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Wage and Salary rates in Poland

moneymad  3 | 29  
13 Jul 2010 /  #1
Okay, below was taken from yahoo answers, how true does this reflect some Poles in Poland?

I have not typed anything below:

"The Polish media state that the average salary in Poland is around 2500 PLN (2 tys. 428,12 before tax in July 2004, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics in Poland), but most of the Poles just shake their heads in disbelief. (Lies, bloody lies and statistics).

"The media, you know, all the times says that on average people make between 2000 and 3000 PLN, but the truth is that most people make around 800 PLN. There are those that make more, even much more, but they are in minority."

Anna, a divorced mother, that lives in the capital, Warsaw, and makes 1000 PLN per month is not happy.

"I get also 250 PLN from my ex-husband for the kids support and 43 PLN family allowance from the state, which is a joke, really. I pay 700 PLN for the flat and the kindergarten is almost 300, bus and tram card is 66 PLN, phone bill 60 PLN. All that is left, less than 200 PLN for my and my daughter. When I think about it, I am in tears."

Anna's biggest problem is that she has to rent a flat on the open market and, thus, pay the market price. If she owned her own flat, the monthly payment would be much less, around 250 PLN.

The fact remains that if you are a Pole on a low salary, although you might manage to survive, you won't certainly be able to afford a car, a wide-screen TV, or summer vacation in Venice. Who said that life was meant to be easy? Although, Poland is a member of EU, it is still the poorest of its members and it will take many more years before all of its citizens will have an acceptable living standard. Poles do manage to survive, but not much more than that.
jablko  - | 104  
13 Jul 2010 /  #2
I say that polish media is right. My father who is simple forklift driver without much education gets about 1800 per month. My bro who works parttime at outpatient clinic (?not sure how its called in eng) gets around 1500. You get 800 zlotych from a job thats about putting boxes from one place to another...
David_18  65 | 966  
13 Jul 2010 /  #3

Call me if you got a job, im cheap labour force!!!!!

100 zloty/month YES!?!?!?!?!?!?
Olaf  6 | 955  
13 Jul 2010 /  #4
but the truth is that most people make around 800 PLN

you quote statiscics, you deny them and then you say that most people in Poland earn 800. Based on what??
OP moneymad  3 | 29  
13 Jul 2010 /  #5
Not my stats. I lifted the entire thing from yahoo answers.
GoskaGrad  - | 4  
13 Jul 2010 /  #6
Average salary in april according to the Central Bureau of Statistics in Poland:
3398.67 PLN (gross), 2434.77 PLN (net).
Minimum salary:
1276 PLN (gross), 954.96 PLN (net)
OP moneymad  3 | 29  
13 Jul 2010 /  #7
Many thanks
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
13 Jul 2010 /  #8
I lifted the entire thing from yahoo answers.

It's six years out of date. Poland's also experienced phenomenal growth during that time.

Come back with some upto date stats and we can talk.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
13 Jul 2010 /  #9
GoskaGrad wrote:

3398.67 PLN (gross),

although i'm quite sure based on the people I know and have spoken to that 3398 is too high, but even so, if you subtract ZUS from that and taxes, how does it come out to 2433?

ZUS is 800, and 19% tax on that is another 645. that gives you 1,953 zl. net.

A Polish friend of mine, 33 years old, master's degree from Poland and straight up FLUENT in English, just got a job about 4 months ago doing graphics design. he clears 2,000 per month.

who knows, maybe all the rich folk living in the big cities pump up the avg. somehow, but I think the stats found online are grossly inflated.
milky  13 | 1656  
13 Jul 2010 /  #10
but I think the stats found online are grossly inflated.

Pure tactic
Yes that is the case for sure, its all tactic to try and fool the people that all is well even though the living standard is sh1t. Even on this site people are always jumping in and claiming that Poles are making a fortune and that things are much cheaper there,when the truth couldn't be further.
13 Jul 2010 /  #11
ZUS is 800, and 19% tax on that is another 645. that gives you 1,953 zl. net.

