Maybe you didnt understood that I was a bit sarcastic
I missed that. Sorry.
average salary for a SW engineer in Wroclaw is more or less 87K.
That's about 7250 PLN gross a month (not 8000). 5000 PLN a month, or 1250 Euros, after taxes. As a single young male, you can live comfortably, albeit modestly, on that much and have a little to save each month. Not much. About 250 Euros a month. Your goal of 400 Euros a month is a bit optimistic, and would require discipline and sacrifice.
A modest one-bedroom apartment near (not in) the city center will cost about 475 Euros, rent, estate fees and all utilities included except telephone/internet/TV, which should cost you about 25 Euros or so. A studio is a bit cheaper, about 400 Euros all inclusive.
Your city transit card will cost about 20 Euros.
Food and household supplies will cost you 200 to 300 Euros a month, less if you cook Polish staple foods at home, more if you eat out a lot.
Entertainment, recreation, continuing education, travel and big purchases like clothing and electronics are all wild cards. Depends on your lifestyle, taste and expectations.
That's about 800 to 1000 Euro right there. Leaving the rest for savings. At the 6400 gross they have offered, you would have to be extremely disciplined and frugal indeed to save up anything substantial at all. Like I said, your savings potential will be modest, at best.
I didnt asked your opinion on which coutry I have to work - no offence man. ;)
I just pointed out the biggest disadvantage of working in Poland. You'll have to decide whether it's worth it for your personal reasons. No offense taken, of course.
its OK even if call me a sucker!
I'd do no such thing.
I am just trying to figure out that indeed this offer is really low considering similar job opportunities in Wroclaw.
I agree with frd that this is at the low end of the normal range. You might have some ability to ask for more. You have to decide if it is enough for you to achieve your plans and goals.