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From the USA, is it hard to study in Poland?

adamkut  1 | 5  
6 Aug 2010 /  #1
I was born in Poland but moved to US at a young age. I'm considering going to college in Poland. I have couple of question if anyone knows.

Is it hard to get into a college in Poland for a student from a different country?

Do I first have to go to a college in USA and then transfer to Poland?
6 Aug 2010 /  #2
if I were in your place I wouldn't go to a uni in Poland. In USA you have really good colleges while in Poland the uni education don't give you so many oportunities as in America. Your diploma form Poland will be worth nothing in the USA and most of other countries. I suggest you to reconsider your decision.
Technika  - | 16  
6 Aug 2010 /  #3
Have to agree with zetigrek. Get your education in the USA and you'd be better off if you choose to work elsewhere.

If you want to experience university in Poland then do some course after you graduate college in the US or take a gap year or something.
OP adamkut  1 | 5  
6 Aug 2010 /  #4
Thanks for the answer.

But how about if I want to live in Poland after I graduate. Will it be easier for me to get a job in Poland beachwear I have a diploma from USA or it doesn't matter?

One more question, how about if I'm a average student, my grades are B, C, D, can i get accepted to a college in Poland. Do I also have to have a SAT score??
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Aug 2010 /  #5
If you want booze and hot women Poland is the right place for you.If you want career USA is better.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
6 Aug 2010 /  #6
move to Poland after you finish college in the States...it's better for your career...
A J  4 | 1075  
6 Aug 2010 /  #7
If you want booze and hot women Poland is the right place for you. If you want career USA is better.

I'm probably asking for too much, but I want booze, hot women *and* a career, so where do I go?


move to Poland after you finish college in the States...it's better for your career...

Are Universities in Poland really *that* bad?

pgtx  29 | 3094  
6 Aug 2010 /  #8
Are Universities in Poland really *that* bad?

i'd say that if he decides that he doesn't really want to live in Poland and returns to the States, his degree from the States will be worth more... Americans have no idea about schools and education in PL... US degree always looks better...
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
6 Aug 2010 /  #9
Are Universities in Poland really *that* bad?

it is not that they are bad, they don't score high in rankings, however based on my own experience- they have a log way to go.

Unless one studies medicine or dentistry and wants to remain within the EU borders, they are fine, but the OP is from the US - with a very different education system and if he ever decided to return to the US, he might have a hard time.

He should do a research as to what degrees are seeked in the US and they make a choice.
A J  4 | 1075  
6 Aug 2010 /  #10
i'd say that if he decides that he doesn't really want to live in Poland and returns to the States, his degree from the States will be worth more... Americans have no idea about schools and education in PL... US degree always looks better...

Makes sense.

it is not that they are bad, they don't score high in rankings, however based on my own experience- they have a log way to go.

Hmm.. Maybe I should stick to studying in Holland then. (Will cost me 30.000 € though!)

aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
6 Aug 2010 /  #11
Hmm.. Maybe I should stick to studying in Holland then. (Will cost me 30.000 € though!)

I think so. Check the international rankings.
A J  4 | 1075  
6 Aug 2010 /  #12
I couldn't see the VU in Amsterdam, but I did see the UvA on the 120th spot internationally, and on the 23th spot in Europe. I'm sorry folks, but I didn't see any Polish University on that list from 1 to 100. I guess this answer should suffice?

6 Aug 2010 /  #13
AJ take student's loan and stay in Holland. Go to Poland in summer breaks instead ;)
A J  4 | 1075  
6 Aug 2010 /  #14
AJ take student's loan and stay in Holland.

But it's always raining here!

Go to Poland in summer breaks instead ;)

Unless I have to work, because we don't want to be broke every semester, do we?

aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
6 Aug 2010 /  #15
I couldn't see the VU in Amsterdam, but I did see the UvA on the 120th spot internationally, and on the 23th spot in Europe. I'm sorry folks, but I didn't see any Polish University on that list from 1 to 100. I guess this answer should suffice?

well, that tells you something. If yo don't want to study in Holland, what about the Scottish or Welsh unis. You need to do a research in order to make an educated opinion.

