of course.

its OK even if call me a sucker!

I'd do no such thing.

I am just trying to figure out that indeed this offer is really low considering similar job opportunities in Wroclaw.

I agree with frd that this is at the low end of the normal range. You might have some ability to ask for more. You have to decide if it is enough for you to achieve your plans and goals.
frd  7 | 1379  
9 Apr 2015 /  #14
Taking that into consideration though, depending on the tech you're experienced in you could hope for an easier employer search and change once you're here. You could also hope for a substantial salary increase once you're a senior dev ( 4-5 years of experience ).
23 Apr 2015 /  #15
Finally I didnt accepted my company's offer. I agree that this is the lowest offer I can find in Wroclaw.

Consequently I am already servicing my notice period and I will come in Wroclaw next week to search a job in there. I have a friend to host me so I believe I am getting the right choice. My company is insisting that I am asking Warsaw level salary. Personally I dont think that 8 or even 9k gross is a Warsaw salary. I cannot accept a 6.4k gross offer when as a graduate two years ago I was getting a few hundreds more with just one year of experience.

Of course everything is subjective and depends how much you price yourself...
DominicB  - | 2706  
23 Apr 2015 /  #16
Personally I dont think that 8 or even 9k gross is a Warsaw salary.

It isn't, and there are companies in Wrocław that will pay that, or more. Don't sell yourself short. And don't fall for the story that Wrocław is substantially cheaper than Warsaw. The cost of living is just a smidgen lower, if anything at all.

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