Perhaps you might like to remember that not everybody has a one-person company?

who knows, maybe all the rich folk living in the big cities pump up the avg. somehow, but I think the stats found online are grossly inflated.

You seen the number of expensive cars in Warsaw these days? I'd rather trust GUS than somebody who can't even remember that not everybody has a one-person company.

Yes that is the case for sure, its all tactic to try and fool the people that all is well even though the living standard is sh1t.

The standard of life is very acceptable for those who actually get off their arsses and get a job. For the idiots who try to get rich quick by selling flashcards or approving photos for online dating sites, life must be terrible!
pgtx  29 | 3094  
13 Jul 2010 /  #12
approving photos for online dating sites

that's even a job? hehe... funny...
milky  13 | 1656  
13 Jul 2010 /  #13
Oh yea this Harry guy is one of these people.
13 Jul 2010 /  #14
that's even a job? hehe... funny...

Mark Beernut seems to think it is. Milky of course is one of the usernames Mark uses to spam forums with, which is why he's getting all upset now!

For an example of Mark's work, see:


I particularly like the bit where he boasts about being able to offer cheap rates because he gets the work done by people in Krakow. Way to go Mark! Complain about wages being low and then contribute to the problem by trying to pay low wages (if anybody was ever stupid enough to hire your company)!
milky  13 | 1656  
13 Jul 2010 /  #15
Mark Beernut seems to be name the straw-men use to describe everyone who disagrees with the shype.
13 Jul 2010 /  #16
As was proven in this post, polishforums.com/real-estate-20/house-prices-poland-drop-more-rise-again-30600/8/#msg900223, you are Mark Biernat. The same Mark who has been removed from google as is shown here [google.com/support/forum/p/Webmasters/thread?tid=61ee704a04 47cac0&hl=en[/url] !!!

It doesn't matter who milky is, if his posts don't break the rules.
Please, stop reminding us who you think/know he is, Harry.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Jul 2010 /  #17
ZUS is 800, and 19% tax on that is another 645. that gives you 1,953 zl. net.

Uh...you do realise that most people pay ZUS and tax as an employee, and not as a self employed person? And for those people, they pay 466zl in ZUS and around 500zl in tax. Or 2434zl netto.

Anyway, anyone registered as a sole trader who pays 1445zl a month on 3390 a month is doing something badly wrong!

A Polish friend of mine, 33 years old, master's degree from Poland and straight up FLUENT in English, just got a job about 4 months ago doing graphics design. he clears 2,000 per month.

You have some very strange friends - they all seem to be underachievers and don't seem to be doing much with themselves. I really wonder what's wrong with a 33 year old English speaking graphic designer if he can't make more than 2000zl a month - unless of course, he's not a graphic designer at all and instead learnt Photoshop in his bedroom.

You seen the number of expensive cars in Warsaw these days?

Or Poznan/Wroclaw for that matter? There's plenty of money flying around here.

although i'm quite sure based on the people I know and have spoken to that 3398 is too high

Well, given that you seem to know failures - I'm not surprised it's too high. 3300 a month for someone qualified and with a decent amount of experience is about normal here, perhaps even on the low side. Let's not forget that many people here are working quite happily on the black market.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
14 Jul 2010 /  #18
Harry wrote:

Perhaps you might like to remember that not everybody has a one-person company?

I know what my fiance earns, gross and net, and the percentage she takes home after all deductions is about the same as what I pay each month having my own company. same story with my poor graphics designer friend.

1,950. 2,434. 2,298, etc.....i think we can all agree that is shite money, which is the point of this thread.

Delphiandomine wrote:

Well, given that you seem to know failures

aaaahhhh, that's just your style isn't it, pappy.

how's lindenia doin' bud?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Jul 2010 /  #19
I know what my fiance earns, gross and net, and the percentage she takes home after all deductions is about the same as what I pay each month having my own company. same story with my poor graphics designer friend.

What are you talking about? The taxation rates really have no correlation between employed and self employed people. Of course, it depends how savvy you and your accountant are - but we pay flat rates of ZUS, whereas they pay percentages. Not the same thing at all.

