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From the USA, is it hard to study in Poland?

A J  4 | 1075  
7 Aug 2010 /  #31
Oh just like my brother ;)

Your brother is smart. There's plenty of work to be found in this line of work, and multi-nationals aren't bothered about where you come from, because they are usually looking for people who speak two or more languages.

I think you are pretty too optimistic ;)

I don't think so, really. I have plenty of family members who are succesful abroad.

7 Aug 2010 /  #32
Your brother is smart. There's plenty of work to be found in this line of work, and multi-nationals aren't bothered about where you come from, because they are usually looking for people who speak two or more languages.

Actually he's already graduated for some 3 years. He works in HR but claims that he do things for what he didn't need to study psychology (he has graduated also other faculty before psychology)
A J  4 | 1075  
7 Aug 2010 /  #33
Well, if this job isn't satisfying for him, then he should know that there are plenty of job vacancies!

7 Aug 2010 /  #34
actually it satisfy him.
7 Aug 2010 /  #35
AdamKut, ever thought about distance learning, i.e. going online with a Polish university? It'd save ya a lot of money plus airfare!
7 Aug 2010 /  #36
going online with a Polish university?

online? do we have courses online??? no kidding...
7 Aug 2010 /  #37
No kidding, zetigrekzed!

It's truly amazing what's out there, girl. Oh, you're probably thinkin' "Who's this dude who just awoke out of a sound Rip Van Winkle slumber and hasn't been in touch with tech stuff", right? Well, you're wrong. I've never tried it, but if yer stapped fer cash, online maybe the way to go. Virtual universities are sprouting up all over the darn place-:))
7 Aug 2010 /  #38
Never heard about it in Poland and I doubt that we have something like that... such courses certainly can't give a degree.

There are things like "korespondencyjny kurs of something", but not in the uni education!
7 Aug 2010 /  #39
Did you read my previous two posts, half-Polish, half-English??
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
8 Aug 2010 /  #40

But tell me how is it possible to be tricked so easly??? I would understand it if they were some homeless or white trash... but collage students??? AND WORKERS OF THAT COLLAGE!?!? I hope they weren't some phds....
Its just shocking!

There are Rich and Poor but there is no institutionalized class system in the United States.
American educational system is different than Europe. It's based on open enrollment, anyone can attend. Everyone is encouraged to attend, as long as you have the money. Money is available through grants, scholarships, student loans (most common), military service or pay as you go (me) with part time jobs. So you get everyone in the University system from the brilliant to the dumbest. Many people start college, many people finish and get a degree, many people drop out and never finish. Or drop out and go back and finish later in life. The American university is very fluid.

Sweety, maybe it's you that's tricked so easily.. Europeans love to make these vids. Murray State is a little college in Kentucky.. it's not a reputable place. These are 2 guys?? Sorry, with 310 million people yes some will be very stupid.

Murray State is reputable. It's in the Kentucky State system. Probably somewhere around 15,000 students. Kentuckians don't argue, especially with strangers. So they'll go along even if they think everything isn't exactly right.

Zetigrek and AJ, you wanna study overseas? Try this: murraystate.edu/Students/International/GettingStarted.aspx
plk123  8 | 4120  
8 Aug 2010 /  #41
i don't really agree with most of the people who are saying that you shouldn't even consider college in PL.. it definitely depends on what you study/ if your Polish isn't excellent then you need to consider programs in English. there is a fair amount of those in PL now.. as to Polish college not counting as much as British or US university, that is true to some effect but not entirely. A friend of mine's brother has a medical degree from Jagielonian U and some other degree from U of Budapest and he works as a Doctor in the US without any issues.. I know another person about to commence pharmacy studies in PL and another who is a dentist from a PL university.. I don't think any of them will have any issues getting certified in the US and securing a job in any country.

so, like i said, it really depends on what you want to study..
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
8 Aug 2010 /  #42

i don't really agree with most of the people who are saying that you shouldn't even consider college in PL.. it definitely depends on what

I agree, it really depends on the student and if he is going to make the most of his education regardless of where it's at.
OP adamkut  1 | 5  
4 Dec 2010 /  #43
Merged thread:
I Want To Study In Poland

Hey guys.

I'm 17-years old and I'm in 11th grade in high school in USA. I always dreamed about studying in Poland. The only problem is I don't know where to start. I want to study business or management.

Can anyone tell me what I need to know about study in Poland? Do I need to take the SAT?
4 Dec 2010 /  #44
I want to study business or management.

it will be MUCH BETTER if you stay in the USA and study there. Poland's higher education level is not so high like in the US colleges. Unis here don't give such good oppotunities like those in the USA, you have to find intership on your own yo gey practical knowledge and no one will help you. Practical skills workshops almost don't exist, it's all about learning from books and going on lectures. Besides that in Poland there is many students and not everyone is able to find decent job not mention that your diploma can be worth next to nothing in the USA. I think you'll be disappointed.

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