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Polish Salary and Tax

kokoszyn  - | 6  
3 Aug 2015 /  #31
For your knowledge: Poland is a country of beggars and bums. Over 50% of population works here for less than 1800 zł net. It is very disturbing that foreigners are offered such cosmic salaries while most people here basically live in poverty. How is it possible? Western companies installed in Poland pay Western salaries to foreigners and african salaries to Poles? Isn't it discrimination? Just asking ;)
3 Aug 2015 /  #32
it's possible if the western expat has skills in demand and there are few to none locals that can cover that role.

I've expat friends from Italy, Bosnia and other countries working in outsourced IT (US companies), they get something like 8k net a month but even their polish colleagues get the same salary.

Yes for people working in Zabka maybe salaries are not so stellar, but indeed as you can c there are few to none competitors from the West in those jobs, most of the workers there are poles.
cms  9 | 1253  
3 Aug 2015 /  #33
I am guessing its an IT job and yes those salaries are high at the moment but I'm sure if Poles were able to fill the jobs then they would get offers at the going rate (assuming they speak English).

I think there are plenty of Polish IT specialists getting that money now - you can't compare the wages of farm hands, cleaners or parcel packers.

I do admit the whole shared service center thing is a bit weird - they get grants from the EU and Polish govt and Polish municipalities to start that and then they end up employing Indians there.
kokoszyn  - | 6  
3 Aug 2015 /  #34
Somehow it's hard for me to believe that we couldn't have our own young skilled people doing these jobs. Something is smelly here. Government should make a law accordingly to which employer must prove with details that he can't find a Pole who is able do to a job before he hires foreigner. And i don't talk about scam like: "ukrainian language demanded". We have a lot of skilled and educated people who work in fastfood restaurants because they can't find jobs fitting their qualifications.
cms  9 | 1253  
3 Aug 2015 /  #35
There is already such a law if you need to employ someone from outside the EU.
kokoszyn  - | 6  
3 Aug 2015 /  #36
> outside the EU

Maybe we should make such law for everybody? As i see, Poland becomes a country where natives are degraded to role of beggars and the only rich class that is slowly created consists mainly from foreigners. As if it wasn't enough that they rob us from 8 bln euro / year with using a transfer of capital.Western companies installed in Poland should be OBLIGED to hire only Poles, especially on highest position. It is a scandal that foreigners have Western or close-to-Western salaries in Poland. They have enough purchase power to screw every girl they want here and buy fancy things, while most Poles struggle to make ends meet. Poles working in the UK or other Western countries do low paid and low level jobs usually. I don't understand why here in Poland things must be different
InPolska  9 | 1796  
3 Aug 2015 /  #37
Yes, there is already a law (it's like that anywhere else in the world) and honestly I don't understand why those IT employers hire 3rd worlders rather than Poles. I doubt that Poles cannot work at such jobs.

Of course, when a native level knowledge of a particular language is requested, normal to hire a native speaker thereof but when the job language is English, people from Nepal, Turkey and so forth are not better at English than Poles are.

@Kokoszyn: 1. these companies only come to Poland because Polish government want them to come and 2. most of those 3rd worlders stcik to themselves and have very little (if any) contact with the average Pole.
cms  9 | 1253  
3 Aug 2015 /  #38
OK - now I understand, you are someone who possesses eccentric views.

There are still some jobs where you have to be Polish - being chairman of a bank is one, but not sure if any others still left ?

I know plenty of Poles making good careers in London, Paris, Frankfurt as accountants, bankers, IT specialists, in medicine and the arts.
kokoszyn  - | 6  
3 Aug 2015 /  #39
Every Polish or Western company hiring foreigners on high-paid jobs instead of Poles should be burned to the ground. Social frustration in Poland caused by low salaries is so hardcore already that it is only a matter of time when physical violence against immigrants will become more visible.

I know plenty of Poles making good careers in London, Paris, Frankfurt as accountants, bankers, IT specialists, in medicine and the arts.

They were supposed to make these careers here, not abroad
25 Nov 2015 /  #40
Merged: Salary

I have been offered 14000 pln per month salary. I wanted to know what are the deductions other than income tax - 32%? Is social security deduction included in this 32%? Pls help !
14 Dec 2015 /  #41
yes aditi, its included....your in hand would be ~9500...
Which company?
18 May 2016 /  #42
Read all of this and i worked with many Polish people and fhey are really good in it, when it comes to it companies, yes they have policy that is called non discrimination, nationality incuded btw, it companies saves money here and also pay huge taxes to Polish government, plenty things here in Poland, tell, what is this, flats it is investment in Poland, iphones and other things: ), girls, expats very rare have union with Poles, different culture and language. This is globalisatio and fair play. You prposing to discriminate foreigners because they have more skills and ready to work hard. I am not agree with you. 2xCcie and juniper proffesional, mcp and linux. Poles can organise Poles companies and produce plenty things by Poles for Poles. This is your idea. Poland very good and powerful country and you have possibiloty to work in Germany, Uk and France. We are expats dont have such possibilities.
porky pok  2 | 127  
18 May 2016 /  #43
why those IT employers hire 3rd worlders rather than Poles.

Because those people will do the same work for 3000pln netto for which a Pole would ask 9k and immigration to Poland is way easy.Until they regulate, it will only get worse.

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