Besides, school is hard work, so prepare yourself mentally for that:). Nobody said it was suppose to be easy, but knowing you, you would enjoy the challenge.

Also, you can apply for bursary, you need to keep an eye on that, I am sure the is a number of them accessible vis unis.

Look into Erasmus program as a part of your studies, or other EU programs.
A J  4 | 1075  
6 Aug 2010 /  #16
well, that tells you something. If yo don't want to study in Holland, what about the Scottish or Welsh unis.

It's not that I don't want to study in Holland, but I would like to be somewhere else for a change. (If that makes sense?) But maybe the Erasmus program will be a nice alternative aswell.

You need to do a research in order to make an educated opinion.

I know.

Besides, school is hard work, so prepare yourself mentally for that:). Nobody said it was suppose to be easy, but knowing you, you would enjoy the challenge.

I've already started with my VWO, which seems too easy so far! I'm going to request my first exams in May next year, and I will do my last exams in September next year, and after that I will file a request for a student loan and attend the VU in Amsterdam, unless I find a more exciting place to study! (So I have plenty of time to explore my options.)

Also, you can apply for bursary, you need to keep an eye on that, I am sure the is a number of them accessible vis unis.


Look into Erasmus program as a part of your studies, or other EU programs.

It seems the best alternative so far. (Thanks again for giving me ideas.)

aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
6 Aug 2010 /  #17
(If that makes sense?) But maybe the Erasmus program will be a nice alternative aswell.

yes, it does. If you really want it, you will find an alternative to Holland. Erasmus does not cover 4 years I think - you need to check it out. I don't know that program very well.

I've already started with my VWO, which seems too easy so far! I'm going to request my first exams in May next year, and I will do my last exams in September next year, and after that I will file a request for a student loan and attend the VU in Amsterdam, unless I find a more exciting place to study! (So I have plenty of time to explore my options.)

you do and you don't. I though the deadline for applying to unis was in April ?

(Thanks again for giving me ideas.)

any time:)

As for bursaries, every uni has some, but the problem is that there are deadlines to apply for them and they vary, so you need to watch for that. And always look for options, talk to other students since they are the best source of info really:)

link: amsterdam.info/students/scholarships just to give you an idea:)
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
7 Aug 2010 /  #18
Unless I have to work, because we don't want to be broke every semester, do we

I paid my way through the University by working in between semesters. I came out with zero debt. It's still possible today to do this in the United States. Of course depending on which State you decide to study in.
rychlik  41 | 372  
7 Aug 2010 /  #19
t is not that they are bad, they don't score high in rankings, however based on my own experience- they have a log way to go.
Unless one studies medicine or dentistry and wants to remain within the EU borders, they are fine, but the OP is from the US - with a very different education system and if he ever decided to return to the US, he might have a hard time.

Now hold on second. Aren't Poles considered one of the better educated countries in Europe? Aren't foreigners always beating yankees in math, science and pretty much everything else? Americans are d'umb. :)
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
7 Aug 2010 /  #20
Americans are d'umb. :)

Ahh, you're right of course, except for all the Nobel Prizes.. medical breakthroughs.. patents...computer languages written.. new muscial styles invented.. space exploration.. and a general standard a living that most "foreigners" can't begin to touch.

Sorry, "Dumb Yankee" is a mantra the European hums to himself every dreary night to get to bed. It's as comical as it is asinine.
7 Aug 2010 /  #21
Now hold on second. Aren't Poles considered one of the better educated countries in Europe?


Aren't foreigners always beating yankees in math, science and pretty much everything else?

They do. Mostly Asians.

Ahh, you're right of course, except for all the Nobel Prizes.. medical breakthroughs.. patents...computer languages written.. new muscial styles invented.. space exploration.. and a general standard a living that most "foreigners" can't begin to touch.

That we in Poland don't have good education doesn't mean you have...

Count for me how many Americans Nobels are of ppl with non-jewish and non-asian descent? (in these culture kids are motivated to learn by their own parents)

You have good Unis, no one would argue with that (not sure of every college). You have money so you to "buy" the best scientists all over the world and that's why american science is full of success

But still some of you:

Do Candians should switch on 24 hour clock???
Well on Murray State University they think they should... ;D
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
7 Aug 2010 /  #22
Bill Gates is a goy and I'm pretty sure he's not Euro or Asian bred. Steve Jobs.
I knew somebody would come up with "oh well, you just buy everyone you need." pretty fast. The first humans whoever flew were born in Ohio. Not Berlin, Paris.. They weren't named Wrightstein. He wasn't Henry Fordbaum.