1,950. 2,434. 2,298, etc.....i think we can all agree that is shite money, which is the point of this thread.

It's all relative. Of course, being 33 and only earning 2000 netto is very much on the low side, unless they live in the arse end of nowhere and living costs are next to nothing. But really, you'd have to have done rather badly in life to end up with such a low salary in a city.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
14 Jul 2010 /  #20
waluty.onet.pl/nie-bedzie-euro-w-2012-roku,18893,3322280,1,pras a-detal

short read, just noticed it on onet.pl

glad they mention teachers in Poland, their salaries are pathetic.

imagine Poland going to the euro currency.....teachers in public schools in Poland would be earning 300 euro per month :O
milky  13 | 1656  
14 Jul 2010 /  #21
.teachers in public schools in Poland would be earning 300 euro per month :O

Yea this is a fact, I personally know 2 teachers in Lublin and this is about what they earn.
I know several people with degrees earning less than 100 euros a week and they are not


Its simply a very badly run country and life is hard. There may me money in the country and some people driving around in fancy cars but a hell of a lot more people live on the bread-line. As for the black-economy im not sure but here in Ireland its rampant and the Dole here is is three times higher than what a Polish teacher earns.

Its funny how all the gold members on this site seem to think the average Pole is loaded. Its as if they are trying to paint a positive picture in order to attract naive property investors for their quickly de-valuing property.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
14 Jul 2010 /  #22
milky wrote:

Its funny how all the gold members on this site seem to think the average Pole is loaded.

Ziemowit  14 | 4035  
14 Jul 2010 /  #23
Harry was kind enough to explain this. Enterpreneurs like you make people live on the bread line.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Jul 2010 /  #24
glad they mention teachers in Poland, their salaries are pathetic.

Perhaps so, but when you consider the quality of many graduates going into teaching (ie, many of them are only doing teaching because they can't do anything else), it's no surprise.

Poland doesn't care about education, and this can be seen from the early years right through to the highest levels of universities. Yes, they pay lip service to it, but people simply don't want to invest the money needed to radically reform the system.

I know several people with degrees earning less than 100 euros a week and they are not failures

Kasia can't get a good job, then?

Let's be realistic - anyone earning less than 1600 a month with a degree has failed badly if they live in a big city.

Its simply a very badly run country and life is hard.

Life is hard? No, people here can afford to eat, and there's plenty of work for people who want to do it. Compare this to Spain - where people can't work, even if they want to.

Poland isn't rich, but it's stable.
milky  13 | 1656  
14 Jul 2010 /  #25

convex  20 | 3928  
14 Jul 2010 /  #26
Let's be realistic - anyone earning less than 1600 a month with a degree has failed badly if they live in a big city.

For fucs sake, I'm paying people €125 a day to do site surveys and basic basic installations/maintenance. I can't find enough qualified people...
OP moneymad  3 | 29  
14 Jul 2010 /  #27
Let's be realistic - anyone earning less than 1600 a month with a degree has failed badly if they live in a big city.

Sorry but laughable.
convex  20 | 3928  
14 Jul 2010 /  #28
I guess as long as they don't complain about it, it's alright. There are plenty of opportunities to make a decent wage here.
Moonlighting  31 | 233  
14 Jul 2010 /  #29
Last summer, the person who was to become my accountant told me that (so, it's for 2009), the lowest monthly salary in Poland is around 980 zł netto (the money that is actually disposable).
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Jul 2010 /  #30
Sorry but laughable.

You're right - I should have said that anyone earning less than 1600zl netto in a big city with a degree from a public institution is a failure.

the lowest monthly salary in Poland is around 980 zł netto (the money that is actually disposable).

Yeah, it's about that. But it's worth bearing in mind that what we consider to be minimum wage jobs in Western Europe are often not minimum wage here - such as working in a supermarket.

I can't find enough qualified people..

Common problem, it seems - they have qualifications but not the ability!

You should throw me a job/person specification - might be able to send some people your way.

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