so in the UK its possible to graduate with a BA (hons) at 19?
I will give you an example.
Stow College
HND Accounting = 2 years
Entry reruirement: Ideally 1 Higher Grade pass which should demonstrate good communication skills.
University of West of Scotland
BA Business Studies = 1 Year
Entry requirement: Year 3 Entry with an HND in an appropriate subject.
University of West of Scotland
Postgraduate Diploma Financial Services = 8 months FT
Entry requirement: Candidates for the Postgraduate Diploma should normally possess an Ordinary degree.
Diploma students who satisfy the progression requirements will then be eligible to pursue the MSc.
MSc = PG Diploma + Dissertation (ie, 8 months + 4 months)Total Time taken to get a MSc Degree in Financial Services starting with a HND Accounting = 4 years.The above was for illustration purposes only.