Oh another retard yank, hmm.. you are right .. surely: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_D._Watson. No not Jewish , not a foreigner.. sorry..

Yes.. Euro / Asian is probably better and remembering math.. regurgitating info.. but not at creativity. Not at looking at things differently for the most part. This why Amerika has to entertain you.. you have no creativity yourself.. unless you have more creative ways to be lazy.

Also, Big thanks for the yet another youtube video of "stupid Americans". We don't make them about Europeans so much.. because typically we're busy working, inventing.. etc. No time to be jealous and petty so much. Perhaps you should adopt that mindset some time?? Pity.. Renaissance was a looong time ago, huh? You have fun in your little apartment tonight.. something I might use as a closet. No Jews hiding in there either.
7 Aug 2010 /  #23
Bill Gates is a goy and I'm pretty sure he's not Euro or Asian bred. Steve Jobs.

But the co-founder of google Sergiei Brim is an imigrant and what's more he is of jewish descent. The secong co-founder Larry Page is jewish.

I don't doubt that there are plenty of brilliant ppl who are non-asian and non-jewish and non-imigrants, just like in Poland even though we have awful education system (which has collapsed during last 15-20 years) there are some briliant ppl. A first example which comes to my mind now - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Siemionow who gave pride to american science... although she's just an imigrant educated in Poland.

Btw. I asked you about Nobel prize winners which is confiremed that most of american nobels are from ppl who are of jewish ancestry.

unless you have more creative ways to be lazy.

You say that about Poles?

Also, Big thanks for the yet another youtube video of "stupid Americans". We don't make them about Europeans so much.. because typically we're busy working, inventing..

But tell me how is it possible to be tricked so easly??? I would understand it if they were some homeless or white trash... but collage students??? AND WORKERS OF THAT COLLAGE!?!? I hope they weren't some phds....

Its just shocking!

No time to be jealous and petty so much. Perhaps you should adopt that mindset some time?? Pity.. Renaissance was a looong time ago, huh? You have fun in your little apartment tonight.. something I might use as a closet.

I'm rather humble person on daily basis , who can see either negatives and positives. I'm not the one who has idealised view of my country and I don't state that Poland is better in anything than USA, but still you should also stop idealize your own country.

Watch this:

Its seems that you Americans also say there's something wrong with your education so its not only a malisciouse and jealous Europeans thing.

No Jews hiding in there either.

Don't make yourself an atisemite...
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
7 Aug 2010 /  #24
Your diploma form Poland will be worth nothing in the USA and most of other countries.

What other countries? As far as I was aware a Polish degree is transferrable in the EU..So if he wanted to work in Europe afterwards he'd be fine.

As for America, its got world top ranking education facilities...You cant argue with the facts.
7 Aug 2010 /  #25
What other countries? As far as I was aware a Polish degree is transferrable in the EU..So if he wanted to work in Europe afterwards he'd be find.

Yes theoretically. But the truth is that noone would hire a Pole to jobs which are more than cleaning toilets. And we all know that in Poland. (exeptions are medical science degrees and IT specialist, some nursing schools diplomas... sometimes some of engeeners if there is a shortage)
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
7 Aug 2010 /  #26
You say that about Poles?

Most Poles are stuck in a Socialist mindset.. so yes I would say a lot of Poles are lazy. Take a lot of holidays... want the government to look after them. Seanus has confirmed this to me. I think that's pathetic.. I won't lie.

collage students??? AND WORKERS OF THAT COLLAGE!?!?

Maybe if you're making a point to slam others for lack of intelligence you should learn to navigate basic spelling?? The advanced , superhuman European shouldn't need a spellcheck. ; -/

But tell me how is it possible to be tricked so easly???

Sweety, maybe it's you that's tricked so easily.. Europeans love to make these vids. Murray State is a little college in Kentucky.. it's not a reputable place. These are 2 guys?? Sorry, with 310 million people yes some will be very stupid.

Actually, it's rather stupid you don't realize this. I thought you are the Kings and Queens of Maths. Try to focus on basic statistics a little?
A J  4 | 1075  
7 Aug 2010 /  #27
Yes theoretically. But the truth is that noone would hire a Pole to jobs which are more than cleaning toilets.

Unless you get with, socialize with or even marry someone who's from the country, and do your best to integrate. If you choose to stay a Pole abroad, then yes, you will get nothing but the menial tasks, but that's not because you're Polish. It has more to do with the fact you'll stay a foreign stranger that way.

7 Aug 2010 /  #28
Take a lot of holidays...

If you would be abused so much by your employers you would also take lots of holidays. Only idiots devote their whole lives to the companies who pay them little money. try to work for 1500 PLN netto. Of course you would call such ppl lazy... yep I know that slavery is a part of American culture.

Seanus has confirmed this to me.

Oh of course Seanus must be a really hard working man. How many hours a week does he work? He is all the time on this forum so i think just a few.

learn to navigate basic spelling??

and you don't have any argument to answer back? Yes my english is awful, I write fast and have no time to check every word in dictionary. Attacking me doesn't change the fact that this video is shocking and I wonder how is it possible... maybe its fake but why the hell do americans participate in such videos which ridicule them?

The advanced , superhuman European shouldn't need a spellcheck. ; -/

Go to a therapist. I've already said I don;t feel superior to Americans in any aspect. I just don't like when average American feels superior to rest of the world... you don't have any reason for that.

Murray State is a little college in Kentucky.. it's not a reputable place.

But they give diplomas. How many of such little college do you have in USA??? And how many ppl with such college diplomas who can be fooled like that so easly?

Actually, it's rather stupid you don't realize this. I thought you are the Kings and Queens of Maths. Try to focus on basic statistics a little?

Why do Americans are so self-loved narcistic as*holes? Oh tell me? When a Pole is acting like you trying to defend from unjustice stereotypical jurdgements then you say that they can't face the negatives about Poland, but when American is told some negative things about the USA then its a vile lie and jealousy...

...................................................................... ..............................................

If you choose to stay a Pole abroad, then yes, you will get nothing but the menial tasks, but that's not because you're Polish.

you will never learn English to an extend which won't betray that you a foreigner. You can apply for jobs that are in shortage of specialist, then yes they will accpet anybody. you can be also brilliant in something... then maybe yes, genius are all welcome. But for instance a polish psychology teraphist (you said you wanna be psychologist, am I right?) can' work with native english ppl. Could you imagine that?

A polish lawer won't make it on british market (unless he make a specification to counsel polish imigrants only).
A J  4 | 1075  
7 Aug 2010 /  #29
you will never learn English to an extend which won't betray that you a foreigner.

I know some Polish girls who speak Dutch perfectly. I would never have guessed they were Polish.

You can apply for jobs that are in shortage of specialist, then yes they will accpet anybody. you can be also brilliant in something... then maybe yes, genius are all welcome.

Don't underestimate social participation.

But for instance a polish psychology teraphist (you said you wanna be psychologist, am I right?) can' work with native english ppl. Could you imagine that?

Maybe not in an instant, but that's probably because the cultural and social aspects are important in that field of work. I don't want to be a therapist though, I want to specialize in Occupational Psychology. I'm willing to bet that if you spend a few years in England first while socializing and integrating completely, you'll be able to find such jobs eventually. People usually know people, and once you're known and become a valued member within the community, the possibilities might surprise you.

A polish lawer won't make it on british market (unless he make a specification to counsel polish imigrants only).

Maybe not right away in most cases, but like I've said, you can choose to remain a Pole abroad, or blend in because you want to be just as English as the rest, which will make a huge difference. That's all I'm saying. Of course most people won't accept you right away, but it's always up to you to do something about that.

7 Aug 2010 /  #30
Occupational Psychology

Oh just like my brother ;)

Maybe not right away in most cases, but like I've said, you can choose to remain a Pole abroad, or blend in because you want to be just as English as the rest, which will make a huge difference. That's all I'm saying.

I think you are pretty too optimistic ;)

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